
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-reconstruction

public void fuseGroups()
  this.downsampledBB = fuseGroups(
      useWeightsFusion ? Util.getArrayFromValue( blendingRangeFusion, 3 ) : null,
      useWeightsFusion ? Util.getArrayFromValue( blendingBorderFusion, 3 ) : null,
      useWeightsDecon ? Util.getArrayFromValue( blendingRangeDeconvolution, 3 ) : null,
      useWeightsDecon ? Util.getArrayFromValue( blendingBorderDeconvolution, 3 ) : null,
      intensityAdjustments );

代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms-legacy

public static <T extends RealType<T>, S extends RealType<S>> double testCrossCorrelation( final long[] shift, final Img<T> image1, final Img<S> image2, final int minOverlapPx, final long[] numPixels )
  return testCrossCorrelation( shift, image1, image2, Util.getArrayFromValue( minOverlapPx, image1.numDimensions()), numPixels );

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-simulation

public RealInterval getTilesExtent()
  final Dimensions dims = intervalRender;
  double[] mins = Util.getArrayFromValue( Double.MAX_VALUE, dims.numDimensions() );
  double[] maxs = Util.getArrayFromValue( -Double.MAX_VALUE, dims.numDimensions() );
  for (AffineTransform3D tt : tileTransforms.values())
    for (int d = 0; d < dims.numDimensions(); d++)
      mins[d] = Math.min( mins[d], -tt.getTranslation()[d] );
      maxs[d] = Math.max( maxs[d], -tt.getTranslation()[d] + dims.dimension( d ) );
  return new FinalRealInterval( mins, maxs );

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-reconstruction

public static enum ImgDataType { VIRTUAL, CACHED, PRECOMPUTED };
public static String[] imgDataTypeChoice = new String[]{ "Virtual", "Cached", "Precompute Image" };

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

public static double[] getSpatialCalibration( final ImagePlus imp )
  final double[] calibration = Util.getArrayFromValue( 1d, 3 );
  calibration[ 0 ] = imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth;
  calibration[ 1 ] = imp.getCalibration().pixelHeight;
  if ( imp.getNSlices() > 1 )
    calibration[ 2 ] = imp.getCalibration().pixelDepth;
  return calibration;

代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms-gpl

 * Return the xyz calibration stored in an {@link Metadata} in a 3-elements
 * double array. Calibration is ordered as X, Y, Z. If one axis is not found,
 * then the calibration for this axis takes the value of 1.
public static final double[] getSpatialCalibration(final Metadata img) {
  final double[] calibration = Util.getArrayFromValue(1d, 3);
  for (int d = 0; d < img.numDimensions(); d++) {
    if (img.axis(d).equals(Axes.X)) {
      calibration[0] = img.calibration(d);
    } else if (img.axis(d).equals(Axes.Y)) {
      calibration[1] = img.calibration(d);
    } else if (img.axis(d).equals(Axes.Z)) {
      calibration[2] = img.calibration(d);
  return calibration;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

public static double[] getSpatialCalibration( final ImagePlus imp )
  final double[] calibration = Util.getArrayFromValue( 1d, 3 );
  calibration[ 0 ] = imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth;
  calibration[ 1 ] = imp.getCalibration().pixelHeight;
  if ( imp.getNSlices() > 1 )
    calibration[ 2 ] = imp.getCalibration().pixelDepth;
  return calibration;

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-simulation

public static void main( String[] args )
    new ImageJ();

    final double overlap = 0.2;
    final float snr = 8;

    final SimulateTileStitching sts = new SimulateTileStitching( new Random( System.currentTimeMillis() ), true, Util.getArrayFromValue( overlap, 3 ) );
    IJ.log( "Known shift (right relative to left): " + Util.printCoordinates( sts.getCorrectTranslation() ) );

    final Pair< Img< FloatType >, Img< FloatType > > pair = sts.getNextPair( snr );

    show( pair.getA(), "left" );
    show( pair.getB(), "right" );

代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm

public static final Neighborhood< BitType > getNeighborhood( final Shape shape, final EuclideanSpace space )
  final int numDims = space.numDimensions();
  final long[] dimensions = Util.getArrayFromValue( 1l, numDims );
  final ArrayImg< BitType, LongArray > img = ArrayImgs.bits( dimensions );
  final IterableInterval< Neighborhood< BitType >> neighborhoods = shape.neighborhoods( img );
  final Neighborhood< BitType > neighborhood = neighborhoods.cursor().next();
  return neighborhood;

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-reconstruction

Gauss3.gauss( Util.getArrayFromValue( sigma, psi.numDimensions() ), Views.extendMirrorSingle( psi ), psi, service );

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-reconstruction

final float[] blending = Util.getArrayFromValue( FusionTools.defaultBlendingRange, 3 );
final float[] border = Util.getArrayFromValue( FusionTools.defaultBlendingBorder, 3 );

