
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Consumes the given required attribute as a literal or field reference. The types parameters are required to determine how the value is parsed and validated.


代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin.external.gwt/gwt-user

 * Convenience method for parsing the named required attribute as a double
 * value or reference.
 * @return a double literal, an expression that will evaluate to a double
 *         value in the generated code
 * @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value, or if the attribute
 *           is empty or unspecified
public String consumeRequiredDoubleAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
 return consumeRequiredAttribute(name, getDoubleType());

代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin.external.gwt/gwt-user

 * Convenience method for parsing the named required attribute as a integer
 * value or reference.
 * @return a integer literal, an expression that will evaluate to a integer
 *         value in the generated code
 * @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value, or if the attribute
 *           is empty or unspecified
public String consumeRequiredIntAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
 return consumeRequiredAttribute(name, getIntType());

代码示例来源:origin: laaglu/lib-gwt-svg

 * Convenience method for parsing the named required attribute as a double
 * value or reference.
 * @return a double literal, an expression that will evaluate to a double
 *         value in the generated code
 * @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value, or if the attribute
 *           is empty or unspecified
public String consumeRequiredDoubleAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
 return consumeRequiredAttribute(name, getDoubleType());

代码示例来源:origin: net.wetheinter/gwt-user

 * Convenience method for parsing the named required attribute as a double
 * value or reference.
 * @return a double literal, an expression that will evaluate to a double
 *         value in the generated code
 * @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value, or if the attribute
 *           is empty or unspecified
public String consumeRequiredDoubleAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
 return consumeRequiredAttribute(name, getDoubleType());

代码示例来源:origin: org.vectomatic/lib-gwt-svg

 * Convenience method for parsing the named required attribute as a double
 * value or reference.
 * @return a double literal, an expression that will evaluate to a double
 *         value in the generated code
 * @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value, or if the attribute
 *           is empty or unspecified
public String consumeRequiredDoubleAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
 return consumeRequiredAttribute(name, getDoubleType());

代码示例来源:origin: org.vectomatic/lib-gwt-svg

 * Convenience method for parsing the named required attribute as a integer
 * value or reference.
 * @return a integer literal, an expression that will evaluate to a integer
 *         value in the generated code
 * @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value, or if the attribute
 *           is empty or unspecified
public String consumeRequiredIntAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
 return consumeRequiredAttribute(name, getIntType());

代码示例来源:origin: net.wetheinter/gwt-user

 * Convenience method for parsing the named required attribute as a integer
 * value or reference.
 * @return a integer literal, an expression that will evaluate to a integer
 *         value in the generated code
 * @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value, or if the attribute
 *           is empty or unspecified
public String consumeRequiredIntAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
 return consumeRequiredAttribute(name, getIntType());

代码示例来源:origin: laaglu/lib-gwt-svg

 * Convenience method for parsing the named required attribute as a integer
 * value or reference.
 * @return a integer literal, an expression that will evaluate to a integer
 *         value in the generated code
 * @throws UnableToCompleteException on unparseable value, or if the attribute
 *           is empty or unspecified
public String consumeRequiredIntAttribute(String name) throws UnableToCompleteException {
 return consumeRequiredAttribute(name, getIntType());

代码示例来源:origin: com.jhickman/gxt-uibinder

private String parseChildElement(XMLElement elem, JClassType valueType, UiBinderWriter writer) throws UnableToCompleteException {
    if ("value".equals(elem.getLocalName())) {
      return String.format("\"%s\"", elem.consumeInnerTextEscapedAsHtmlStringLiteral(new TextInterpreter(writer)));
    } else if ("item".equals(elem.getLocalName())) {
      return elem.consumeRequiredAttribute("value", valueType);
    writer.die(elem, "Unknown child element of SimpleComboBox");
    return null; // will never get here

代码示例来源:origin: com.jhickman/gxt-uibinder

 * FIXME - only works for String value's
 * @param elem
 * @param fieldName
 * @param writer
private void consumeDataChildren(XMLElement elem, String fieldName, UiBinderWriter writer) throws UnableToCompleteException {
  Interpreter<Boolean> interpreter = new SimpleInterpreter(elem.getNamespaceUri(), "data");
  JClassType stringType = writer.getOracle().findType("java.lang.String");
  for(XMLElement child : elem.consumeChildElements(interpreter)) {
    String key = child.consumeRequiredAttribute("key", stringType);
    String value = child.consumeRequiredAttribute("value", stringType);
    writer.addStatement("%s.setData(%s, %s);", fieldName, key, value);

代码示例来源:origin: com.jhickman/gxt-uibinder

public void parse(XMLElement elem, String fieldName, JClassType type, UiBinderWriter writer) throws UnableToCompleteException {
    JClassType treePanelType = writer.getOracle().findType(GxtClassnameConstants.TREEPANEL);

    JClassType treeStoreType = writer.getOracle().findType(GxtClassnameConstants.TREESTORE);
    String store = elem.consumeRequiredAttribute("store", treeStoreType);
    writer.setFieldInitializerAsConstructor(fieldName, treePanelType, store);

代码示例来源:origin: com.jhickman/gxt-uibinder

String columnCountAttribute = elem.consumeRequiredAttribute("numColumns", integerType);
Integer columnCount = Integer.valueOf(columnCountAttribute);

