[英]Return the Location of this Tag
instance in the Facelet view.
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.myfaces.core.internal/myfaces-shaded-impl
public Location getLocation()
return this.tag.getLocation();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.myfaces.core/myfaces-impl
public Location getLocation()
return this.tag.getLocation();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.myfaces.core/myfaces-impl
public Tag decorate(Tag orig, TagAttributes attributes)
return new Tag(orig.getLocation(), this.targetNamespace,
this.targetLocalName, this.targetQName, attributes);
代码示例来源:origin: de.beyondjava/angularFaces-core
private Tag convertToPuiMessagesTag(Tag tag, TagAttributes attributeList) {
if (tag.getNamespace().equals(PRIMEFACES_NAMESPACE)) {
AFTagAttributes modifiedAttributes = new AFTagAttributes(attributeList.getAll());
modifiedAttributes.addAttribute(tag.getLocation(), PASS_THROUGH_NAMESPACE, "primefaces", "primefaces", "true");
Tag t = new Tag(tag.getLocation(), HTML_NAMESPACE, "puimessages", "puimessages", modifiedAttributes);
return t;
} else {
Tag t = new Tag(tag.getLocation(), HTML_NAMESPACE, "puimessages", "puimessages", attributeList);
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: TheCoder4eu/BootsFaces-OSP
private TagAttributes addBlockAttributeIfNeeded(Tag tag, boolean isDiv, TagAttribute[] attributes) {
TagAttribute[] moreAttributes = attributes;
if (isDiv) {
moreAttributes = new TagAttribute[attributes.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)
moreAttributes[i] = attributes[i];
moreAttributes[attributes.length] = TagAttributeUtilities.createTagAttribute(tag.getLocation(),
HTML_NAMESPACE, "display", "display", "block");
TagAttributes more = new AFTagAttributes(moreAttributes);
return more;
代码示例来源:origin: net.bootsfaces/bootsfaces
private TagAttribute createElementName(Tag tag) {
Location location = tag.getLocation();
String ns = Namespace.p.uri;
String qName = "p:" + myLocalName;
String value = tag.getLocalName();
return TagAttributeUtilities.createTagAttribute(location, ns, myLocalName, qName, value);
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.faces/jsf-impl
private TagAttribute createElementName(Tag tag) {
Location location = tag.getLocation();
String ns = Namespace.p.uri;
String qName = "p:" + myLocalName;
String value = tag.getLocalName();
return new TagAttributeImpl(location, ns, myLocalName, qName, value);
代码示例来源:origin: TheCoder4eu/BootsFaces-OSP
private Tag convertElementToSelectOneMenuTag(Tag tag, TagAttributes modifiedAttributes) {
TagAttribute[] attributes = modifiedAttributes.getAll();
TagAttribute[] lessAttributes = Arrays.copyOf(attributes, attributes.length - 1);
TagAttributes less = new AFTagAttributes(lessAttributes);
Tag t = new Tag(tag.getLocation(), BOOTSFACES_NAMESPACE, "selectOneMenu", "b:selectOneMenu", less);
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: javax/javaee-web-api
* Constructor.
* @param orig the original tag.
* @param attributes the tag attributes.
public Tag(Tag orig, TagAttributes attributes) {
this(orig.getLocation(), orig.getNamespace(), orig.getLocalName(), orig
.getQName(), attributes);
代码示例来源:origin: javax.faces/javax.faces-api
* Constructor.
* @param orig the original tag.
* @param attributes the tag attributes.
public Tag(Tag orig, TagAttributes attributes) {
this(orig.getLocation(), orig.getNamespace(), orig.getLocalName(), orig
.getQName(), attributes);
代码示例来源:origin: TheCoder4eu/BootsFaces-OSP
private Tag convertDivElementToPanelGroup(Tag tag, TagAttributes modifiedAttributes, boolean isDiv) {
TagAttribute[] attributes = modifiedAttributes.getAll();
TagAttributes more = addBlockAttributeIfNeeded(tag, isDiv, attributes);
Tag t = new Tag(tag.getLocation(), JSF_NAMESPACE, "panelGroup", "h:panelGroup", more);
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: net.bootsfaces/bootsfaces
private Tag convertToSelectOneMenuTag(Tag tag, TagAttributes attributeList) {
TagAttribute[] attributes = attributeList.getAll();
TagAttributes more = new AFTagAttributes(attributes);
Tag t = new Tag(tag.getLocation(), BOOTSFACES_NAMESPACE, "selectOneMenu", "b:selectOneMenu", more);
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.myfaces.core/myfaces-api
private static String print(Tag tag, TagAttribute attr)
return tag.getLocation() + " <" + tag.getQName() + " " + attr.getQName() + "=\"" + attr.getValue() + "\">";
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.faces/jsf-api
private static String print(Tag tag, TagAttribute attr) {
return tag.getLocation() + " <" + tag.getQName() + " " + attr.getQName()
+ "=\"" + attr.getValue() + "\">";
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish/javax.faces
* Constructor.
* @param orig the original tag.
* @param attributes the tag attributes.
public Tag(Tag orig, TagAttributes attributes) {
this(orig.getLocation(), orig.getNamespace(), orig.getLocalName(), orig
.getQName(), attributes);
代码示例来源:origin: TheCoder4eu/BootsFaces-OSP
private Tag convertToSelectOneMenuTag(Tag tag, TagAttributes attributeList) {
TagAttribute[] attributes = attributeList.getAll();
TagAttributes more = new AFTagAttributes(attributes);
Tag t = new Tag(tag.getLocation(), BOOTSFACES_NAMESPACE, "selectOneMenu", "b:selectOneMenu", more);
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.faces/jsf-impl
public void apply(FaceletContext ctx, UIComponent parent)
throws IOException {
UIComponent compositeParent =
if (compositeParent != null) {
new RelocateFacetListener(ctx,
代码示例来源:origin: TheCoder4eu/BootsFaces-OSP
* Converts <option>firstComboboxItem</option> to <f:selectItem itemValue="firstComboxItem">.
private Tag convertTofSelectItemText(Tag tag, TagAttributes attributeList) {
TagAttribute[] attributes = attributeList.getAll();
AFTagAttributes more = new AFTagAttributes(attributes);
more.replaceAttribute("value", "itemValue");
more.replaceAttribute("label", "itemLabel");
Tag t = new Tag(tag.getLocation(), JSF_CORE_NAMESPACE, "selectItem", "selectItem", more);
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.faces/jsf-impl
protected Tag convertTag(Tag tag, Namespace namespace, String localName) {
Location location = tag.getLocation();
String ns = namespace.uri;
String qName = namespace.name() + ":" + localName;
TagAttributes attributes = convertAttributes(tag.getAttributes());
Tag converted = new Tag(location, ns, localName, qName, attributes);
for (TagAttribute tagAttribute : attributes.getAll()) {
// set the correct tag
return converted;
代码示例来源:origin: TheCoder4eu/BootsFaces-OSP
protected Tag convertTag(Tag tag, Namespace namespace, String localName) {
Location location = tag.getLocation();
String ns = namespace.uri;
String qName = namespace.name() + ":" + localName;
TagAttributes attributes = convertAttributes(tag.getAttributes(), tag);
Tag converted = new Tag(location, ns, localName, qName, attributes);
for (TagAttribute tagAttribute : attributes.getAll()) {
// set the correct tag
return converted;