
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Read a collection lazily. Generally speaking, this should only be used if you are reading MANY results and keeping them all in a Collection would cause memory issues. You MUST call org.sql2o.ResultSetIterable#close() when you are done iterating.


代码示例来源:origin: runelite/runelite

public ResultSetIterable<ArchiveEntry> findArchivesForIndex(Connection con, IndexEntry indexEntry)
  return con.createQuery("select, archive.archiveId, archive.nameHash,"
    + " archive.crc, archive.revision, archive.hash from index_archive "
    + "join archive on index_archive.archive = "
    + "where index_archive.index = :id")
    .addParameter("id", indexEntry.getId())

代码示例来源:origin: aaberg/sql2o

public <T> List<T> executeAndFetch(ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> factory){
  List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
  try (ResultSetIterable<T> iterable = executeAndFetchLazy(factory)) {
    for (T item : iterable) {
  return list;

代码示例来源:origin: aaberg/sql2o

 * Read a collection lazily. Generally speaking, this should only be used if you are reading MANY
 * results and keeping them all in a Collection would cause memory issues. You MUST call
 * {@link org.sql2o.ResultSetIterable#close()} when you are done iterating.
 * @param resultSetHandler ResultSetHandler
 * @return iterable results
public <T> ResultSetIterable<T> executeAndFetchLazy(final ResultSetHandler<T> resultSetHandler) {
  final ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> factory = newResultSetHandlerFactory(resultSetHandler);
  return executeAndFetchLazy(factory);

代码示例来源:origin: aaberg/sql2o

public <T> T executeAndFetchFirst(ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> resultSetHandlerFactory){
  try (ResultSetIterable<T> iterable = executeAndFetchLazy(resultSetHandlerFactory))  {
    Iterator<T> iterator = iterable.iterator();
    return iterator.hasNext() ? : null;

代码示例来源:origin: aaberg/sql2o

 * Read a collection lazily. Generally speaking, this should only be used if you are reading MANY
 * results and keeping them all in a Collection would cause memory issues. You MUST call
 * {@link org.sql2o.ResultSetIterable#close()} when you are done iterating.
 * @param returnType type of each row
 * @return iterable results
public <T> ResultSetIterable<T> executeAndFetchLazy(final Class<T> returnType) {
  final ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> resultSetHandlerFactory = newResultSetHandlerFactory(returnType);
  return executeAndFetchLazy(resultSetHandlerFactory);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sql2o/sql2o

public <T> List<T> executeAndFetch(ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> factory){
  List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
  try (ResultSetIterable<T> iterable = executeAndFetchLazy(factory)) {
    for (T item : iterable) {
  return list;

代码示例来源:origin: biezhi/anima

public <T> List<T> executeAndFetch(ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> factory) {
  List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
  try (ResultSetIterable<T> iterable = executeAndFetchLazy(factory)) {
    for (T item : iterable) {
  return list;

代码示例来源:origin: biezhi/anima

 * Read a collection lazily. Generally speaking, this should only be used if you are reading MANY
 * results and keeping them all in a Collection would cause memory issues. You MUST call
 * {@link ResultSetIterable#close()} when you are done iterating.
 * @param returnType type of each row
 * @return iterable results
public <T> ResultSetIterable<T> executeAndFetchLazy(final Class<T> returnType) {
  final ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> resultSetHandlerFactory = newResultSetHandlerFactory(returnType);
  return executeAndFetchLazy(resultSetHandlerFactory);

代码示例来源:origin: biezhi/anima

public <T> T executeAndFetchFirst(ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> resultSetHandlerFactory) {
  try (ResultSetIterable<T> iterable = executeAndFetchLazy(resultSetHandlerFactory)) {
    Iterator<T> iterator = iterable.iterator();
    return iterator.hasNext() ? : null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.sql2o/sql2o

 * Read a collection lazily. Generally speaking, this should only be used if you are reading MANY
 * results and keeping them all in a Collection would cause memory issues. You MUST call
 * {@link org.sql2o.ResultSetIterable#close()} when you are done iterating.
 * @param resultSetHandler ResultSetHandler
 * @return iterable results
public <T> ResultSetIterable<T> executeAndFetchLazy(final ResultSetHandler<T> resultSetHandler) {
  final ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> factory = newResultSetHandlerFactory(resultSetHandler);
  return executeAndFetchLazy(factory);

代码示例来源:origin: biezhi/anima

 * Read a collection lazily. Generally speaking, this should only be used if you are reading MANY
 * results and keeping them all in a Collection would cause memory issues. You MUST call
 * {@link ResultSetIterable#close()} when you are done iterating.
 * @param resultSetHandler ResultSetHandler
 * @return iterable results
public <T> ResultSetIterable<T> executeAndFetchLazy(final ResultSetHandler<T> resultSetHandler) {
  final ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> factory = newResultSetHandlerFactory(resultSetHandler);
  return executeAndFetchLazy(factory);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sql2o/sql2o

 * Read a collection lazily. Generally speaking, this should only be used if you are reading MANY
 * results and keeping them all in a Collection would cause memory issues. You MUST call
 * {@link org.sql2o.ResultSetIterable#close()} when you are done iterating.
 * @param returnType type of each row
 * @return iterable results
public <T> ResultSetIterable<T> executeAndFetchLazy(final Class<T> returnType) {
  final ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> resultSetHandlerFactory = newResultSetHandlerFactory(returnType);
  return executeAndFetchLazy(resultSetHandlerFactory);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sql2o/sql2o

public <T> T executeAndFetchFirst(ResultSetHandlerFactory<T> resultSetHandlerFactory){
  try (ResultSetIterable<T> iterable = executeAndFetchLazy(resultSetHandlerFactory))  {
    Iterator<T> iterator = iterable.iterator();
    return iterator.hasNext() ? : null;
