
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: Talend/tesb-rt-se

public String transform(@XPath("/stock/symbol/text()") String symbol, @XPath("/stock/value/text()") String value) {
  Integer hits = stat.get(symbol);
  if (hits == null) {
    hits = 1;
  } else {
  stat.put(symbol, hits);
  return symbol + '@' + hits;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public Map toMap(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId,
            @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date,
            @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode,
            @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responseTime) {

    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put("id", partnerId);
    map.put("date", date);
    map.put("code", statusCode);
    map.put("time", responseTime);
    return map;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.camel/camel-example-management

public String transform(@XPath("/stock/symbol/text()") String symbol, @XPath("/stock/value/text()") String value) {
  Integer hits = stat.get(symbol);
  if (hits == null) {
    hits = 1;
  } else {
  stat.put(symbol, hits);
  return symbol + "@" + hits;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public Map toMap(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId,
           @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date,
           @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode,
           @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responseTime) {

    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put("id", partnerId);
    map.put("date", date);
    map.put("code", statusCode);
    map.put("time", responseTime);
    return map;

代码示例来源:origin: cschneider/Karaf-Tutorial

public String getMail(@XPath("/item/@vendor") String vendor) {
      return mailMap.get(vendor);

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public Map toMap(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId,
           @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date,
           @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode,
           @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responseTime) {

    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put("id", partnerId);
    map.put("date", date);
    map.put("code", statusCode);
    map.put("time", responseTime);
    return map;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public String toSql(@XPath("order/@name") String name,
            @XPath("order/@amount") int amount,
            @XPath("order/@customer") String customer,
            @Headers Map<String, Object> outHeaders) {
    outHeaders.put("partName", name);
    outHeaders.put("quantity", amount);
    outHeaders.put("customer", customer);
    return "insert into incoming_orders (part_name, quantity, customer) values (:?partName, :?quantity, :?customer)";

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public Map toMap(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId,
         @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date,
         @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode,
         @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responseTime) {
  if (partnerId <= 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("PartnerId is invalid, was " + partnerId);
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put("id", partnerId);
  map.put("date", date);
  map.put("code", statusCode);
  map.put("time", responseTime);
  return map;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction

public String toSql(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId,
            @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date,
            @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode,
            @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responsTime) {

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("INSERT INTO PARTNER_METRIC (partner_id, time_occurred, status_code, perf_time) VALUES (");
    sb.append("'").append(partnerId).append("', ");
    sb.append("'").append(date).append("', ");
    sb.append("'").append(statusCode).append("', ");
    sb.append("'").append(responsTime).append("') ");

    return sb.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction

public String toSql(@XPath("order/@name") String name,
            @XPath("order/@amount") int amount,
            @XPath("order/@customer") String customer) {

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("insert into incoming_orders (part_name, quantity, customer) values (");
    sb.append("'").append(name).append("', ");
    sb.append("'").append(amount).append("', ");
    sb.append("'").append(customer).append("') ");
    return sb.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction

public String toSql(@XPath("partner/@id") int partnerId,
            @XPath("partner/date/text()") String date,
            @XPath("partner/code/text()") int statusCode,
            @XPath("partner/time/text()") long responseTime) {

    if (partnerId <= 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("PartnerId is invalid, was " + partnerId);

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("INSERT INTO PARTNER_METRIC (partner_id, time_occurred, status_code, perf_time) VALUES (");
    sb.append("'").append(partnerId).append("', ");
    sb.append("'").append(date).append("', ");
    sb.append("'").append(statusCode).append("', ");
    sb.append("'").append(responseTime).append("') ");

    return sb.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public String[] recipients(@XPath("/order/@customer") String customer) {
  if (isGoldCustomer(customer)) {
    return new String[] {"jms:accounting", "jms:production"};
  } else {
    return new String[] {"jms:accounting"};

代码示例来源:origin: jboss-fuse/quickstarts

   * Get the region code that corresponds to the given country code.
   * This method can be used as a plain Java method. However, when it is used inside a Camel route, the @XPath annotation will
   * evaluate the XPath expression and use the result as the method parameter. In this case, it will fetch the country code
   * from the order XML message. So, the method will determine the region code for the country that is in the XML message.
   * @param country the country code
   * @return the region code
  public String getRegion(@XPath(value = "/order:order/order:customer/order:country",
    namespaces = @NamespacePrefix(prefix = "order", uri = "")) String country) {
    if (country.equals("AU")) {
      return APAC;
    } else if (country.equals("US")) {
      return AMER;
    } else {
      return EMEA;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction

public Document handleIncomingOrder(@Body Document xml,
                  @XPath("/order/@customerId") int customerId,
                  @Bean(ref = "guid", method = "generate") int orderId) {
  Attr attr = xml.createAttribute("orderId");
  attr.setValue("" + orderId);
  Node node = xml.getElementsByTagName("order").item(0);
  return xml;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction

public Document handleIncomingOrder(@Body Document xml,
                  @XPath(value = "/c:order/@customerId", 
                      namespaces = @NamespacePrefix(
                        prefix = "c",
                        uri = "")) int customerId,
                  @Bean(ref = "guid", method = "generate") int orderId) {
  Attr attr = xml.createAttribute("orderId");
  attr.setValue("" + orderId);
  Node node = xml.getElementsByTagName("order").item(0);
  return xml;

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction2

public String[] route(@XPath("/order/@customer") String customer) {
  if (isGoldCustomer(customer)) {
    return new String[] {"jms:accounting", "jms:production"};
  } else {
    return new String[] {"jms:accounting"};

代码示例来源:origin: camelinaction/camelinaction

public String[] route(@XPath("/order/@customer") String customer) {
  if (isGoldCustomer(customer)) {
    return new String[] {"jms:accounting", "jms:production"};
  } else {
    return new String[] {"jms:accounting"};

代码示例来源:origin: jboss-fuse/quickstarts

 * Validate the order date - orders should only be place from Monday to Saturday.
 * <p/>
 * This method can be used as a plain Java method, but when it is used inside a Camel route, the @XPath annotation will kick
 * in, evaluating the XPath expression and using the result as the method parameter. In this case, it will fetch the order
 * date from the order XML message.
 * @param date the order date
 * @throws OrderValidationException when the order date is a Sunday
public void validateOrderDate(
  @XPath(value = "/order:order/order:date",
    namespaces = @NamespacePrefix(prefix = "order", uri = "")) String date) throws OrderValidationException {
  final Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
  try {
    if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY) {
      LOGGER.warn("Order validation failure: order date " + date + " should not be a Sunday");
      throw new OrderValidationException("Order date should not be a Sunday: " + date);
  } catch (ParseException e) {
    throw new OrderValidationException("Invalid order date: " + date);
