代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
* Execute a statement that returns a 1x1 long result. If you know your result set will only have one row and
* column, this is much more efficient than calling {@link #rawQuery(String, Object[])} and parsing the cursor.
* <br>
* Note: This will throw an exception if the given SQL query returns a result that is not a single column
* @param query a sql query
* @return the long result of the query
public long simpleQueryForLong(Query query) {
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
return simpleQueryForLong(compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
* Execute a statement that returns a 1x1 String result. If you know your result set will only have one row and
* column, this is much more efficient than calling {@link #rawQuery(String, Object[])} and parsing the cursor.
* <br>
* Note: This will throw an exception if the given SQL query returns a result that is not a single column
* @param query a sql query
* @return the String result of the query
public String simpleQueryForString(Query query) {
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
return simpleQueryForString(compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
* Directly analogous to {@link #query(Class, Query)}, but instead of returning a result, this method just logs the
* output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN for the given query. This is method is intended for debugging purposes only.
public void explainQueryPlan(Class<? extends AbstractModel> modelClass, Query query) {
query = inferTableForQuery(modelClass, query);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
ICursor cursor = rawQuery("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN " + compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
try {
Logger.d(Logger.LOG_TAG, "Query plan for: " + compiled.sql);
SquidUtilities.dumpCursor(cursor, -1);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
* Query the database
* @param modelClass the type to parameterize the cursor by. If the query does not contain a FROM clause, the table
* or view corresponding to this model class will be used.
* @param query the query to execute
* @return a {@link SquidCursor} containing the query results
public <TYPE extends AbstractModel> SquidCursor<TYPE> query(Class<TYPE> modelClass, Query query) {
query = inferTableForQuery(modelClass, query);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
if (compiled.needsValidation) {
String validateSql = query.sqlForValidation(getCompileContext());
ensureSqlCompiles(validateSql); // throws if the statement fails to compile
ICursor cursor = rawQuery(compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
return new SquidCursor<>(cursor, modelClass, query.getFields());
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
* Count the number of rows matching a given {@link Criterion}. Use null to count all rows.
* @param modelClass the model class corresponding to the table
* @param criterion the criterion to match
* @return the number of rows matching the given criterion
public int count(Class<? extends AbstractModel> modelClass, Criterion criterion) {
Property.IntegerProperty countProperty = Property.IntegerProperty.countProperty();
Query query = Query.select(countProperty);
if (criterion != null) {
query = inferTableForQuery(modelClass, query);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
try {
return (int) getDatabase().simpleQueryForLong(compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testDatabaseProvidedArgumentResolver() {
database.useCustomArgumentBinder = true;
Query query = Query.select(TestModel.SOME_ENUM).from(TestModel.TABLE)
CompiledStatement compiledStatement = query.compile(database.getCompileContext());
verifyCompiledSqlArgs(compiledStatement, 1, 0);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testEnumResolvedUsingName() {
Query query = Query.select(TestModel.SOME_ENUM).from(TestModel.TABLE)
CompiledStatement compiledStatement = query.compile(database.getCompileContext());
verifyCompiledSqlArgs(compiledStatement, 1, "APPLE");
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
if (tableOrView instanceof SubqueryTable) {
String compiledSql = ((SubqueryTable) tableOrView).query.compile(database.getCompileContext()).sql;
expectedSql.append(compiledSql).append(") AS testModelAlias");
} else {
expectedSql.append(tableOrView.getName()).append(" AS testModelAlias");
assertEquals(expectedSql.toString(), query.compile(database.getCompileContext()).sql);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testNeedsValidationUpdatedBySubqueryTable() {
Query subquery = Query.select(Thing.PROPERTIES).from(Thing.TABLE).where(Criterion.literal(123));
assertTrue(subquery.compile(database.getCompileContext()).sql.contains("WHERE (?)"));
Query baseTestQuery = Query.select().from(Thing.TABLE).where(Thing.FOO.isNotEmpty()).freeze();
Query testQuery = baseTestQuery.from(subquery.as("t1"));
assertTrue(testQuery.sqlForValidation(database.getCompileContext()).contains("WHERE ((?))"));
testQuery = baseTestQuery.innerJoin(subquery.as("t2"), (Criterion[]) null);
assertTrue(testQuery.sqlForValidation(database.getCompileContext()).contains("WHERE ((?))"));
testQuery = baseTestQuery.union(subquery);
assertTrue(testQuery.sqlForValidation(database.getCompileContext()).contains("WHERE ((?))"));
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testNeedsValidationUpdatedByQueryFunction() {
Query subquery = Query.select(Function.max(Thing.ID)).from(Thing.TABLE).where(Criterion.literal(123));
assertTrue(subquery.compile(database.getCompileContext()).sql.contains("WHERE (?)"));
Query baseTestQuery = Query.select().from(Thing.TABLE).where(Thing.FOO.isNotEmpty()).freeze();
Query testQuery = baseTestQuery.selectMore(subquery.asFunction());
assertTrue(testQuery.sqlForValidation(database.getCompileContext()).contains("WHERE ((?))"));
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testSelectionArgsGeneration() {
Query query = Query.select(TestModel.PROPERTIES)
CompiledStatement compiledQuery = query.compile(database.getCompileContext());
verifyCompiledSqlArgs(compiledQuery, 3, "Sam", 17, "Smith");
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testValidationPropagatesToSubqueryJoinAndCompoundSelect() {
Query subquery = Query.select(Thing.FOO).from(Thing.TABLE).where(Thing.BAR.gt(0));
Query joinSubquery = Query.select(Thing.BAR).from(Thing.TABLE).where(Thing.FOO.isNotEmpty());
Query compoundSubquery = Query.select(Thing.BAZ).from(Thing.TABLE).where(Thing.IS_ALIVE.isTrue());
SubqueryTable subqueryTable = subquery.as("t1");
SubqueryTable joinTable = joinSubquery.as("t2");
Query query = Query.select().from(subqueryTable).innerJoin(joinTable, (Criterion[]) null)
final int queryLength = query.compile(database.getCompileContext()).sql.length();
String withValidation = query.sqlForValidation(database.getCompileContext());
assertEquals(queryLength + 6, withValidation.length());
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.squidb/squidb
* Execute a statement that returns a 1x1 String result. If you know your result set will only have one row and
* column, this is much more efficient than calling {@link #rawQuery(String, Object[])} and parsing the cursor.
