
x33g5p2x  于2021-12-25 转载在 其他  

一. 为什么要用@XXXArgsConstructor?

构造函数是一种特殊的方法。它主要用来与new运算符一起初始化对象,为对象成员变量赋初始值。因为构造函数也是一种方法,所以一个类可以有多个构造函数 ,可根据其参数个数的不同或参数类型的不同来区分它们,即构造函数的重载。当开发者没有为一个类编写构造函数时,Java会自动为该类生成一个无参的构造函数。如果开发者为一个了显示地提供了一个构造函数,那么Java便不会再自动生成一个无参的构造函数。

public class Student {

    private String name;

    private Integer age;

    public Student(String name, Integer age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;

可以看到,如果我们再去新增一个成员变量后,就要去改这个构造函数。Lombok提供了三种构造函数用来解决这类问题,它们分别是@ NoArgsConstructor,@ RequiredArgsConstructor,@ AllArgsConstructor。因为这三个注解都与构造函数相关,考虑到文章名长度问题,我统称为@XXXArgsConstructor注解。

二. @XXXArgsConstructor如何使用?





虽然,在定义final字段的时候,可以不初始化该字段,但是这种做法很不好。因为final就是用来表明一个字段是常量,既然是常量,就应该初始化它。 此处理解不正确,我改正一下。在被final修饰的实例变量(也就是没有被static修饰),它是可以不初始化该实例变量。这种实例常量,是完全可以在初始化实例对象的时候,初始化该实例常量。当程序中新增一个学生时,该学生的性别是确定,而且一直不可变,所以性别可以作为实例常量。但是,如果一个类常量就必须显示地提供初始化值,在编译之前就要提供值,也就是说程序运行之前,该值就已经明确了。
这里我们可以看到注解属性access = AccessLevel.PROTECTED,这是用来指定该构造函数的访问控制符。



我们将Student改为泛型类Student<T, K>,当不使用staticName时,new一个Student对象。



三. @XXXArgsConstructor源码



package lombok;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

/** * Generates a no-args constructor. * Will generate an error message if such a constructor cannot be written due to the existence of final fields. * <p> * Complete documentation is found at <a href="https://projectlombok.org/features/Constructor">the project lombok features page for &#64;Constructor</a>. * <p> * Even though it is not listed, this annotation also has the {@code onConstructor} parameter. See the full documentation for more details. * <p> * NB: Fields with constraints such as {@code @NonNull} will <em>NOT</em> be checked in a {@code @NoArgsConstructor} constructor, of course! * * @see RequiredArgsConstructor * @see AllArgsConstructor */
public @interface NoArgsConstructor {
	/** * If set, the generated constructor will be private, and an additional static 'constructor' * is generated with the same argument list that wraps the real constructor. * * Such a static 'constructor' is primarily useful as it infers type arguments. * * @return Name of static 'constructor' method to generate (blank = generate a normal constructor). */
	String staticName() default "";
	/** * Any annotations listed here are put on the generated constructor. * The syntax for this feature depends on JDK version (nothing we can do about that; it's to work around javac bugs).<br> * up to JDK7:<br> * {@code @NoArgsConstructor(onConstructor=@__({@AnnotationsGoHere}))}<br> * from JDK8:<br> * {@code @NoArgsConstructor(onConstructor_={@AnnotationsGohere})} // note the underscore after {@code onConstructor}. * * @return List of annotations to apply to the generated constructor. */
	AnyAnnotation[] onConstructor() default {};
	/** * Sets the access level of the constructor. By default, generated constructors are {@code public}. * * @return The constructor will be generated with this access modifier. */
	AccessLevel access() default lombok.AccessLevel.PUBLIC;
	/** * If {@code true}, initializes all final fields to 0 / null / false. * Otherwise, a compile time error occurs. * * @return Return {@code} true to force generation of a no-args constructor, picking defaults if necessary to assign required fields. */
	boolean force() default false;
	/** * Placeholder annotation to enable the placement of annotations on the generated code. * @deprecated Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation. */
	@interface AnyAnnotation {}

force注解属性:当存在为初始化的final字段时,设置为true,则会final字段设置初始值 0/null/false 其中一种。如果,存在final字段,并且force的值为false,则会发生编译错误。


package lombok;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

/** * Generates a constructor with required arguments. * Required arguments are final fields and fields with constraints such as {@code @NonNull}. * <p> * Complete documentation is found at <a href="https://projectlombok.org/features/Constructor">the project lombok features page for &#64;Constructor</a>. * <p> * Even though it is not listed, this annotation also has the {@code onConstructor} parameter. See the full documentation for more details. * * @see NoArgsConstructor * @see AllArgsConstructor */
public @interface RequiredArgsConstructor {
	/** * If set, the generated constructor will be private, and an additional static 'constructor' * is generated with the same argument list that wraps the real constructor. * * Such a static 'constructor' is primarily useful as it infers type arguments. * * @return Name of static 'constructor' method to generate (blank = generate a normal constructor). */
	String staticName() default "";
	/** * Any annotations listed here are put on the generated constructor. * The syntax for this feature depends on JDK version (nothing we can do about that; it's to work around javac bugs).<br> * up to JDK7:<br> * {@code @RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor=@__({@AnnotationsGoHere}))}<br> * from JDK8:<br> * {@code @RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor_={@AnnotationsGohere})} // note the underscore after {@code onConstructor}. * * @return List of annotations to apply to the generated constructor. */
	AnyAnnotation[] onConstructor() default {};
	/** * Sets the access level of the constructor. By default, generated constructors are {@code public}. * * @return The constructor will be generated with this access modifier. */
	AccessLevel access() default lombok.AccessLevel.PUBLIC;
	/** * Placeholder annotation to enable the placement of annotations on the generated code. * @deprecated Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation. */
	@interface AnyAnnotation {}


package lombok;

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

/** * Generates an all-args constructor. * An all-args constructor requires one argument for every field in the class. * <p> * Complete documentation is found at <a href="https://projectlombok.org/features/Constructor">the project lombok features page for &#64;Constructor</a>. * <p> * Even though it is not listed, this annotation also has the {@code onConstructor} parameter. See the full documentation for more details. * * @see NoArgsConstructor * @see RequiredArgsConstructor */
public @interface AllArgsConstructor {
	/** * If set, the generated constructor will be private, and an additional static 'constructor' * is generated with the same argument list that wraps the real constructor. * * Such a static 'constructor' is primarily useful as it infers type arguments. * * @return Name of static 'constructor' method to generate (blank = generate a normal constructor). */
	String staticName() default "";
	/** * Any annotations listed here are put on the generated constructor. * The syntax for this feature depends on JDK version (nothing we can do about that; it's to work around javac bugs).<br> * up to JDK7:<br> * {@code @AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor=@__({@AnnotationsGoHere}))}<br> * from JDK8:<br> * {@code @AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor_={@AnnotationsGohere})} // note the underscore after {@code onConstructor}. * * @return List of annotations to apply to the generated constructor. */
	AnyAnnotation[] onConstructor() default {};
	/** * Sets the access level of the constructor. By default, generated constructors are {@code public}. * * @return The constructor will be generated with this access modifier. */
	AccessLevel access() default lombok.AccessLevel.PUBLIC;
	/** * Placeholder annotation to enable the placement of annotations on the generated code. * * @deprecated Don't use this annotation, ever - Read the documentation. */
	@interface AnyAnnotation {}

四. 特别说明

