
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Equivalent to withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier).


代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

 * Equivalent to {@code withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier)}.
 * @see #withRetryPolicy(String, RetryPolicy, Callable)
public static <T> Task<T> withRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy policy, Callable<Task<T>> taskSupplier) {
 return withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier);

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

 * Equivalent to {@code withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier)}.
 * @see #withRetryPolicy(String, RetryPolicy, Callable)
public static <T> Task<T> withRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy policy, Function1<Integer, Task<T>> taskSupplier) {
 return withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier);

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

 * Creates a new task that will run and potentially retry task returned
 * by a {@code taskSupplier}. Use {@link RetryPolicyBuilder} to create desired
 * retry policy.
 * <p>
 * NOTE: using tasks with retry can have significant performance implications. For example, HTTP request may
 * failed due to server overload and retrying request may prevent server from recovering. In this example
 * a better approach is the opposite: decrease number of requests to the server unit it is fully recovered.
 * Please make sure you have considered why the first task failed and why is it reasonable to expect retry task
 * to complete successfully. It is also highly recommended to specify reasonable backoff and termination conditions.
 * @param name A name of the task that needs to be retried.
 * @param policy Retry policy that will control this task's retry behavior.
 * @param taskSupplier A task generator function.
 * @param <T> the type of the return value for this task
public static <T> Task<T> withRetryPolicy(String name, RetryPolicy policy, Callable<Task<T>> taskSupplier) {
 return withRetryPolicy(name, policy, attempt ->;

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

public void testFailingTaskSupplier()
 Task<Void> task = withRetryPolicy("testFailingTaskSupplier", RetryPolicy.attempts(3, 0),
   attempt -> { throw new IOException("ups"); });
 runAndWaitException(task, IOException.class);

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

public void testSimpleRetryPolicy()
 Task<Void> task = withRetryPolicy("testSimpleRetryPolicy", RetryPolicy.attempts(3, 0),
   attempt -> Task.failure(new RuntimeException("current attempt: " + attempt)));
 runAndWaitException(task, RuntimeException.class);
 assertEquals(task.getError().getMessage(), "current attempt: 2");

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

public void testSimpleRetryPolicy()
 Task<Void> task = withRetryPolicy("testSimpleRetryPolicy", RetryPolicy.attempts(3, 0),
   attempt -> Task.failure(new RuntimeException("current attempt: " + attempt)));
 runAndWaitException(task, RuntimeException.class);
 assertEquals(task.getError().getMessage(), "current attempt: 2");

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

public void testSuccessfulTask()
 Task<String> task = withRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy.attempts(3, 0), attempt -> Task.value("successful attempt " + attempt));
 assertEquals(task.get(), "successful attempt 0");

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

public void testSuccessfulTask()
 Task<String> task = withRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy.attempts(3, 0), attempt -> Task.value("successful attempt " + attempt));
 assertEquals(task.get(), "successful attempt 0");

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

 public void testErrorClassification()
  Function<Throwable, ErrorClassification> errorClassifier = error -> error instanceof TimeoutException ? ErrorClassification.RECOVERABLE : ErrorClassification.UNRECOVERABLE;

  RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new RetryPolicyBuilder().
  assertEquals(retryPolicy.getName(), "RetryPolicy.LimitAttempts");

  Task<Void> task1 = withRetryPolicy("testErrorClassification", retryPolicy, attempt -> Task.failure(new TimeoutException("current attempt: " + attempt)));
  runAndWaitException(task1, TimeoutException.class);
  assertEquals(task1.getError().getMessage(), "current attempt: 2");

  Task<Void> task2 = withRetryPolicy("testErrorClassification", retryPolicy, attempt -> Task.failure(new IllegalArgumentException("current attempt: " + attempt)));
  runAndWaitException(task2, IllegalArgumentException.class);
  assertEquals(task2.getError().getMessage(), "current attempt: 0");

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

public void testErrorClassification()
 Function<Throwable, ErrorClassification> errorClassifier = error -> error instanceof TimeoutException ? ErrorClassification.RECOVERABLE : ErrorClassification.UNRECOVERABLE;
 RetryPolicy retryPolicy = new RetryPolicyBuilder().
 assertEquals(retryPolicy.getName(), "RetryPolicy.LimitAttempts");
 Task<Void> task1 = withRetryPolicy("testErrorClassification", retryPolicy, attempt -> Task.failure(new TimeoutException("current attempt: " + attempt)));
 runAndWaitException(task1, TimeoutException.class);
 assertEquals(task1.getError().getMessage(), "current attempt: 2");
 Task<Void> task2 = withRetryPolicy("testErrorClassification", retryPolicy, attempt -> Task.failure(new IllegalArgumentException("current attempt: " + attempt)));
 runAndWaitException(task2, IllegalArgumentException.class);
 assertEquals(task2.getError().getMessage(), "current attempt: 0");

代码示例来源:origin: linkedin/parseq

public void testWithRetryTaskType() {
 Task<String> task = Task.withRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy.attempts(1, 0), attempt -> Task.value("successful attempt " + attempt));
 assertEquals(doesTaskTypeExistInTrace(task.getTrace(), TaskType.RETRY.getName()), true);
 assertEquals(task.getShallowTrace().getTaskType(), TaskType.WITH_RETRY.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.parseq/parseq

 * Equivalent to {@code withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier)}.
 * @see #withRetryPolicy(String, RetryPolicy, Callable)
public static <T> Task<T> withRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy policy, Function1<Integer, Task<T>> taskSupplier) {
 return withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier);

代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.parseq/parseq

 * Equivalent to {@code withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier)}.
 * @see #withRetryPolicy(String, RetryPolicy, Callable)
public static <T> Task<T> withRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy policy, Callable<Task<T>> taskSupplier) {
 return withRetryPolicy("operation", policy, taskSupplier);

代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.parseq/parseq

 * Creates a new task that will run and potentially retry task returned
 * by a {@code taskSupplier}. Use {@link RetryPolicyBuilder} to create desired
 * retry policy.
 * <p>
 * NOTE: using tasks with retry can have significant performance implications. For example, HTTP request may
 * failed due to server overload and retrying request may prevent server from recovering. In this example
 * a better approach is the opposite: decrease number of requests to the server unit it is fully recovered.
 * Please make sure you have considered why the first task failed and why is it reasonable to expect retry task
 * to complete successfully. It is also highly recommended to specify reasonable backoff and termination conditions.
 * @param name A name of the task that needs to be retried.
 * @param policy Retry policy that will control this task's retry behavior.
 * @param taskSupplier A task generator function.
 * @param <T> the type of the return value for this task
public static <T> Task<T> withRetryPolicy(String name, RetryPolicy policy, Callable<Task<T>> taskSupplier) {
 return withRetryPolicy(name, policy, attempt ->;
