代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/cruise-control
private List<Long> toWindows(SortedSet<Long> windowIndexes) {
List<Long> windows = new ArrayList<>(windowIndexes.size());
windowIndexes.forEach(i -> windows.add(i * _windowMs));
return windows;
代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/cruise-control
private SortedSet<Long> windowIndexesToWindows(SortedSet<Long> original, long windowMs) {
SortedSet<Long> result = new TreeSet<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
original.forEach(idx -> result.add(idx * windowMs));
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/cruise-control
* Untrack the sorted replicas with the given name to release memory.
* @param sortName the name of the sorted replicas.
public void untrackSortedReplicas(String sortName) {
_brokers.forEach(b -> b.untrackSortedReplicas(sortName));
代码示例来源:origin: KronicDeth/intellij-elixir
private static void buildCallDefinitions(@NotNull ModuleStub parentStub, @NotNull Beam beam, @NotNull Atoms atoms) {
macroNameAritySortedSet(beam, atoms).forEach(macroNameArity -> buildCallDefinition(parentStub, macroNameArity));
代码示例来源:origin: Graylog2/graylog2-server
public Configuration(Set<Pipeline> pipelines) {
if (pipelines.isEmpty()) {
initialStage = extent[0] = extent[1] = 0;
pipelines.forEach(pipeline -> {
// skip pipelines without any stages, they don't contribute any rules to run
final SortedSet<Stage> stages = pipeline.stages();
if (stages.isEmpty()) {
extent[0] = Math.min(extent[0], stages.first().stage());
extent[1] = Math.max(extent[1], stages.last().stage());
stages.forEach(stage -> stageMultimap.put(stage.stage(), stage));
if (extent[0] == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("First stage cannot be at " + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
// the stage before the first stage.
initialStage = extent[0] - 1;
代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/cruise-control
* Ask the cluster model to keep track of the replicas sorted with the given priority function and score function.
* The sort will first use the priority function then the score function. The priority function allows the
* caller to prioritize a certain type of replicas, e.g immigrant replicas. The selection function determines
* which replicas to be included in the sorted replicas.
* It is recommended to use the functions from {@link ReplicaSortFunctionFactory} so the functions can be maintained
* in a single place.
* The sorted replica will only be updated in the following cases:
* 1. A replica is added to or removed from a broker
* 2. A replica's role has changed from leader to follower, and vice versa.
* The sorted replicas are named using the given sortName, and can be accessed using
* {@link Broker#trackedSortedReplicas(String)}. If the sorted replicas are no longer needed,
* {@link #untrackSortedReplicas(String)} to release memory.
* @param sortName the name of the sorted replicas.
* @param selectionFunc the selection function to decide which replicas to include in the sort.
* @param priorityFunc the priority function to sort the replicas
* @param scoreFunc the score function to sort the replicas with the same priority.
* @see SortedReplicas
public void trackSortedReplicas(String sortName,
Function<Replica, Boolean> selectionFunc,
Function<Replica, Integer> priorityFunc,
Function<Replica, Double> scoreFunc) {
_brokers.forEach(b -> b.trackSortedReplicas(sortName, selectionFunc, priorityFunc, scoreFunc));
代码示例来源:origin: oracle/helidon
* Clears Application registry. This is required for the Metric TCKs as they
* all run on the same VM and must not interfere with each other.
