[英]Declare a work to be done within a given transaction context
代码示例来源:origin: org.infinispan/infinispan-query
private void performSearchWorks(Collection<Work> works, TransactionContext transactionContext) {
Worker worker = searchFactory.getWorker();
for (Work work : works) {
worker.performWork(work, transactionContext);
代码示例来源:origin: org.infinispan/infinispan-embedded-query
private void performSearchWorks(Collection<Work> works, TransactionContext transactionContext) {
Worker worker = searchFactory.getWorker();
for (Work work : works) {
worker.performWork(work, transactionContext);
代码示例来源:origin: fenix-framework/fenix-framework
protected static void updateIndex(TransactionContext context, Collection<DomainObject> objects, WorkType workType) {
try {
for (DomainObject obj : objects) {
if (!INDEXED_CLASSES.contains(obj.getClass()))
searchFactory.getWorker().performWork(new Work<DomainObject>(obj, workType), context);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
logger.warn("Problem inside updateIndex", e);
throw e;
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public void accept(int id) {
AbstractBookEntity book = dataset.create( id );
Work work = new Work( book, id, WorkType.ADD, false );
worker.performWork( work, tc );
needsFlush = true;
if ( count % 1000 == 0 ) {
//commit in batches of 1000:
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
private void createAndPerformWork(IndexedTypeIdentifier type, Serializable id, WorkType workType) {
Work work = new Work( delegate.getTenantIdentifier(), type, id, workType );
getSearchIntegrator().getWorker().performWork( work, transactionContext );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public void execute() {
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
w -> integratorProvider.get().getWorker().performWork( w, tc )
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
protected void processWork(String tenantIdentifier, Object entity, Serializable id, WorkType workType, AbstractEvent event, boolean identifierRollbackEnabled) {
Work work = new Work( tenantIdentifier, entity, id, workType, identifierRollbackEnabled );
final EventSourceTransactionContext transactionContext = new EventSourceTransactionContext( event.getSession() );
getExtendedSearchFactoryIntegrator().getWorker().performWork( work, transactionContext );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
@Threads(3 * AbstractBookEntity.TYPE_COUNT)
public void write(NonStreamWriteEngineHolder eh, ChangesetGenerator changesetGenerator, NonStreamWriteCounters counters) {
SearchIntegrator si = eh.getSearchIntegrator();
Worker worker = si.getWorker();
IndexedTypeIdentifier typeId = changesetGenerator.getTypeId();
changesetGenerator.stream().forEach( changeset -> {
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
changeset.toAdd().forEach( book -> {
Work work = new Work( book, book.getId(), WorkType.ADD );
worker.performWork( work, tc );
} );
changeset.toUpdate().forEach( book -> {
Work work = new Work( book, book.getId(), WorkType.UPDATE );
worker.performWork( work, tc );
} );
changeset.toDelete().forEach( id -> {
Work work = new Work( typeId, id, WorkType.DELETE );
worker.performWork( work, tc );
} );
} );
// Ensure that we'll block until all works have been performed
SearchIntegratorHelper.flush( si, typeId );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public void run() {
for ( int i = 1; i <= docsPerThread; i++ ) {
final Worker worker = integrator.getWorker();
Work work = workLog.generateNewWork();
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( work, tc );
workLog.workApplied( work );
if ( i % printEach == 0 ) {
System.out.println( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " sent " + i );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
private void storeObject(Object entity, Serializable id) {
Work work = new Work( entity, id, WorkType.UPDATE, false );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
searchIntegrator.getWorker().performWork( work, tc );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
private static void writeABook(Integer id, String bookTitle, Worker worker) {
Book book = new Book();
book.id = id;
book.title = bookTitle;
Work work = new Work( book, book.id, WorkType.ADD, false );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( work, tc );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
private static void deleteABook(Integer id, Worker worker) {
Book book = new Book();
book.id = id;
Work work = new Work( book, id, WorkType.DELETE, false );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( work, tc );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
private void storeObject(Object entity, Serializable id) {
Work work = new Work( entity, id, WorkType.UPDATE, false );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
