
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Xml is a DOM XML helper object with static functions to help with XML.
[中]Xml是一个DOM Xml助手对象,具有帮助处理Xml的静态函数。


代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.metaobj/sakai-metaobj-tool-lib

public static NodeList loopCounter(int start, int end) {
 Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
 Element parent = doc.createElement("parent");
 for (int i=start;i<=end;i++) {
   Element data = doc.createElement("data");
   data.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(i + ""));
 return parent.getElementsByTagName("data");

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl

public String decodeFormattedTextAttribute(Element element, String baseAttributeName)
  String ret;
  // first check if an HTML-encoded attribute exists, for example "foo-html", and use it if available
  ret = StringUtils.trimToNull(Xml.decodeAttribute(element, baseAttributeName + "-html"));
  if (ret != null) return ret;
  // next try the older kind of formatted text like "foo-formatted", and convert it if found
  ret = StringUtils.trimToNull(Xml.decodeAttribute(element, baseAttributeName + "-formatted"));
  ret = convertOldFormattedText(ret);
  if (ret != null) return ret;
  // next try just a plaintext attribute and convert the plaintext to formatted text if found
  // convert from old plaintext instructions to new formatted text instruction
  ret = Xml.decodeAttribute(element, baseAttributeName);
  ret = convertPlaintextToFormattedText(ret);
  return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.assignment/sakai-assignment-impl

creatorId = Xml.decodeAttribute(element4, "CHEF:creator");
if (newCreatorId != null)
  Xml.encodeAttribute(element4, "CHEF:creator", newCreatorId);
  element4.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
  modifierId = Xml.decodeAttribute(element4, "CHEF:modifiedby");
if (newModifierId != null)
  Xml.encodeAttribute(element4, "CHEF:modifiedby", newModifierId);
  element4.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.announcement/sakai-announcement-impl

Document doc = Xml.readDocumentFromString(xml);
  doc = Xml.createDocument();
  m.toXml(doc, new Stack());
  xml = Xml.writeDocumentToString(doc);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.assignment/sakai-assignment-impl

public String toXml()
  Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
  Element submission = doc.createElement("submission");
      Xml.encodeAttribute(propElement, "value", (String) value);
      propElement.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
          propElement.setAttribute("name", key);
          Xml.encodeAttribute(propElement, "value", (String) val);
          propElement.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
          propElement.setAttribute("list", "list");
  return Xml.writeDocumentToString(doc);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject/sakai-chat-impl

doc = Xml.readDocumentFromString((String)xml);
  doc = Xml.readDocumentFromStream(xmlClob.getAsciiStream());
String body = Xml.decodeAttribute(root, "body");

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl

Document doc = Xml.readDocumentFromString(xml);
if (doc == null)

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl

Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
Node results = doc.createElement("events");
return Xml.writeDocumentToString(doc);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.common/archive-impl2

if (!service.willArchiveMerge()) continue;
  Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
  Stack stack = new Stack();
  Element root = doc.createElement("archive");
  Xml.writeDocument(doc, fileName);
  Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
  Stack stack = new Stack();
  Element root = doc.createElement("archive");
  Xml.writeDocument(doc, fileName);
Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
Stack stack = new Stack();
Element root = doc.createElement("archive");
Xml.writeDocument(doc, m_storagePath + siteId + "-archive/site.xml");
doc = Xml.createDocument();
stack = new Stack();
root = doc.createElement("archive");
Xml.writeDocument(doc, m_storagePath + siteId + "-archive/user.xml");

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl

public void encodeFormattedTextAttribute(Element element, String baseAttributeName, String value)
  // store the formatted text in an attribute called baseAttributeName-html
  Xml.encodeAttribute(element, baseAttributeName + "-html", value);
  // Store the non-formatted (plaintext) version as well
  Xml.encodeAttribute(element, baseAttributeName, convertFormattedTextToPlaintext(value));

