[英]Statement providing convenience result handling for SQL queries.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
StringUtils.format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %1$s WHERE %2$s = :key", tableName, keyColumn)
.bind("key", key)
if (count == 0) {
"INSERT INTO %1$s (%2$s, %3$s) VALUES (:key, :value)",
.bind("key", key)
.bind("value", value)
} else {
"UPDATE %1$s SET %3$s=:value WHERE %2$s=:key",
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public List<String> inTransaction(Handle handle, TransactionStatus status)
return handle.createQuery(reverseFetchQuery)
.bind("val", value)
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
private List<SegmentIdWithShardSpec> getPendingSegmentsForIntervalWithHandle(
final Handle handle,
final String dataSource,
final Interval interval
) throws IOException
final List<SegmentIdWithShardSpec> identifiers = new ArrayList<>();
final ResultIterator<byte[]> dbSegments =
"SELECT payload FROM %1$s WHERE dataSource = :dataSource AND start <= :end and %2$send%2$s >= :start",
dbTables.getPendingSegmentsTable(), connector.getQuoteString()
.bind("dataSource", dataSource)
.bind("start", interval.getStart().toString())
.bind("end", interval.getEnd().toString())
while (dbSegments.hasNext()) {
final byte[] payload = dbSegments.next();
final SegmentIdWithShardSpec identifier = jsonMapper.readValue(payload, SegmentIdWithShardSpec.class);
if (interval.overlaps(identifier.getInterval())) {
return identifiers;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public boolean tableExists(Handle handle, String tableName)
return !handle.createQuery("select * from SYS.SYSTABLES where tablename = :tableName")
.bind("tableName", StringUtils.toUpperCase(tableName))
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public Timestamp withHandle(Handle handle)
final String query = StringUtils.format(
tsColumn, table
return handle
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testDoubleCleanup()
throws Exception
final Handle handle = dbi.open();
final Query<Integer> q = handle
.createQuery("SELECT id FROM something")
final ResultIterator<Integer> it = q.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testDefines() throws Exception
handle.attach(Kangaroo.class).weirdInsert("something", "id", "name", 5, "Bouncer");
String name = handle.createQuery("select name from something where id = 5")
assertThat(name, equalTo("Bouncer"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testDoesNotExist() throws Exception
h.execute("insert into something (id, name) values (1, 'Coda')");
h.registerContainerFactory(new MaybeContainerFactory());
Maybe<String> rs = h.createQuery("select name from something where id = :id")
.bind("id", 2)
assertThat(rs.isKnown(), equalTo(false));
代码示例来源:origin: rakam-io/rakam
private Lock tryLock(String name, int tryCount) {
try {
if (currentHandle.getConnection().isClosed()) {
synchronized (this) {
currentHandle = dbi.open();
Boolean first = currentHandle.createQuery("select pg_try_advisory_lock(:name)")
.bind("name", name.hashCode())
currentHandle.createQuery("select pg_advisory_unlock(:name)")
.bind("name", name.hashCode())
} catch (SQLException e) {
try {
if (currentHandle.getConnection().isClosed()) {
synchronized (this) {
currentHandle = dbi.open();
currentHandle = dbi.open();
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testFluentApi() throws Exception
Map<String, Team> teams = handle.createQuery("select t.name as teamName, " +
" t.mascot as mascot, " +
" p.name as personName, " +
" p.role as role " +
"from team t inner join person p on (t.name = p.team)")
.fold(Maps.<String, Team>newHashMap(), new TeamFolder());
assertThat(teams, equalTo(expected));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testRegisterOnDBI() throws Exception
dbi.registerArgumentFactory(new NameAF());
Handle h2 = dbi.open();
h2.createStatement("insert into something (id, name) values (:id, :name)")
.bind("id", 7)
.bind("name", new Name("Brian", "McCallister"))
String full_name = h.createQuery("select name from something where id = 7").mapTo(String.class).first();
assertThat(full_name, equalTo("Brian McCallister"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.commons/killbill-jdbi
@Category(JDBIQuarantineTests.class) // Feature disabled
public void testRegisterOnHandle() throws Exception
h.registerArgumentFactory(new NameAF());
h.createStatement("insert into something (id, name) values (:id, :name)")
.bind("id", 7)
.bind("name", new Name("Brian", "McCallister"))
String full_name = h.createQuery("select name from something where id = 7").map(StringMapper.FIRST).first();
assertThat(full_name, equalTo("Brian McCallister"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testRegisterOnHandle() throws Exception
