[英]Used to execute the query and traverse the result set with a accumulator. Folding over the result involves invoking a callback for each row, passing into the callback the return value from the previous function invocation.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive
* @param connector SQL metadata connector to the metadata storage
* @param metadataStorageTablesConfig Table config
* @return all the active data sources in the metadata storage
static Collection<String> getAllDataSourceNames(SQLMetadataConnector connector,
final MetadataStorageTablesConfig metadataStorageTablesConfig) {
return connector.getDBI()
.withHandle((HandleCallback<List<String>>) handle -> handle.createQuery(String.format(
"SELECT DISTINCT(datasource) FROM %s WHERE used = true",
(druidDataSources, stringObjectMap, foldController, statementContext) -> {
druidDataSources.add(MapUtils.getString(stringObjectMap, "datasource"));
return druidDataSources;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
new HashMap<>(),
new Folder3<Map<String, List<Rule>>, Pair<String, List<Rule>>>()
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
new HashMap<>(),
new Folder3<Map<String, SupervisorSpec>, Pair<String, SupervisorSpec>>()
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
new HashMap<>(),
new Folder3<Map<String, List<VersionedSupervisorSpec>>, Pair<String, VersionedSupervisorSpec>>()
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive
* @param connector SQL connector to metadata
* @param metadataStorageTablesConfig Tables configuration
* @param dataSource Name of data source
* @return List of all data segments part of the given data source
static List<DataSegment> getDataSegmentList(final SQLMetadataConnector connector,
final MetadataStorageTablesConfig metadataStorageTablesConfig,
final String dataSource) {
return connector.retryTransaction((handle, status) -> handle.createQuery(String.format(
"SELECT payload FROM %s WHERE dataSource = :dataSource",
.bind("dataSource", dataSource)
.fold(new ArrayList<>(), (Folder3<List<DataSegment>, byte[]>) (accumulator, payload, control, ctx) -> {
try {
final DataSegment segment = DATA_SEGMENT_INTERNER.intern(JSON_MAPPER.readValue(payload, DataSegment.class));
return accumulator;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SQLException(e.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public Collection<String> getAllDataSourceNames()
return connector.getDBI().withHandle(
handle -> handle.createQuery(
StringUtils.format("SELECT DISTINCT(datasource) FROM %s", getSegmentsTable())
new ArrayList<>(),
new Folder3<List<String>, Map<String, Object>>()
public List<String> fold(
List<String> druidDataSources,
Map<String, Object> stringObjectMap,
FoldController foldController,
StatementContext statementContext
MapUtils.getString(stringObjectMap, "datasource")
return druidDataSources;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public List<LogType> withHandle(Handle handle)
return handle
"SELECT log_payload FROM %1$s WHERE %2$s_id = :entryId",
logTable, entryTypeName
.bind("entryId", entryId)
new ArrayList<>(),
(List<LogType> list, byte[] bytes, FoldController control, StatementContext ctx) -> {
try {
list.add(jsonMapper.readValue(bytes, logType));
return list;
catch (IOException e) {
log.makeAlert(e, "Failed to deserialize log")
.addData("entryId", entryId)
.addData("payload", StringUtils.fromUtf8(bytes))
throw new SQLException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
new Folder3<Map<Long, LockType>, Pair<Long, LockType>>()
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
.bind("end", interval.getEnd().toString())
new ArrayList<>(),
new Folder3<List<DataSegment>, byte[]>()
代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics
public <ContainerType> ContainerType list(Class<ContainerType> containerType)
ContainerBuilder<ContainerType> builder = getContainerMapperRegistry().createBuilderFor(containerType);
return fold(builder, new Folder3<ContainerBuilder<ContainerType>, ResultType>()
public ContainerBuilder<ContainerType> fold(ContainerBuilder<ContainerType> accumulator,
ResultType rs,
FoldController ctl,
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
return accumulator;
代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.commons/killbill-jdbi
public <ContainerType> ContainerType list(Class<ContainerType> containerType)
ContainerBuilder<ContainerType> builder = getContainerMapperRegistry().createBuilderFor(containerType);
return fold(builder, new Folder3<ContainerBuilder<ContainerType>, ResultType>()
public ContainerBuilder<ContainerType> fold(ContainerBuilder<ContainerType> accumulator,
ResultType rs,
FoldController ctl,
StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
return accumulator;
代码示例来源:origin: com.ning.billing/killbill-osgi-bundles-analytics
public <T> T first(Class<T> containerType)
ContainerBuilder builder = getContainerMapperRegistry().createBuilderFor(containerType);
return (T) this.fold(builder, new Folder3<ContainerBuilder, ResultType>()
