[英]Add a vendor-specific extension to this query. The key and value are not standard. An implementation must ignore keys that are not recognized.
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.isis.core/isis-core-runtime
public static Query createQuery(
final PersistenceManager persistenceManager,
final String alias,
final String select,
final ObjectSpecification specification,
final String whereClause) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128);
appendSelect(buf, select, alias);
appendFrom(buf, specification, alias);
appendWhere(buf, whereClause);
final String queryString = buf.toString();
LOG.debug("creating query: {}", queryString);
final Query jdoQuery = persistenceManager.newQuery(queryString);
// http://www.datanucleus.org/servlet/jira/browse/NUCCORE-1103
jdoQuery.addExtension("datanucleus.multivaluedFetch", "none");
return jdoQuery;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Generic method used to query the maximum number (or ID) of a column from a specified class.
* @param pm The PersistenceManager object.
* @param clazz The class name to query.
* @param columnName The column name to query.
* @return the maximum number persisted on the class. It returns NULL if the class has no rows.
private static long getMaxPersistedIDCore(PersistenceManager pm, Class clazz, String columnName, long defaultValue) {
Query query = pm.newQuery(clazz);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
query.setResult(String.format("max(%s)", columnName));
Long maxValue = (Long) query.execute();
return (maxValue != null) ? maxValue : defaultValue;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Checks if the table associated with class provided is empty
* @param pm PersistenceManager
* @param clazz class
* @return True is the table is empty
* False if it not.
private boolean isTableEmptyCore(PersistenceManager pm, Class clazz) {
Query query = pm.newQuery(clazz);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
// setRange is implemented efficiently for MySQL, Postgresql (using the LIMIT SQL keyword)
// and Oracle (using the ROWNUM keyword), with the query only finding the objects required
// by the user directly in the datastore. For other RDBMS the query will retrieve all
// objects up to the "to" record, and will not pass any unnecessary objects that are before
// the "from" record.
query.setRange(0, 1);
return ((List<?>) query.execute()).isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Purge notification id table, keeping a specified number of entries.
* @param pm a {@link PersistenceManager} instance.
* @param changesToKeep the number of changes the caller want to keep.
protected void purgeNotificationIdTableCore(PersistenceManager pm,
long changesToKeep) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(changesToKeep > 0,
"You need to keep at least one entry in SENTRY_HMS_NOTIFICATION_ID table");
long lastNotificationID = getLastProcessedNotificationIDCore(pm);
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryHmsNotification.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
// It is an approximation of "SELECT ... LIMIT CHANGE_TO_KEEP" in SQL, because JDO w/ derby
// does not support "LIMIT".
// See: http://www.datanucleus.org/products/datanucleus/jdo/jdoql_declarative.html
query.setFilter("notificationId <= maxNotificationIdDeleted");
query.declareParameters("long maxNotificationIdDeleted");
long numDeleted = query.deletePersistentAll(lastNotificationID - changesToKeep);
if (numDeleted > 0) {
LOGGER.info("Purged {} of {}", numDeleted, MSentryHmsNotification.class.getSimpleName());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Purge a given delta change table, with a specified number of changes to be kept.
* @param cls the class of a perm/path delta change {@link MSentryPermChange} or
* {@link MSentryPathChange}.
* @param pm a {@link PersistenceManager} instance.
* @param changesToKeep the number of changes the caller want to keep.
* @param <T> the type of delta change class.
<T extends MSentryChange> void purgeDeltaChangeTableCore(
Class<T> cls, PersistenceManager pm, long changesToKeep) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(changesToKeep >= 0,
"changes to keep must be a non-negative number");
long lastChangedID = getLastProcessedChangeIDCore(pm, cls);
long maxIDDeleted = lastChangedID - changesToKeep;
Query query = pm.newQuery(cls);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
// It is an approximation of "SELECT ... LIMIT CHANGE_TO_KEEP" in SQL, because JDO w/ derby
// does not support "LIMIT".