slaveNode.getSearchFactory().getWorker().performWork( work, tc );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public static void preindexEntities(SearchIntegrator si, int numEntities) {
println( "Starting index creation..." );
Worker worker = si.getWorker();
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
boolean needsFlush = false;
int i = 1;
for ( ; i <= numEntities; i++ ) {
BookEntity book = new BookEntity();
book.setId( Long.valueOf( i ) );
book.setText( "Some very long text should be stored here. No, I mean long as in a book." );
book.setTitle( "Naaa" );
book.setRating( Float.intBitsToFloat( i ) );
Work work = new Work( book, book.getId(), WorkType.ADD, false );
worker.performWork( work, tc );
needsFlush = true;
if ( i % 1000 == 0 ) {
//commit in batches of 1000:
needsFlush = false;
tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
if ( needsFlush ) {
//commit remaining work
println( " ... created an index of " + numEntities + " entities." );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public void simpleIndexing(QueryEngineHolder eh) {
Worker worker = eh.si.getWorker();
BookEntity book = new BookEntity();
book.setId( 1L );
book.setText( "Some very long text should be stored here. No, I mean long as in a book." );
book.setTitle( "Naaa" );
Work work = new Work( book, book.getId(), WorkType.ADD, false );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( work, tc );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
private void testForQuery(Class<?> entityType, ExtendedSearchIntegrator integrator, DeletionQuery query, int expectedCount) {
Worker worker = integrator.getWorker();
this.assertCount( entityType, 2 );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( new DeleteByQueryWork( BOOK_TYPE, query ), tc );
this.assertCount( entityType, expectedCount );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( new Work( BOOK_TYPE, null, WorkType.PURGE_ALL ), tc );
this.assertCount( entityType, 0 );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public void testStringIdTermQuery() {
ExtendedSearchIntegrator integrator = this.factoryHolder.getSearchFactory();
Worker worker = integrator.getWorker();
this.assertCount( Book.class, 2 );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( new DeleteByQueryWork( BOOK_TYPE, new SingularTermDeletionQuery( "id", String.valueOf( 5 ) ) ), tc );
this.assertCount( Book.class, 1 );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( new DeleteByQueryWork( BOOK_TYPE, new SingularTermDeletionQuery( "id", String.valueOf( 6 ) ) ), tc );
this.assertCount( Book.class, 0 );
// this should stay empty now!
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public void canDeleteByQuery() throws Exception {
Session s = openSession();
FullTextSession session = Search.getFullTextSession( s );
ExtendedSearchIntegrator integrator = session.getSearchFactory()
.unwrap( ExtendedSearchIntegrator.class );
DeleteByQueryWork queryWork = new DeleteByQueryWork( new PojoIndexedTypeIdentifier( HockeyPlayer.class ), new SingularTermDeletionQuery( "active", "false" ) );
TransactionContext tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
integrator.getWorker().performWork( queryWork, tc );
integrator.getWorker().flushWorks( tc );
QueryDescriptor query = ElasticsearchQueries.fromJson( "{ 'query': { 'match_all' : {} } }" );
Transaction tx = s.beginTransaction();
List<HockeyPlayer> result = session.createFullTextQuery( query, HockeyPlayer.class ).list();
assertThat( result ).extracting( "name" ).containsExactlyInAnyOrder( "Hergesheimer", "Brand" );
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public void testSingularTermQuery() {
ExtendedSearchIntegrator integrator = this.factoryHolder.getSearchFactory();
Worker worker = integrator.getWorker();
this.assertCount( Book.class, 2 );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( new DeleteByQueryWork( BOOK_TYPE, new SingularTermDeletionQuery( "url", "lordoftherings" ) ), tc );
this.assertCount( Book.class, 1 );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( new DeleteByQueryWork( BOOK_TYPE, new SingularTermDeletionQuery( "url", "thehobbit" ) ), tc );
this.assertCount( Book.class, 0 );
// this should stay empty now!
代码示例来源:origin: hibernate/hibernate-search
public void testNumericIdTermQuery() {
ExtendedSearchIntegrator integrator = this.factoryHolder.getSearchFactory();
Worker worker = integrator.getWorker();
this.assertCount( Movie.class, 2 );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( new DeleteByQueryWork( MOVIE_TYPE, new SingularTermDeletionQuery( "id", 3 ) ), tc );
this.assertCount( Movie.class, 1 );
TransactionContextForTest tc = new TransactionContextForTest();
worker.performWork( new DeleteByQueryWork( MOVIE_TYPE, new SingularTermDeletionQuery( "id", 4 ) ), tc );
this.assertCount( Movie.class, 0 );
// this should stay empty now!