public ContainerBuilder fold(ContainerBuilder accumulator, ResultType rs, FoldController control, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
return accumulator;
代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.commons/killbill-jdbi
public <T> T first(Class<T> containerType)
// Kill Bill specific: assume our queries will always either use LIMIT 1 or will return exactly one row (see ResultReturnThing)
// This saves a roundtrip (set @@SQL_SELECT_LIMIT=1)
ContainerBuilder builder = getContainerMapperRegistry().createBuilderFor(containerType);
return (T) this.fold(builder, new Folder3<ContainerBuilder, ResultType>()
public ContainerBuilder fold(ContainerBuilder accumulator, ResultType rs, FoldController control, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
return accumulator;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testFluentApi() throws Exception
Map<String, Team> teams = handle.createQuery("select t.name as teamName, " +
" t.mascot as mascot, " +
" p.name as personName, " +
" p.role as role " +
"from team t inner join person p on (t.name = p.team)")
.fold(Maps.<String, Team>newHashMap(), new TeamFolder());
assertThat(teams, equalTo(expected));
代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.commons/killbill-jdbi
public void testFluentApi() throws Exception
Map<String, Team> teams = handle.createQuery("select t.name as teamName, " +
" t.mascot as mascot, " +
" p.name as personName, " +
" p.role as role " +
"from team t inner join person p on (t.name = p.team)")
.fold(Maps.<String, Team>newHashMap(), new TeamFolder());
assertThat(teams, equalTo(expected));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testFold() throws Exception
h.prepareBatch("insert into something (id, name) values (:id, :name)")
.add(1, "Brian")
.add(2, "Keith")
Map<String, Integer> rs = h.createQuery("select id, name from something")
.fold(new HashMap<String, Integer>(), new Folder2<Map<String, Integer>>()
public Map<String, Integer> fold(Map<String, Integer> a, ResultSet rs, StatementContext context) throws SQLException
a.put(rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("id"));
return a;
assertEquals(2, rs.size());
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), rs.get("Brian"));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), rs.get("Keith"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.commons/killbill-jdbi
public void testFold() throws Exception
h.prepareBatch("insert into something (id, name) values (:id, :name)")
.add(1, "Brian")
.add(2, "Keith")
Map<String, Integer> rs = h.createQuery("select id, name from something")
.fold(new HashMap<String, Integer>(), new Folder2<Map<String, Integer>>()
public Map<String, Integer> fold(Map<String, Integer> a, ResultSet rs, StatementContext context) throws SQLException
a.put(rs.getString("name"), rs.getInt("id"));
return a;
assertEquals(2, rs.size());
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), rs.get("Brian"));
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), rs.get("Keith"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testFold() throws Exception
DBI dbi = new DBI("jdbc:h2:mem:" + UUID.randomUUID());
Handle h = dbi.open();
h.execute("create table something (id int primary key, name varchar(100))");
h.execute("insert into something (id, name) values (7, 'Mark')");
h.execute("insert into something (id, name) values (8, 'Tatu')");
StringBuilder rs = h.createQuery("select name from something order by id")
.fold(new StringBuilder(), new Folder2<StringBuilder>()
public StringBuilder fold(StringBuilder acc, ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
acc.append(rs.getString(1)).append(", ");
return acc;
rs.delete(rs.length() - 2, rs.length()); // trim the extra ", "
assertThat(rs.toString(), equalTo("Mark, Tatu"));
代码示例来源:origin: org.kill-bill.commons/killbill-jdbi
public void testFold3() throws Exception
h.prepareBatch("insert into something (id, name) values (:id, :name)")
.add(1, "Brian")
.add(2, "Keith")
List<String> rs = h.createQuery("select name from something order by id")
.fold(new ArrayList<String>(), new Folder3<List<String>, String>()
public List<String> fold(List<String> a, String rs, FoldController ctl, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
return a;
assertEquals(2, rs.size());
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Brian", "Keith"), rs);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdbi/jdbi
public void testFold3() throws Exception
h.prepareBatch("insert into something (id, name) values (:id, :name)")
.add(1, "Brian")
.add(2, "Keith")
List<String> rs = h.createQuery("select name from something order by id")
.fold(new ArrayList<String>(), new Folder3<List<String>, String>()
public List<String> fold(List<String> a, String rs, FoldController ctl, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException
return a;
assertEquals(2, rs.size());
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Brian", "Keith"), rs);