static void clearApplicationRegistry() {
MetricRegistry applicationRegistry = getApplicationRegistry();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public Builder removeSegment(DataSegment dataSegment)
SegmentAndSum segmentAndSum = new SegmentAndSum(dataSegment, 0.0, 0.0);
if (!segments.remove(segmentAndSum)) {
return this;
double t0 = convertStart(dataSegment, interval);
double t1 = convertEnd(dataSegment, interval);
double leftValue = FastMath.exp(t0) - FastMath.exp(t1);
double rightValue = FastMath.exp(-t1) - FastMath.exp(-t0);
segments.tailSet(segmentAndSum).forEach(v -> v.leftSum -= leftValue);
segments.headSet(segmentAndSum).forEach(v -> v.rightSum -= rightValue);
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: Graylog2/graylog2-server
private Pipeline resolvePipeline(Pipeline pipeline, Map<String, Rule> ruleNameMap) {
log.debug("Resolving pipeline {}", pipeline.name());
pipeline.stages().forEach(stage -> {
final List<Rule> resolvedRules = stage.ruleReferences().stream()
.map(ref -> {
Rule rule = ruleNameMap.get(ref);
if (rule == null) {
rule = Rule.alwaysFalse("Unresolved rule " + ref);
// make a copy so that the metrics match up (we don't share actual objects between stages)
// this also makes sure we don't accidentally share state of generated code between threads
rule = rule.invokableCopy(functionRegistry);
log.debug("Resolved rule `{}` to {}", ref, rule);
// include back reference to stage
rule.registerMetrics(metricRegistry, pipeline.id(), String.valueOf(stage.stage()));
return rule;
stage.registerMetrics(metricRegistry, pipeline.id());
return pipeline;
代码示例来源:origin: Graylog2/graylog2-server
allIndexRanges.forEach(indexRange -> extraIndices.remove(indexRange.indexName()));
final Set<String> affectedIndexSetNames = extraIndices.stream()
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
for (SortedSet<String> walsByGroup : walsByIdRecoveredQueues.get(queueId).values()) {
walsByGroup.forEach(wal -> src.enqueueLog(new Path(wal)));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
syncFutures.forEach(f -> f.done(f.getTxid(), error));
if (!(consumeExecutor instanceof EventLoop)) {
代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/cruise-control
clusterModel.brokers().forEach(broker -> numExcludedReplicasByPositionInBroker.put(broker.id(), new HashMap<>()));
for (String excludedTopic : excludedTopics) {
for (Partition partition : _partitionsByTopic.get(excludedTopic)) {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public Builder addSegment(DataSegment dataSegment)
if (!interval.contains(dataSegment.getInterval().getStartMillis())) {
throw new ISE("Failed to add segment to bucket: interval is not covered by this bucket");
// all values are pre-computed relatively to bucket start (which is considered as 0)
double t0 = convertStart(dataSegment, interval);
double t1 = convertEnd(dataSegment, interval);
double leftValue = FastMath.exp(t0) - FastMath.exp(t1);
double rightValue = FastMath.exp(-t1) - FastMath.exp(-t0);
SegmentAndSum segmentAndSum = new SegmentAndSum(dataSegment, leftValue, rightValue);
// left/right value should be added to left/right sums for elements greater/lower than current segment
segments.tailSet(segmentAndSum).forEach(v -> v.leftSum += leftValue);
segments.headSet(segmentAndSum).forEach(v -> v.rightSum += rightValue);
// leftSum_i = leftValue_i + \sum leftValue_j = leftValue_i + leftSum_{i-1} , j < i
SegmentAndSum lower = segments.lower(segmentAndSum);
if (lower != null) {
segmentAndSum.leftSum = leftValue + lower.leftSum;
// rightSum_i = rightValue_i + \sum rightValue_j = rightValue_i + rightSum_{i+1} , j > i
SegmentAndSum higher = segments.higher(segmentAndSum);
if (higher != null) {
segmentAndSum.rightSum = rightValue + higher.rightSum;
if (!segments.add(segmentAndSum)) {
throw new ISE("expect new segment");
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: reactor/reactor-core
AtomicReference<FieldLayout> requested = new AtomicReference<>();
layout.fields().forEach(f -> {
if ("wip".equals(f.name())) wip.set(f);
else if ("requested".equals(f.name())) requested.set(f);
代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/cruise-control
* Get broker return the broker stats.
public BrokerStats brokerStats() {
BrokerStats brokerStats = new BrokerStats();
brokers().forEach(broker -> {
double leaderBytesInRate = broker.leadershipLoadForNwResources().expectedUtilizationFor(Resource.NW_IN);
broker.replicas().isEmpty() ? 0 : broker.load().expectedUtilizationFor(Resource.DISK),
broker.load().expectedUtilizationFor(Resource.NW_IN) - leaderBytesInRate,
broker.replicas().size(), broker.leaderReplicas().size(),
_capacityEstimationInfoByBrokerId.get(broker.id()) != null,
return brokerStats;
代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/cruise-control
clusterModel.broker(0).leaderReplicas().forEach(r -> leaderPartitionsOnDemotedBroker.add(r.topicPartition()));
Map<TopicPartition, Integer> leaderDistributionBeforeBrokerDemotion = new HashMap<>();
clusterModel.brokers().forEach(b -> {
b.leaderReplicas().forEach(r -> leaderDistributionBeforeBrokerDemotion.put(r.topicPartition(), b.id()));
代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios
name -> environment.metrics().register(
"helios." + name + ".ok", new HealthCheckGauge(environment.healthChecks(), name)));
代码示例来源:origin: spotify/helios
name -> environment.metrics().register(
"helios." + name + ".ok", new HealthCheckGauge(environment.healthChecks(), name)));
代码示例来源:origin: torakiki/pdfsam
public void onRemoveSelected(RemoveSelectedEvent event) {
SortedSet<Integer> indices = new TreeSet<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
LOG.trace("Removing {} items", indices.size());
indices.forEach(i -> getItems().remove(i.intValue()).invalidate());