* <br>
* Note: This will throw an exception if the given SQL query returns a result that is not a single column
* @param query a sql query
* @return the String result of the query
public String simpleQueryForString(Query query) {
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
return simpleQueryForString(compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testRawSelection() {
String selection = COL_LUCKY_NUMBER + " > ? AND " + COL_IS_HAPPY + " != ?";
String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{"50", "0"};
ContentProviderQueryBuilder builder = getBuilder();
Query query = builder.setDataSource(TestModel.TABLE).build(null, selection, selectionArgs, null);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(database.getCompileContext());
verifyCompiledSqlArgs(compiled, 2, "50", "0");
SquidCursor<TestModel> cursor = null;
try {
cursor = database.query(TestModel.class, query);
assertEquals(1, cursor.getCount());
assertEquals(model2, buildModelFromCursor(cursor));
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.squidb/squidb
* Execute a statement that returns a 1x1 long result. If you know your result set will only have one row and
* column, this is much more efficient than calling {@link #rawQuery(String, Object[])} and parsing the cursor.
* <br>
* Note: This will throw an exception if the given SQL query returns a result that is not a single column
* @param query a sql query
* @return the long result of the query
public long simpleQueryForLong(Query query) {
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
return simpleQueryForLong(compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testRawOrderBy() {
String sortOrder = COL_GIVEN_NAME + " ASC";
ContentProviderQueryBuilder builder = getBuilder();
Query query = builder.setDataSource(TestModel.TABLE).build(null, null, null, sortOrder);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(database.getCompileContext());
verifyCompiledSqlArgs(compiled, 0);
SquidCursor<TestModel> cursor = null;
try {
cursor = database.query(TestModel.class, query);
assertEquals(3, cursor.getCount());
assertEquals(model3, buildModelFromCursor(cursor));
assertEquals(model2, buildModelFromCursor(cursor));
assertEquals(model1, buildModelFromCursor(cursor));
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: yahoo/squidb
public void testDefaultOrderBy() {
ContentProviderQueryBuilder builder = getBuilder();
Query query = builder.setDataSource(TestModel.TABLE).build(null, null, null, null);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(database.getCompileContext());
verifyCompiledSqlArgs(compiled, 0);
SquidCursor<TestModel> cursor = null;
try {
cursor = database.query(TestModel.class, query);
assertEquals(3, cursor.getCount());
assertEquals(model2, buildModelFromCursor(cursor));
assertEquals(model1, buildModelFromCursor(cursor));
assertEquals(model3, buildModelFromCursor(cursor));
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.squidb/squidb
* Directly analogous to {@link #query(Class, Query)}, but instead of returning a result, this method just logs the
* output of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN for the given query. This is method is intended for debugging purposes only.
public void explainQueryPlan(Class<? extends AbstractModel> modelClass, Query query) {
query = inferTableForQuery(modelClass, query);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
ICursor cursor = rawQuery("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN " + compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
try {
Logger.d(Logger.LOG_TAG, "Query plan for: " + compiled.sql);
SquidUtilities.dumpCursor(cursor, -1);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.squidb/squidb
* Query the database
* @param modelClass the type to parameterize the cursor by. If the query does not contain a FROM clause, the table
* or view corresponding to this model class will be used.
* @param query the query to execute
* @return a {@link SquidCursor} containing the query results
public <TYPE extends AbstractModel> SquidCursor<TYPE> query(Class<TYPE> modelClass, Query query) {
query = inferTableForQuery(modelClass, query);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
if (compiled.needsValidation) {
String validateSql = query.sqlForValidation(getCompileContext());
ensureSqlCompiles(validateSql); // throws if the statement fails to compile
ICursor cursor = rawQuery(compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
return new SquidCursor<>(cursor, modelClass, query.getFields());
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.squidb/squidb
* Count the number of rows matching a given {@link Criterion}. Use null to count all rows.
* @param modelClass the model class corresponding to the table
* @param criterion the criterion to match
* @return the number of rows matching the given criterion
public int count(Class<? extends AbstractModel> modelClass, Criterion criterion) {
Property.IntegerProperty countProperty = Property.IntegerProperty.countProperty();
Query query = Query.select(countProperty);
if (criterion != null) {
query = inferTableForQuery(modelClass, query);
CompiledStatement compiled = query.compile(getCompileContext());
try {
return (int) getDatabase().simpleQueryForLong(compiled.sql, compiled.sqlArgs);
} finally {