[英]Returns a list of objects that are contained in the message header
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
* Transfer relevant header information from the old message (incoming) to the new message (outgoing)
* @param newMsg
* @param oldMsg
protected void transferMessageHeaders( Message newMsg, Message oldMsg ) {
if( oldMsg == null ) return;
// For the present, simply copy all the headers
if( !oldMsg.getHeaders().isEmpty() ) newMsg.getHeaders().putAll( oldMsg.getHeaders() );
} // end transferMessageHeaders
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
* Extracts the RELATES_TO header from the message
* @param msg - the Tuscany message
* @return - the value of the RELATES_TO header as a String
private String getMessageRelatesID( Message msg ) {
return (String)msg.getHeaders().get("RELATES_TO");
} // end method getMessageRelatesID
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-policy-security
public static Principal getPrincipal(Message msg){
return (Principal)msg.getHeaders().get(PrincipalString);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
public static Principal getPrincipal(Message msg){
return (Principal)msg.getHeaders().get(PrincipalString);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-policy-security
public static Subject getSubject(Message msg){
Subject subject = (Subject)msg.getHeaders().get(SubjectString);
if (subject == null){
subject = new Subject();
msg.getHeaders().put(SubjectString, subject);
return subject;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
public static Subject getSubject(Message msg){
Subject subject = (Subject)msg.getHeaders().get(SubjectString);
if (subject == null){
subject = new Subject();
msg.getHeaders().put(SubjectString, subject);
return subject;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
public ResponseDispatchImpl( Message msg ) {
respInvoker = (AsyncResponseInvoker<?>)msg.getHeaders().get(Constants.ASYNC_RESPONSE_INVOKER);
//if( respInvoker == null ) throw new ServiceRuntimeException("Async Implementation invoked with no response invoker");
if( respInvoker == null ) {
callbackRef = getAsyncCallbackRef( msg );
} // end if
messageID = (String) msg.getHeaders().get(Constants.MESSAGE_ID);
} // end constructor
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-binding-ws-runtime-axis2
* Handle a SOAP wsa:MessageID header - place the contents into the Tuscany message for use by any callback
* @param header - the SOAP Headers
* @param msg - the Tuscany Message
private void handleMessageIDHeader( SOAPHeader header, Message msg ) {
if( header == null ) return;
OMElement messageID = header.getFirstChildWithName(QNAME_WSA_MESSAGEID);
if (messageID != null) {
String idValue = messageID.getText();
// Store the value of the message ID element into the message under "WS_MESSAGE_ID"...
msg.getHeaders().put(Constants.MESSAGE_ID, idValue);
} // end if
} // end method handleMessageID
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
public Subject getSecuritySubject() {
Message msgContext = ThreadMessageContext.getMessageContext();
if (msgContext == null){
// message in thread context could be null if the user has
// spun up a new thread inside their component implementation
return null;
Subject subject = null;
for (Object header : msgContext.getHeaders().values()){
if (header instanceof Subject){
subject = (Subject)header;
return subject;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
* If you have a Tuscany message you can call this
public void invokeAsyncResponse(Message responseMessage) {
responseMessage.getHeaders().put(Constants.ASYNC_RESPONSE_INVOKER, this);
responseMessage.getHeaders().put(Constants.RELATES_TO, relatesToMsgID);
if (isNativeAsync){
// process the response as a native async response
} else {
// process the response as a non-native async response
} // end method invokeAsyncReponse(Message)
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-binding-ws-runtime-axis2
* Handle a SOAP wsa:RelatesTo header - place the contents into the Tuscany message for use by any callback
* @param header - the SOAP Headers
* @param msg - the Tuscany Message
private void handleRelatesToHeader( SOAPHeader header, Message msg ) {
if( header == null ) return;
OMElement messageID = header.getFirstChildWithName(QNAME_WSA_RELATESTO);
if (messageID != null) {
String idValue = messageID.getText();
// Store the value of the message ID element into the message under "RELATES_TO"...
msg.getHeaders().put(Constants.RELATES_TO, idValue);
} // end if
} // end method handleMessageID
} // end class AsyncResponseHandler
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
* Handle a SOAP wsa:RelatesTo header - place the contents into the Tuscany message for use by any callback
* @param header - the SOAP Headers
* @param msg - the Tuscany Message
private void handleRelatesToHeader( SOAPHeader header, Message msg ) {
if( header == null ) return;
Iterator<SOAPElement> it = header.getChildElements(QNAME_WSA_RELATESTO);
SOAPElement relatesTo = it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null;
if (relatesTo != null) {
String relatesToVal = relatesTo.getTextContent();
msg.getHeaders().put(Constants.RELATES_TO, relatesToVal);
} // end if
} // end method handleRelatesToHeader
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
* Handle a SOAP wsa:MessageID header - place the contents into the Tuscany message for use by any callback
* @param header - the SOAP Headers
* @param msg - the Tuscany Message
private void handleMessageIDHeader( SOAPHeader header, Message msg ) {
if( header == null ) return;
Iterator<SOAPElement> it = header.getChildElements(QNAME_WSA_MESSAGEID);
SOAPElement messageID = it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null;
if (messageID != null) {
String idValue = messageID.getTextContent();
msg.getHeaders().put(Constants.MESSAGE_ID, idValue);
} // end if
} // end method handleMessageID
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-binding-jms-runtime
public Message invokeRequest(Message tuscanyMsg) {
try {
javax.jms.Message jmsMsg = tuscanyMsg.getBody();
// Handle MESSAGE_ID field of the JMS message, which is used to correlate async callbacks
String msgID = (String)jmsMsg.getObjectProperty("MESSAGE_ID");
if( msgID != null ) {
tuscanyMsg.getHeaders().put("MESSAGE_ID", msgID);
} // end if
} catch (JMSException e) {
throw new JMSBindingException(e);
} // end try
return tuscanyMsg;
} // end method invokeRequest
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
* Sets the values of various headers in the response message
private void setResponseHeaders() {
// Is there an existing message context?
