[英]Place a string into the attribute of the element , encoded so special characters can be used.
代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl
public void encodeFormattedTextAttribute(Element element, String baseAttributeName, String value)
// store the formatted text in an attribute called baseAttributeName-html
Xml.encodeAttribute(element, baseAttributeName + "-html", value);
// Store the non-formatted (plaintext) version as well
Xml.encodeAttribute(element, baseAttributeName, convertFormattedTextToPlaintext(value));
代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai
* Serialize the properties into XML, adding an element to the doc under the top of the stack element.
* @param propsToSerialize
* The properties to serialize.
* @param doc
* The DOM doc to contain the XML (or null for a string return).
* @param stack
* The DOM elements, the top of which is the containing element of the new "resource" element.
* @return The newly added element.
public static Element propertiesToXml(Properties propsToSerialize, Document doc, Stack<Element> stack)
Element properties = doc.createElement("properties");
((Element) stack.peek()).appendChild(properties);
Enumeration<?> props = propsToSerialize.propertyNames();
while (props.hasMoreElements())
String name = (String) props.nextElement();
String value = propsToSerialize.getProperty(name);
Element propElement = doc.createElement("property");
propElement.setAttribute("name", name);
// encode to allow special characters in the value
Xml.encodeAttribute(propElement, "value", (String) value);
propElement.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
return properties;
代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl
if (m_description != null) Xml.encodeAttribute(role, "description-enc", m_description);
if (m_providerOnly) Xml.encodeAttribute(role, "provider-only", "true");
代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.mailarchive/sakai-mailarchive-impl
* Serialize the resource into XML, adding an element to the doc under the top of the stack element.
* @param doc
* The DOM doc to contain the XML (or null for a string return).
* @param stack
* The DOM elements, the top of which is the containing element of the new "resource" element.
* @return The newly added element.
public Element toXml(Document doc, Stack stack)
Element message = super.toXml(doc, stack);
// Over-ride super.toXml() definition of body and body-html attributes
// store the html body in attribute
Xml.encodeAttribute(message, "body-html", getHtmlBody() );
// store the plain-text body in attribute
Xml.encodeAttribute(message, "body", getBody() );
return message;
} // class BasicMailArchiveMessageEdit
代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai
Xml.encodeAttribute(propElement, "value", (String) value);
propElement.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
propElement.setAttribute("name", name);
Xml.encodeAttribute(propElement, "value", (String) val);
propElement.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
propElement.setAttribute("list", "list");
代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl
Xml.encodeAttribute(message, "subject", msg.getSubject());
Xml.encodeAttribute(message, "body", msg.getBody());
代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl
if (newCreatorId != null)
Xml.encodeAttribute(element4, "CHEF:creator", newCreatorId);
element4.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
if (newModifierId != null)
Xml.encodeAttribute(element4, "CHEF:creator", newModifierId);
element4.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.assignment/sakai-assignment-impl
if (newCreatorId != null)
Xml.encodeAttribute(element4, "CHEF:creator", newCreatorId);
element4.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
if (newModifierId != null)
Xml.encodeAttribute(element4, "CHEF:modifiedby", newModifierId);
element4.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.kernel/sakai-kernel-impl
Xml.encodeAttribute(site, "short-description-enc", m_shortDescription);
Xml.encodeAttribute(site, "description-enc", m_description);
代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.assignment/sakai-assignment-impl
Xml.encodeAttribute(propElement, "value", (String) value);
propElement.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
propElement.setAttribute("name", key);
Xml.encodeAttribute(propElement, "value", (String) val);
propElement.setAttribute("enc", "BASE64");
propElement.setAttribute("list", "list");