[英]Set the specified request attribute to the specified value.
代码示例来源:origin: jersey/jersey
public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
request.setAttribute(name, value);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.jersey.containers/jersey-container-grizzly2-http
public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
request.setAttribute(name, value);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.grizzly/grizzly-websockets-server
private void setDispatcherPath(final Request request, final String path) {
request.setAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_REQUEST_PATH_ATTR, path);
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
private void setDispatcherPath(final Request request, final String path) {
request.setAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_REQUEST_PATH_ATTR, path);
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
private void setDispatcherPath(final Request request, final String path) {
request.setAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_REQUEST_PATH_ATTR, path);
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
private void setDispatcherPath(final Request request, final String path) {
request.setAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_REQUEST_PATH_ATTR, path);
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
private void setDispatcherPath(final Request request, final String path) {
request.setAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_REQUEST_PATH_ATTR, path);
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
private void setDispatcherPath(final Request request, final String path) {
request.setAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_REQUEST_PATH_ATTR, path);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.grizzly/grizzly-http-server
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.grizzly/grizzly-websockets-server
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.grizzly/grizzly-http-server-core
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/grizzly
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: org.mule.glassfish.grizzly/grizzly-http-server
* Instrument the specified {@link Request} with an attribute marking its
* <em>received</em> time (in {@linkplain System#nanoTime() nanoseconds}).
@Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
public void onRequestReceiveEvent(HttpServerFilter filter, Connection connection, Request request) {
request.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TIME_STAMP, System.nanoTime());
* It seems that in some edge cases Grizzly is not caching the
* connection addresses in the request / response structure. Internally
* the TCPNIOConnectionClass uses a Holder to store those (which
* provides lazy initialization). We force the holders to get (and
* cache) the values by alling the "get(Local|Peer)Address()" methods.
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.grizzly/grizzly-http-server
public static Object populateCertificateAttribute(final Request request) {
Object certificates = null;
if (request.getRequest().isSecure()) {
if (!request.getRequest().isUpgrade()) {
// It's normal HTTP request, not upgraded one
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't complete SSL re-negotation", e);
GrizzlyFuture<Object[]> certFuture =
new CertificateEvent(true).trigger(request.getContext());
try {
// TODO: make the timeout configurable
certificates = certFuture.get(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
"Unable to obtain certificates from peer.",
request.setAttribute(SSLSupport.CERTIFICATE_KEY, certificates);
return certificates;