代码示例来源:origin: com.google.gwt/gwt-servlet
* Returns a string that encodes the results of an RPC call. Private overload
* that takes a flag signaling the preamble of the response payload.
* @param object the object that we wish to send back to the client
* @param wasThrown if true, the object being returned was an exception thrown
* by the service method; if false, it was the result of the service
* method's invocation
* @return a string that encodes the response from a service method
* @throws SerializationException if the object cannot be serialized
private static String encodeResponse(Class<?> responseClass, Object object, boolean wasThrown,
int flags, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy) throws SerializationException {
ServerSerializationStreamWriter stream =
new ServerSerializationStreamWriter(serializationPolicy, getRpcVersion());
if (responseClass != void.class) {
stream.serializeValue(object, responseClass);
String bufferStr = (wasThrown ? "//EX" : "//OK") + stream.toString();
return bufferStr;
代码示例来源:origin: net.wetheinter/gwt-user
* Returns a string that encodes the results of an RPC call. Private overload
* that takes a flag signaling the preamble of the response payload.
* @param object the object that we wish to send back to the client
* @param wasThrown if true, the object being returned was an exception thrown
* by the service method; if false, it was the result of the service
* method's invocation
* @return a string that encodes the response from a service method
* @throws SerializationException if the object cannot be serialized
private static String encodeResponse(Class<?> responseClass, Object object, boolean wasThrown,
int flags, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy) throws SerializationException {
ServerSerializationStreamWriter stream =
new ServerSerializationStreamWriter(serializationPolicy, getRpcVersion());
if (responseClass != void.class) {
stream.serializeValue(object, responseClass);
String bufferStr = (wasThrown ? "//EX" : "//OK") + stream.toString();
return bufferStr;
代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin.external.gwt/gwt-user
* Returns a string that encodes the results of an RPC call. Private overload
* that takes a flag signaling the preamble of the response payload.
* @param object the object that we wish to send back to the client
* @param wasThrown if true, the object being returned was an exception thrown
* by the service method; if false, it was the result of the service
* method's invocation
* @return a string that encodes the response from a service method
* @throws SerializationException if the object cannot be serialized
private static String encodeResponse(Class<?> responseClass, Object object, boolean wasThrown,
int flags, SerializationPolicy serializationPolicy) throws SerializationException {
ServerSerializationStreamWriter stream =
new ServerSerializationStreamWriter(serializationPolicy, getRpcVersion());
if (responseClass != void.class) {
stream.serializeValue(object, responseClass);
String bufferStr = (wasThrown ? "//EX" : "//OK") + stream.toString();
return bufferStr;