代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.centraldogma/centraldogma-server-shaded
* Performs the specified {@link Query}.
* @return the {@link Entry} on a successful query.
* The specified {@code other} on a failure due to missing entry.
* @see #get(Revision, Query)
default <T> CompletableFuture<Entry<T>> getOrNull(Revision revision, Query<T> query) {
requireNonNull(query, "query");
requireNonNull(revision, "revision");
return getOrNull(revision, query.path()).thenApply(entry -> {
if (entry == null) {
return null;
final EntryType entryType = entry.type();
if (!query.type().supportedEntryTypes().contains(entryType)) {
throw new QueryExecutionException("unsupported entry type: " + entryType);
final T entryContent = (T) entry.content();
try {
return Entry.of(entry.revision(), query.path(), entryType, query.apply(entryContent));
} catch (CentralDogmaException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new QueryExecutionException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: line/centraldogma
* Applies the specified {@link Query} to the {@link Entry#content()} of the specified {@link Entry} and
* returns the query result.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the specified {@link Entry} is a directory
* @throws QuerySyntaxException if the syntax of specified {@link Query} is invalid
* @throws QueryExecutionException if an {@link Exception} is raised while applying the specified
* {@link Query} to the {@link Entry#content()}
static <T> Entry<T> applyQuery(Entry<T> entry, Query<T> query) {
requireNonNull(query, "query");
entry.content(); // Ensure that content is not null.
final EntryType entryType = entry.type();
final QueryType queryType = query.type();
if (!queryType.supportedEntryTypes().contains(entryType)) {
throw new QueryExecutionException("Unsupported entry type: " + entryType +
" (query: " + query + ')');
if (queryType == IDENTITY) {
return entry;
} else if (queryType == JSON_PATH) {
return Entry.of(entry.revision(), query.path(), entryType, query.apply(entry.content()));
} else {
throw new QueryExecutionException("Unsupported entry type: " + entryType +
" (query: " + query + ')');
代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.centraldogma/centraldogma-server
* Applies the specified {@link Query} to the {@link Entry#content()} of the specified {@link Entry} and
* returns the query result.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the specified {@link Entry} is a directory
* @throws QuerySyntaxException if the syntax of specified {@link Query} is invalid
* @throws QueryExecutionException if an {@link Exception} is raised while applying the specified
* {@link Query} to the {@link Entry#content()}
static <T> Entry<T> applyQuery(Entry<T> entry, Query<T> query) {
requireNonNull(query, "query");
entry.content(); // Ensure that content is not null.
final EntryType entryType = entry.type();
final QueryType queryType = query.type();
if (!queryType.supportedEntryTypes().contains(entryType)) {
throw new QueryExecutionException("Unsupported entry type: " + entryType +
" (query: " + query + ')');
if (queryType == IDENTITY) {
return entry;
} else if (queryType == JSON_PATH) {
return Entry.of(entry.revision(), query.path(), entryType, query.apply(entry.content()));
} else {
throw new QueryExecutionException("Unsupported entry type: " + entryType +
" (query: " + query + ')');
代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.centraldogma/centraldogma-server-shaded
final Object toContent = castQuery.apply(toEntry.content());
final Object fromContent = castQuery.apply(fromEntry.content());
final Object toContent = castQuery.apply(toEntry.content());
代码示例来源:origin: line/centraldogma
final Object toContent = castQuery.apply(toEntry.content());
final Object fromContent = castQuery.apply(fromEntry.content());
final Object toContent = castQuery.apply(toEntry.content());
代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.centraldogma/centraldogma-server
final Object toContent = castQuery.apply(toEntry.content());
final Object fromContent = castQuery.apply(fromEntry.content());
final Object toContent = castQuery.apply(toEntry.content());