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject/sakai-chat-impl

doc = Xml.readDocumentFromString((String)xml);
doc = Xml.readDocumentFromStream(xmlClob.getAsciiStream());

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl

 * @inheritDoc
public void register(File toolXmlFile, ServletContext context)
  String path = toolXmlFile.getAbsolutePath();
  if (!path.endsWith(".xml"))
  {"register: skiping non .xml file: " + path);
  }"register: file: " + path);
  Document doc = Xml.readDocument(path);
  register(doc, context);

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

if (charset == null) charset = "UTF-8";
value = Xml.decode(charset,attributes.getValue("value"));

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

public static Document callTurnitinReturnDocument(String apiURL, Map<String,Object> parameters, 
    String secretKey, int timeout, Proxy proxy, boolean isMultipart) throws TransientSubmissionException, SubmissionException {
  InputStream inputStream = callTurnitinReturnInputStream(apiURL, parameters, secretKey, timeout, proxy, isMultipart);
  BufferedReader in;
  in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
  Document document = null;
  try {   
    DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder  parser = documentBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
    document = parser.parse(new org.xml.sax.InputSource(in));
  catch (ParserConfigurationException pce){
    log.error("parser configuration error: " + pce.getMessage());
    throw new TransientSubmissionException ("Parser configuration error", pce);
  } catch (Exception t) {
    throw new TransientSubmissionException ("Cannot parse Turnitin response. Assuming call was unsuccessful", t);
  if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    log.debug(" Result from call: " + Xml.writeDocumentToString(document));
  return document;

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl

 * @inheritDoc
public List<Tool> parseTools(InputStream toolXmlStream)
  Document doc = Xml.readDocumentFromStream(toolXmlStream);
  catch (Exception e)
  if ( doc == null ) return null;
  return parseTools(doc);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.assignment/sakai-assignment-impl

Document doc = Xml.readDocumentFromString(xml);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.common/archive-impl

if (!service.willArchiveMerge()) continue;
  Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
  Stack stack = new Stack();
  Element root = doc.createElement("archive");
  Xml.writeDocument(doc, fileName);
  Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
  Stack stack = new Stack();
  Element root = doc.createElement("archive");
  Xml.writeDocument(doc, fileName);
Document doc = Xml.createDocument();
Stack stack = new Stack();
Element root = doc.createElement("archive");
Xml.writeDocument(doc, m_storagePath + siteId + "-archive/site.xml");
doc = Xml.createDocument();
stack = new Stack();
root = doc.createElement("archive");
Xml.writeDocument(doc, m_storagePath + siteId + "-archive/user.xml");

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

 * Serialize the properties into XML, adding an element to the doc under the top of the stack element.
 * @param propsToSerialize
 *        The properties to serialize.
 * @param doc
 *        The DOM doc to contain the XML (or null for a string return).
 * @param stack
 *        The DOM elements, the top of which is the containing element of the new "resource" element.
 * @return The newly added element.
public static Element propertiesToXml(Properties propsToSerialize, Document doc, Stack<Element> stack)
  Element properties = doc.createElement("properties");
  ((Element) stack.peek()).appendChild(properties);
  Enumeration<?> props = propsToSerialize.propertyNames();
  while (props.hasMoreElements())
    String name = (String) props.nextElement();
    String value = propsToSerialize.getProperty(name);
    Element propElement = doc.createElement("property");
    propElement.setAttribute("name", name);
    // encode to allow special characters in the value
    Xml.encodeAttribute(propElement, "value", (String) value);
    propElement.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
  return properties;

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void register(File toolXmlFile)
  String path = toolXmlFile.getAbsolutePath();
  if (!path.endsWith(".xml"))
  {"register: skipping non .xml file: " + path);
  }"register: file: " + path);
  Document doc = Xml.readDocument(path);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl

if (charset == null) charset = "UTF-8";
value = Xml.decode(charset, attributes.getValue("value"));