// See: http://www.datanucleus.org/products/datanucleus/jdo/jdoql_declarative.html
query.setFilter("changeID <= maxChangedIdDeleted");
query.declareParameters("long maxChangedIdDeleted");
long numDeleted = query.deletePersistentAll(maxIDDeleted);
if (numDeleted > 0) {
LOGGER.info(String.format("Purged %d of %s to changeID=%d",
numDeleted, cls.getSimpleName(), maxIDDeleted));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Checks if any MSentryChange object exists with the given changeID.
* @param pm PersistenceManager
* @param changeCls class instance of type {@link MSentryChange}
* @param changeID changeID
* @return true if found the MSentryChange object, otherwise false.
* @throws Exception
private <T extends MSentryChange> Boolean changeExistsCore(
PersistenceManager pm, Class<T> changeCls, final long changeID)
throws Exception {
Query query = pm.newQuery(changeCls);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
query.setFilter("this.changeID == id");
query.declareParameters("long id");
List<T> changes = (List<T>)query.execute(changeID);
return !changes.isEmpty();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Delete all stored HMS notifications starting from given ID.<p>
* The purpose of the function is to clean up notifications in cases
* were we recover from HMS notifications resets.
* @param pm Persistent manager instance
* @param id initial ID. All notifications starting from this ID and above are
* removed.
private void deleteNotificationsSince(PersistenceManager pm, long id) {
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryHmsNotification.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
query.setFilter("notificationId >= currentNotificationId");
query.declareParameters("long currentNotificationId");
long numDeleted = query.deletePersistentAll(id);
if (numDeleted > 0) {
LOGGER.info("Purged {} notification entries starting from {}",
numDeleted, id);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
private Set<MSentryRole> getRolesForUsers(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> users) {
Set<MSentryRole> result = Sets.newHashSet();
if (users != null) {
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryUser.class, "fetchRoles");
List<MSentryUser> sentryUsers = (List) query.execute(users.toArray());
if (sentryUsers != null) {
for (MSentryUser sentryUser : sentryUsers) {
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
public Set<MSentryRole> getRolesForGroups(PersistenceManager pm, Set<String> groups) {
Set<MSentryRole> result = Sets.newHashSet();
if (groups != null) {
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryGroup.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryGroup.class, "fetchRoles");
List<MSentryGroup> sentryGroups = (List) query.execute(groups.toArray());
if (sentryGroups != null) {
for (MSentryGroup sentryGroup : sentryGroups) {
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.isis.core/isis-core-runtime
public List<ObjectAdapter> process(final PersistenceQueryFindAllInstances persistenceQuery) {
final ObjectSpecification specification = persistenceQuery.getSpecification();
Class<?> cls = specification.getCorrespondingClass();
final Query jdoQuery = persistenceSession.newJdoQuery(cls);
// http://www.datanucleus.org/servlet/jira/browse/NUCCORE-1103
jdoQuery.addExtension("datanucleus.multivaluedFetch", "none");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("allInstances(): class={}", specification.getFullIdentifier());
try {
final List<?> pojos = (List<?>) jdoQuery.execute();
return loadAdapters(pojos);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.isis.core/isis-core-runtime
private List<?> getResultsPk(final PersistenceQueryFindUsingApplibQueryDefault persistenceQuery) {
final String queryName = persistenceQuery.getQueryName();
final Map<String, Object> map = unwrap(persistenceQuery.getArgumentsAdaptersByParameterName());
final ObjectSpecification objectSpec = persistenceQuery.getSpecification();
final Class<?> cls = objectSpec.getCorrespondingClass();
if(!JdoPropertyUtils.hasPrimaryKeyProperty(objectSpec)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot search by primary key for DataStore-assigned entities");
final OneToOneAssociation pkOtoa = JdoPropertyUtils.getPrimaryKeyPropertyFor(objectSpec);
final String pkOtoaId = pkOtoa.getId();
final String filter = pkOtoaId + "==" + map.get(pkOtoaId);
final Query jdoQuery = persistenceSession.newJdoQuery(cls, filter);
// http://www.datanucleus.org/servlet/jira/browse/NUCCORE-1103
jdoQuery.addExtension("datanucleus.multivaluedFetch", "none");
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("{} # {} ( {} )", cls.getName(), queryName, filter);
try {
final List<?> results = (List<?>) jdoQuery.execute();
return Lists.newArrayList(results);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Get count of object of the given class
* @param tClass Class to count
* @param <T> Class type
* @return count of objects or -1 in case of error
<T> Long getCount(final Class<T> tClass) {
try {
return tm.executeTransaction(
pm -> {
pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
Query query = pm.newQuery();
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
Long result = (Long)query.execute();
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Get list of all roles. Should be called inside transaction.