h.registerArgumentFactory(new NameAF());
h.createStatement("insert into something (id, name) values (:id, :name)")
.bind("id", 7)
.bind("name", new Name("Brian", "McCallister"))
String full_name = h.createQuery("select name from something where id = 7").mapTo(String.class).first();
assertThat(full_name, equalTo("Brian McCallister"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testOnList() throws Exception
h.registerContainerFactory(new ImmutableListContainerFactory());
h.execute("insert into something (id, name) values (1, 'Coda')");
h.execute("insert into something (id, name) values (2, 'Brian')");
ImmutableList<String> rs = h.createQuery("select name from something order by id")
assertThat(rs, equalTo(ImmutableList.of("Coda", "Brian")));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testBindConstantValue() throws Exception
UsesBatching b = handle.attach(UsesBatching.class);
List<Integer> ids = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
b.withConstantValue(ids, "Johan");
assertThat(b.size(), equalTo(5));
List<String> names = handle.createQuery("select distinct name from something")
assertThat(names, equalTo(Arrays.asList("Johan")));
代码示例来源:origin: rakam-io/rakam
public List<ProjectKeyPermission> apiKeyOwners(int project, List<String> readKeys) {
try (Handle handle = dbi.open()) {
return handle.createQuery("select read_key, web_user.email, web_user_api_key.created_at from web_user_api_key \n" +
"join web_user_api_key_permission permission on (permission.api_key_id = web_user_api_key.id and permission.read_permission)\n" +
"join web_user on (web_user.id = permission.user_id)\n" +
"where read_key = any (:keys) and web_user_api_key.project_id = :project")
.bind("keys", handle.getConnection().createArrayOf("text", readKeys.toArray()))
.bind("project", project)
.map((index, r, ctx) -> {
return new ProjectKeyPermission(r.getString(1), r.getString(2), r.getTimestamp(3).toInstant());
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: rakam-io/rakam
@ApiParam("type_id") int type_id,
@ApiParam("emails") List<String> emails) {
try (Handle handle = dbi.open()) {
int id = handle.createQuery("INSERT INTO scheduled_email (project_id, user_id, date_interval, hour_of_day, name, type, type_id, emails, enabled) " +
"VALUES (:project, :user_id, :date_interval, :hour_of_day, :name, :type, :type_id, :emails, true) RETURNING id")
.bind("project", project.project)
.bind("user_id", project.userId)
.bind("date_interval", date_interval)
.bind("hour_of_day", hour_of_day)
.bind("name", name)
.bind("type", type)
.bind("type_id", type_id)
.bind("emails", handle.getConnection().createArrayOf("text", emails.toArray()))
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testJustNext() throws Exception {
h.createStatement("insert into something (id, name) values (1, 'eric')").execute();
h.createStatement("insert into something (id, name) values (2, 'brian')").execute();
h.createStatement("insert into something (id, name) values (3, 'john')").execute();
ResultIterator<Map<String, Object>> it = h.createQuery("select * from something order by id")
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public Map<Long, LockType> withHandle(Handle handle)
return handle.createQuery(
"SELECT id, lock_payload FROM %1$s WHERE %2$s_id = :entryId",
.bind("entryId", entryId)
new ResultSetMapper<Pair<Long, LockType>>()
new Folder3<Map<Long, LockType>, Pair<Long, LockType>>()
代码示例来源:origin: rakam-io/rakam
public void revokeApiKeys(int user, int project, String masterKey) {
try (Handle handle = dbi.open()) {
if (!hasMasterAccess(handle, project, user)) {
throw new RakamException("You do not have master key permission", UNAUTHORIZED);
try {
handle.createStatement("DELETE FROM web_user_api_key " +
"WHERE user_id = :user_id AND project_id = :project AND master_key = :masterKey")
.bind("user_id", user)
.bind("project", project)
.bind("masterKey", masterKey).execute();
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e.getMessage().contains("web_user_api_key_permission")) {
List<String> list = handle.createQuery("SELECT web_user.email FROM web_user_api_key_permission permission " +
"JOIN web_user ON (web_user.id = permission.user_id) " +
"WHERE api_key_id in (SELECT id FROM web_user_api_key WHERE master_key = :masterKey and user_id = :userId and project_id = :project)")
.bind("masterKey", masterKey).bind("userId", user).bind("project", project).map(StringMapper.FIRST).list();
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
throw new RakamException("Users [" + list.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + "] use this key." +
" You need to revoke the access of the user in order to be able to delete this key", BAD_REQUEST);
throw e;