Message msgContext = ThreadMessageContext.getMessageContext();
if( msgContext == null ) {
// Create a message context
msgContext = msgFactory.createMessage();
} // end if
// Add in the header for the RelatesTo Message ID
msgContext.getHeaders().put(Constants.RELATES_TO, messageID);
} // end method setResponseHeaders
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
public Message invoke(Message msg) {
// Deal with async callback
// Ensure invocation chains are built...
// async callback handling
if( this.isAsyncInvocation() && !this.getCallbackEndpointReferences().isEmpty() ) {
RuntimeEndpointReference asyncEPR = (RuntimeEndpointReference) this.getCallbackEndpointReferences().get(0);
// Place a link to the callback EPR into the message headers...
msg.getHeaders().put(Constants.ASYNC_CALLBACK, asyncEPR );
// end of async callback handling
return invoker.invokeBinding(msg);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
public void invokeAsyncResponse(Message msg) {
msg = processResponse(msg);
// Handle async response Relates_To message ID value
AsyncResponseInvoker<RuntimeEndpointReference> respInvoker =
// TODO - this deals with the Local case only - not distributed
if( respInvoker != null && "SCA_LOCAL".equals(respInvoker.getBindingType()) ) {
RuntimeEndpointReference responseEPR = respInvoker.getResponseTargetAddress();
String msgID = respInvoker.getRelatesToMsgID();
msg.getHeaders().put("RELATES_TO", msgID);
} // end if
InvokerAsyncResponse thePrevious = (InvokerAsyncResponse)getPrevious();
if (thePrevious != null ) thePrevious.invokeAsyncResponse(msg);
} // end method invokeAsyncResponse
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-binding-ws-runtime-axis2
* Setup the necessary infrastructure for the Async response handling
* @param msg
* @param callbackAddress
private void setupAsyncResponse(Message msg, String callbackAddress) {
if( !endpoint.isAsyncInvocation() ) return;
RuntimeEndpointReference asyncCallback = endpoint.getAsyncServerCallback();
// Create a response invoker, containing the callback address and add it to the message headers
AsyncResponseInvoker<String> respInvoker =
new AsyncResponseInvoker<String>(endpoint, asyncCallback,
msg.getOperation().getName(), messageFactory);
msg.getHeaders().put(Constants.ASYNC_RESPONSE_INVOKER, respInvoker);
} // end method setupAsyncResponse
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-binding-sca-runtime
public void invokeAsyncResponse(Message msg) {
msg = processResponse(msg);
// Handle async response Relates_To message ID value
AsyncResponseInvoker<RuntimeEndpointReference> respInvoker =
// TODO - this deals with the Local case only - not distributed
if( respInvoker != null && "SCA_LOCAL".equals(respInvoker.getBindingType()) ) {
RuntimeEndpointReference responseEPR = respInvoker.getResponseTargetAddress();
String msgID = respInvoker.getRelatesToMsgID();
msg.getHeaders().put("RELATES_TO", msgID);
} // end if
InvokerAsyncResponse thePrevious = (InvokerAsyncResponse)getPrevious();
if (thePrevious != null ) thePrevious.invokeAsyncResponse(msg);
} // end method invokeAsyncResponse
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tuscany.sca/tuscany-base-runtime
* Creates a service reference for the async callback, based on information contained in the supplied message
* @param msg - the incoming message
* @return - a CallBackServiceReference
private ServiceReference<AsyncResponseHandler<?>> getAsyncCallbackRef( Message msg ) {
RuntimeEndpointReference callbackEPR = (RuntimeEndpointReference) msg.getHeaders().get(Constants.ASYNC_CALLBACK);
if( callbackEPR == null ) return null;
CompositeContext compositeContext = callbackEPR.getCompositeContext();
registry = compositeContext.getExtensionPointRegistry();
ProxyFactory proxyFactory = ExtensibleProxyFactory.getInstance(registry);
msgFactory = getMessageFactory();
List<EndpointReference> eprList = new ArrayList<EndpointReference>();
ObjectFactory<?> factory = new CallbackReferenceObjectFactory(AsyncResponseHandler.class, proxyFactory, eprList);
return (ServiceReference<AsyncResponseHandler<?>>) factory.getInstance();
} // end method getAsyncCallbackEPR