* @param pm Persistence manager instance
* @return List of all roles
public List<MSentryRole> getAllRoles(PersistenceManager pm) {
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryRole.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryRole.class, "fetchGroups");
return (List<MSentryRole>) query.execute();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.isis.core/isis-core-runtime
jdoQuery.addExtension("datanucleus.multivaluedFetch", "none");
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
private boolean hasAnyServerPrivileges(final Set<String> roleNames, final String serverName) throws Exception {
if (roleNames == null || roleNames.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return tm.executeTransaction(
pm -> {
pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.addRolesFilter(query,null, roleNames);
paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, serverName);
Long numPrivs = (Long) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());
return numPrivs > 0;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
public Boolean execute(PersistenceManager pm) throws Exception {
pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.addUsersFilter(query,null, userNames);
paramBuilder.add(SERVER_NAME, serverName);
Long numPrivs = (Long) query.executeWithMap(paramBuilder.getArguments());
return numPrivs > 0;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Get a single user with the given name inside a transaction
* @param pm Persistence Manager instance
* @param userName User name (should not be null)
* @return single user with the given name
public MSentryUser getUser(PersistenceManager pm, String userName) {
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
query.setFilter("this.userName == :userName");
FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryUser.class, "fetchPrivileges");
return (MSentryUser) query.execute(userName);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Get a single role with the given name inside a transaction
* @param pm Persistence Manager instance
* @param roleName Role name (should not be null)
* @return single role with the given name
public MSentryRole getRole(PersistenceManager pm, String roleName) {
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryRole.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
query.setFilter("this.roleName == :roleName");
FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryRole.class, "fetchPrivileges");
return (MSentryRole) query.execute(roleName);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* Get a single principal with the given name and type inside a transaction
* @param pm Persistence Manager instance
* @param name Role/user name (should not be null)
* @param type Type of principal
* @return single PrivilegePrincipal with the given name and type
public PrivilegePrincipal getEntity(PersistenceManager pm, String name, SentryPrincipalType type) {
Query query;
if(type == SentryPrincipalType.ROLE) {
query = pm.newQuery(MSentryRole.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
query.setFilter("this.roleName == :roleName");
FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryRole.class, "fetchPrivileges");
} else {
query = pm.newQuery(MSentryUser.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
query.setFilter("this.userName == :userName");
FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryUser.class, "fetchPrivileges");
return (PrivilegePrincipal) query.execute(name);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/sentry
* @return mapping data for [role,privilege] with the specific auth object
public Map<String, Set<TSentryPrivilege>> getRoleNameTPrivilegesMap(final String dbName,
final String tableName) throws Exception {
return tm.executeTransaction(
pm -> {
pm.setDetachAllOnCommit(false); // No need to detach objects
Query query = pm.newQuery(MSentryPrivilege.class);
query.addExtension(LOAD_RESULTS_AT_COMMIT, "false");
QueryParamBuilder paramBuilder = QueryParamBuilder.newQueryParamBuilder();
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(dbName)) {
paramBuilder.add(DB_NAME, dbName);
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(tableName)) {
paramBuilder.add(TABLE_NAME, tableName);
FetchGroup grp = pm.getFetchGroup(MSentryPrivilege.class, "fetchRoles");
List<MSentryPrivilege> mSentryPrivileges =
(List<MSentryPrivilege>) query.
return getRolePrivilegesMap(mSentryPrivileges);