
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: elastic/elasticsearch-hadoop

cfg.set(TupleSerializationProps.SERIALIZATION_TOKENS, Util.join(",", Util.removeNulls(tokens, id + "=" + lmw)));
LogFactory.getLog(EsTap.class).trace(String.format("Registered Cascading serialization token %s for %s", id, lmw));

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Adds the given className as a Hadoop IO serialization class.
 * @param properties of type Map
 * @param className  of type String
public static void addSerialization( Map<Object, Object> properties, String className )
 String serializations = (String) properties.get( HADOOP_IO_SERIALIZATIONS );
 properties.put( HADOOP_IO_SERIALIZATIONS, Util.join( ",", Util.removeNulls( serializations, className ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-io

 * Adds the given className as a Hadoop IO serialization class.
 * @param properties of type Map
 * @param className  of type String
public static void addSerialization( Map<Object, Object> properties, String className )
 String serializations = (String) properties.get( HADOOP_IO_SERIALIZATIONS );
 properties.put( HADOOP_IO_SERIALIZATIONS, Util.join( ",", Util.removeNulls( serializations, className ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public ChildFirstURLClassLoader( String[] exclusions, URL... urls )
 super( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() );
 this.exclusions = Util.removeNulls( exclusions );
 childClassLoader = new ChildURLClassLoader( urls, this.getParent() );
 if( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
  LOG.debug( "child first classloader exclusions: {}", Arrays.toString( exclusions ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

protected void addPropertiesTo( Properties properties )
 for( String codec : codecs )
  String codecs = (String) properties.get( SPILL_CODECS );
  properties.put( SPILL_CODECS, Util.join( ",", Util.removeNulls( codecs, codec ) ) );
 properties.setProperty( SPILL_COMPRESS, Boolean.toString( compressSpill ) );
 properties.setProperty( LIST_THRESHOLD, Integer.toString( listSpillThreshold ) );
 properties.setProperty( MAP_THRESHOLD, Integer.toString( mapSpillThreshold ) );
 properties.setProperty( MAP_CAPACITY, Integer.toString( mapInitialCapacity ) );
 properties.setProperty( MAP_LOADFACTOR, Float.toString( mapLoadFactor ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Adds the given token and className pair as a serialization token property. During object serialization and deserialization,
 * the given token will be used instead of the className when an instance of the className is encountered.
 * @param properties of type Map
 * @param token      of type int
 * @param className  of type String
public static void addSerializationToken( Map<Object, Object> properties, int token, String className )
 String tokens = getSerializationTokens( properties );
 properties.put( SERIALIZATION_TOKENS, Util.join( ",", Util.removeNulls( tokens, token + "=" + className ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-io

 * Adds the given token and className pair as a serialization token property. During object serialization and deserialization,
 * the given token will be used instead of the className when an instance of the className is encountered.
 * @param properties of type Map
 * @param token      of type int
 * @param className  of type String
public static void addSerializationToken( Map<Object, Object> properties, int token, String className )
 String tokens = getSerializationTokens( properties );
 properties.put( SERIALIZATION_TOKENS, Util.join( ",", Util.removeNulls( tokens, token + "=" + className ) ) );

代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch-hadoop

cfg.set(TupleSerializationProps.SERIALIZATION_TOKENS, Util.join(",", Util.removeNulls(tokens, id + "=" + lmw)));
LogFactory.getLog(EsTap.class).trace(String.format("Registered Cascading serialization token %s for %s", id, lmw));