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-reconstruction

public static void testContentBased( final Img< FloatType > img )
    final double[] sigma1 = Util.getArrayFromValue( FusionTools.defaultContentBasedSigma1, 3 );
    final double[] sigma2 = Util.getArrayFromValue( FusionTools.defaultContentBasedSigma2 / 10, 3 );

    final double scaling = 2.0;

    sigma1[ 0 ] /= scaling;
    sigma2[ 0 ] /= scaling;
    sigma1[ 1 ] /= scaling;
    sigma2[ 1 ] /= scaling;

    sigma1[ 2 ] /= scaling * 5.0;
    sigma2[ 2 ] /= scaling * 5.0;

    IOFunctions.println( "Computing ... " + Util.printCoordinates( sigma1 ) + ", " + Util.printCoordinates( sigma2 ) );

    ContentBasedRealRandomAccessible< FloatType > cb = new ContentBasedRealRandomAccessible< FloatType >( img, img.factory().imgFactory( new ComplexFloatType() ), sigma1, sigma2 );

    IOFunctions.println( "Done ... " );

    final ImagePlus imp = DisplayImage.getImagePlusInstance( cb.getContentBasedImg(), true, "brain", Double.NaN, Double.NaN );;

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-reconstruction

final RandomAccessibleInterval transformedInput = TransformView.transformView( inputImg, model, bb, 0, 1 );
final float[] blending =  Util.getArrayFromValue( FusionTools.defaultBlendingRange, 3 );
final float[] border = Util.getArrayFromValue( FusionTools.defaultBlendingBorder, 3 );
System.out.println( "Default blending = " + Util.printCoordinates( blending ) );
System.out.println( "Default border = " + Util.printCoordinates( border ) );
final RandomAccessibleInterval< FloatType > transformedBlending = TransformWeight.transformBlending( inputImg, border, blending, model, bb );
final double[] sigma1 = Util.getArrayFromValue( FusionTools.defaultContentBasedSigma1, 3 );
final double[] sigma2 = Util.getArrayFromValue( FusionTools.defaultContentBasedSigma2, 3 );
System.out.println( "Default sigma1 = " + Util.printCoordinates( sigma1 ) );
System.out.println( "Default sigma2 = " + Util.printCoordinates( sigma2 ) );

代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm

final long[] dimensions = Util.getArrayFromValue( 1l, dimensionality );
randomAccess.setPosition( Util.getArrayFromValue( 0, dimensions.length ) );
randomAccess.get().set( true );
neighborhood = Dilation.dilateFull( img, shape, 1 );

代码示例来源:origin: net.preibisch/multiview-reconstruction

new FinalVoxelDimensions( "px", Util.getArrayFromValue( downsampling, 3 ) ),
new Tile( newTileId ),
    channels.get( c ).getName() + "_" + illums.get( i ).getName(),
    new FinalVoxelDimensions( "px", Util.getArrayFromValue( downsampling, 3 ) ),
    new Tile( newTileId ),
    channels.get( newChannelId ),
new FinalVoxelDimensions( "px", Util.getArrayFromValue( downsampling, 3 ) ),
new Tile( newTileId ),
new Channel( newChannelId ),
  new FinalVoxelDimensions( "px", Util.getArrayFromValue( downsampling, 3 ) ),

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

 * Return the xyz calibration stored in an {@link ImgPlusMetadata} in a
 * 3-elements double array. Calibration is ordered as X, Y, Z. If one axis
 * is not found, then the calibration for this axis takes the value of 1.
public static final double[] getSpatialCalibration( final ImgPlusMetadata img )
  final double[] calibration = Util.getArrayFromValue( 1d, 3 );
  for ( int d = 0; d < img.numDimensions(); d++ )
    if ( img.axis( d ).type() == Axes.X )
      calibration[ 0 ] = img.averageScale( d );
    else if ( img.axis( d ).type() == Axes.Y )
      calibration[ 1 ] = img.averageScale( d );
    else if ( img.axis( d ).type() == Axes.Z )
      calibration[ 2 ] = img.averageScale( d );
  return calibration;

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

 * Return the xyz calibration stored in an {@link ImgPlusMetadata} in a
 * 3-elements double array. Calibration is ordered as X, Y, Z. If one axis
 * is not found, then the calibration for this axis takes the value of 1.
public static final double[] getSpatialCalibration( final ImgPlusMetadata img )
  final double[] calibration = Util.getArrayFromValue( 1d, 3 );
  for ( int d = 0; d < img.numDimensions(); d++ )
    if ( img.axis( d ).type() == Axes.X )
      calibration[ 0 ] = img.averageScale( d );
    else if ( img.axis( d ).type() == Axes.Y )
      calibration[ 1 ] = img.averageScale( d );
    else if ( img.axis( d ).type() == Axes.Z )
      calibration[ 2 ] = img.averageScale( d );
  return calibration;

代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithms

final Img<FloatType> kernel = factory.create( Util.getArrayFromValue( 3L, numDimensions), new FloatType() );				
final Cursor<FloatType> cursor = kernel.cursor();

代码示例来源:origin: net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm

final Img< FloatType > kernel = factory.create( Util.getArrayFromValue( 3L, numDimensions ) );
final Cursor< FloatType > cursor = kernel.cursor();
