[英]Reads and validates the ObjectInputStream header from the source stream.
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Constructs a new ObjectInputStream that reads from the InputStream
* {@code input}.
* @param input
* the non-null source InputStream to filter reads on.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs while reading the stream header.
* @throws StreamCorruptedException
* if the source stream does not contain serialized objects that
* can be read.
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream input) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException {
this.input = (input instanceof DataInputStream)
? (DataInputStream) input : new DataInputStream(input);
primitiveTypes = new DataInputStream(this);
enableResolve = false;
this.subclassOverridingImplementation = false;
nestedLevels = 0;
// So read...() methods can be used by
// subclasses during readStreamHeader()
primitiveData = this.input;
// Has to be done here according to the specification
primitiveData = emptyStream;
代码示例来源:origin: com.akiban/akiban-persistit
protected final void readStreamHeader() throws IOException {
if (_classDescriptor == null)
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header: EFBFBDEF
at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readStreamHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:782)
at java.io.ObjectInputStream.<init>(ObjectInputStream.java:279)
代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt
* Constructs a new ObjectInputStream that reads from the InputStream
* {@code input}.
* @param input
* the non-null source InputStream to filter reads on.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs while reading the stream header.
* @throws StreamCorruptedException
* if the source stream does not contain serialized objects that
* can be read.
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream input) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException {
this.input = (input instanceof DataInputStream)
? (DataInputStream) input : new DataInputStream(input);
primitiveTypes = new DataInputStream(this);
enableResolve = false;
this.subclassOverridingImplementation = false;
nestedLevels = 0;
// So read...() methods can be used by
// subclasses during readStreamHeader()
primitiveData = this.input;
// Has to be done here according to the specification
primitiveData = emptyStream;
代码示例来源:origin: com.jtransc/jtransc-rt
* Constructs a new ObjectInputStream that reads from the InputStream
* {@code input}.
* @param input the non-null source InputStream to filter reads on.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the stream header.
* @throws StreamCorruptedException if the source stream does not contain serialized objects that
* can be read.
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream input) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException {
this.input = (input instanceof DataInputStream)
? (DataInputStream) input : new DataInputStream(input);
primitiveTypes = new DataInputStream(this);
enableResolve = false;
this.subclassOverridingImplementation = false;
nestedLevels = 0;
// So read...() methods can be used by
// subclasses during readStreamHeader()
primitiveData = this.input;
// Has to be done here according to the specification
primitiveData = emptyStream;
代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm
* Constructs a new ObjectInputStream that reads from the InputStream
* {@code input}.
* @param input
* the non-null source InputStream to filter reads on.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs while reading the stream header.
* @throws StreamCorruptedException
* if the source stream does not contain serialized objects that
* can be read.
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream input) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException {
this.input = (input instanceof DataInputStream)
? (DataInputStream) input : new DataInputStream(input);
primitiveTypes = new DataInputStream(this);
enableResolve = false;
this.subclassOverridingImplementation = false;
nestedLevels = 0;
// So read...() methods can be used by
// subclasses during readStreamHeader()
primitiveData = this.input;
// Has to be done here according to the specification
primitiveData = emptyStream;
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Constructs a new ObjectInputStream that reads from the InputStream
* {@code input}.
* @param input
* the non-null source InputStream to filter reads on.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs while reading the stream header.
* @throws StreamCorruptedException
* if the source stream does not contain serialized objects that
* can be read.
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream input) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException {
this.input = (input instanceof DataInputStream)
? (DataInputStream) input : new DataInputStream(input);
primitiveTypes = new DataInputStream(this);
enableResolve = false;
this.subclassOverridingImplementation = false;
nestedLevels = 0;
// So read...() methods can be used by
// subclasses during readStreamHeader()
primitiveData = this.input;
// Has to be done here according to the specification
primitiveData = emptyStream;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Constructs a new ObjectInputStream that reads from the InputStream
* {@code input}.
* @param input
* the non-null source InputStream to filter reads on.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs while reading the stream header.
* @throws StreamCorruptedException
* if the source stream does not contain serialized objects that
* can be read.
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream input) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException {
this.input = (input instanceof DataInputStream)
? (DataInputStream) input : new DataInputStream(input);
primitiveTypes = new DataInputStream(this);
enableResolve = false;
this.subclassOverridingImplementation = false;
nestedLevels = 0;
// So read...() methods can be used by
// subclasses during readStreamHeader()
primitiveData = this.input;
// Has to be done here according to the specification
primitiveData = emptyStream;
代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt
* Constructs a new ObjectInputStream that reads from the InputStream
* {@code input}.
* @param input
* the non-null source InputStream to filter reads on.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs while reading the stream header.
* @throws StreamCorruptedException
* if the source stream does not contain serialized objects that
* can be read.
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream input) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException {
this.input = (input instanceof DataInputStream)
? (DataInputStream) input : new DataInputStream(input);
primitiveTypes = new DataInputStream(this);
enableResolve = false;
this.subclassOverridingImplementation = false;
nestedLevels = 0;
// So read...() methods can be used by
// subclasses during readStreamHeader()
primitiveData = this.input;
// Has to be done here according to the specification
primitiveData = emptyStream;
代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt
* Constructs a new ObjectInputStream that reads from the InputStream
* {@code input}.
* @param input
* the non-null source InputStream to filter reads on.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs while reading the stream header.
* @throws StreamCorruptedException
* if the source stream does not contain serialized objects that
* can be read.
public ObjectInputStream(InputStream input) throws StreamCorruptedException, IOException {
this.input = (input instanceof DataInputStream)
? (DataInputStream) input : new DataInputStream(input);
primitiveTypes = new DataInputStream(this);
enableResolve = false;
this.subclassOverridingImplementation = false;
nestedLevels = 0;
// So read...() methods can be used by
// subclasses during readStreamHeader()
primitiveData = this.input;
// Has to be done here according to the specification
primitiveData = emptyStream;
代码示例来源:origin: jtulach/bck2brwsr
vlist = new ValidationList();
enableOverride = false;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apidesign.bck2brwsr/emul
vlist = new ValidationList();
enableOverride = false;