[英]Replaces the characters that need to be escaped with their corresponding character entities.
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the following:
* <ul>
* <li>all ascii codes less than 32 except 9 (tab), 10 (nl) and 13 (cr)
* <li>ampersand (&)
* <li>less than (<)
* <li>larger than (>)
* <li>double quotes (") if isAttribute is <code>true</code>
* </ul>
* with character entities.
public static String xmlEscape(String string, boolean isAttribute, StringBuilder buffer) {
return xmlEscape(string, isAttribute, true, buffer, -1);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the following:
* <ul>
* <li>all ascii codes less than 32 except 9 (tab), 10 (nl) and 13 (cr) if
* escapeLowAscii is <code>true</code>
* <li>ampersand (&)
* <li>less than (<)
* <li>larger than (>)
* <li>double quotes (") if isAttribute is <code>true</code>
* </ul>
* with character entities.
public static String xmlEscape(String string, boolean isAttribute, boolean escapeLowAscii, StringBuilder buffer) {
return xmlEscape(string, isAttribute, escapeLowAscii, buffer, -1);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the characters that need to be escaped with their corresponding
* character entities.
* @param s1
* String possibly containing characters that need to be escaped
* in XML
* @return Returns the input string with special characters that need to be
* escaped replaced by character entities.
public static String xmlEscape(String s1) {
return xmlEscape(s1, true, true, null, -1);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the characters that need to be escaped with their corresponding
* character entities.
* @param s1
* String possibly containing characters that need to be escaped
* in XML
* @param isAttribute
* Is the input string to be used as an attribute?
* @return Returns the input string with special characters that need to be
* escaped replaced by character entities
public static String xmlEscape(String s1, boolean isAttribute) {
return xmlEscape(s1, isAttribute, true, null, -1);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the characters that need to be escaped with their corresponding
* character entities.
* @param s1
* String possibly containing characters that need to be escaped
* in XML
* @param isAttribute
* Is the input string to be used as an attribute?
* @param escapeLowAscii
* Should ascii characters below 32 be escaped as well
* @return Returns the input string with special characters that need to be
* escaped replaced by character entities
public static String xmlEscape(String s1, boolean isAttribute, boolean escapeLowAscii) {
return xmlEscape(s1, isAttribute, escapeLowAscii, null, -1);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the characters that need to be escaped with their corresponding
* character entities.
* @param s1
* String possibly containing characters that need to be escaped
* in XML
* @param isAttribute
* Is the input string to be used as an attribute?
* @param stripCharacter
* any occurrence of this character is removed from the string
* @return Returns the input string with special characters that need to be
* escaped replaced by character entities
public static String xmlEscape(String s1, boolean isAttribute, char stripCharacter) {
return xmlEscape(s1, isAttribute, true, null, (int) stripCharacter);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Replaces the characters that need to be escaped with their corresponding
* character entities.
* @param s1
* String possibly containing characters that need to be escaped
* in XML
* @param isAttribute
* Is the input string to be used as an attribute?
* @param escapeLowAscii
* Should ascii characters below 32 be escaped as well
* @param stripCharacter
* any occurrence of this character is removed from the string
* @return Returns the input string with special characters that need to be
* escaped replaced by character entities
public static String xmlEscape(String s1, boolean isAttribute, boolean escapeLowAscii, char stripCharacter) {
return xmlEscape(s1, isAttribute, escapeLowAscii, null, (int) stripCharacter);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
public static void renderString(StringBuilder renderTarget, String value) {
renderTarget.append(XML.xmlEscape(value, false));
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/document
* Add content to the last tag.
* @param content the content to add to the last tag
public void addContent(String content) {
if (cachedTag != null) {
cachedContent.add(XML.xmlEscape(content, false));
} else if (tags.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("There is no open tag to add content to.");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); ++i) {
writer.write(XML.xmlEscape(content, false));
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
private String asXML(Object value) {
if (value == null)
return "(null)";
else if (value instanceof HitField)
return ((HitField)value).quotedContent(false);
else if (value instanceof StructuredData || value instanceof XMLString || value instanceof JSONString)
return value.toString();
return XML.xmlEscape(value.toString(), false, '\u001f');
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
private String asXML(Object value) {
if (value == null)
return "(null)";
else if (value instanceof HitField)
return ((HitField)value).quotedContent(false);
else if (value instanceof StructuredData || value instanceof XMLString || value instanceof JSONString)
return value.toString();
return XML.xmlEscape(value.toString(), false, '\u001f');
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
private String asXML(Object value) {
if (value == null)
return "(null)";
else if (value instanceof XmlProducer)
return ((XmlProducer)value).toXML();
else if (value instanceof HitField)
return ((HitField)value).quotedContent(false);
else if (value instanceof StructuredData || value instanceof XMLString || value instanceof JSONString)
return value.toString();
return XML.xmlEscape(value.toString(), false, '\u001f');
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
* Returns the content of the field, stripped of markup
public String bareContent(boolean XMLQuote, boolean inAttribute) {
StringBuilder bareContent = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<FieldPart> iter = ensureTokenized().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
FieldPart f = iter.next();
if (f instanceof MarkupFieldPart)
if (XMLQuote)
bareContent.append(XML.xmlEscape(f.getContent(), inAttribute));
return bareContent.toString();
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* XML escapes and writes the content.toString(). If the content is null this does nothing but closing the start tag.
* @param content the content - output by XML.xmlEscape(content.toString())
* @param multiline whether the content should be treated as multiline,
* such that the following end tag should appear on a new line
public XMLWriter content(Object content,boolean multiline) {
return (content==null)
? this
: escapedContent(XML.xmlEscape(content.toString(),false),multiline);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
* @param inAttribute whether to quote quotation marks
* @return the content of this field as an XML string
public String quotedContent(boolean inAttribute) {
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<FieldPart> iter = ensureTokenized().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
FieldPart f = iter.next();
if (f.isFinal())
xml.append(XML.xmlEscape(f.getContent(), inAttribute));
return xml.toString();
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/document
writer.write(XML.xmlEscape(attr.value, true));
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
/** Returns the content of this field, using the arguments as bolding tags, as an XML string */
public String quotedContent(String boldOpenTag,
String boldCloseTag,
String separatorTag,
boolean inAttribute) {
StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<FieldPart> iter = ensureTokenized().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
FieldPart f = iter.next();
if (f instanceof BoldOpenFieldPart
&& boldOpenTag != null
&& boldOpenTag.length() > 0)
else if (f instanceof BoldCloseFieldPart
&& boldCloseTag != null
&& boldCloseTag.length() > 0)
else if (f instanceof SeparatorFieldPart
&& separatorTag != null
&& separatorTag.length() > 0)
else if (f.isFinal())
xml.append(XML.xmlEscape(f.getContent(), inAttribute));
return xml.toString();
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Writes an attribute by XML.xmlEscape(value.toString(),false)
* @param name the name of the attribute. An exception is thrown if this is null
* @param value the value of the attribute. This method does nothing if the value is null or empty
public XMLWriter attribute(Utf8String name, String value) {
if ((value == null) || value.isEmpty()) return this;
return w(SPACE).w(name).w(ATTRIBUTE_START).wTranscode(XML.xmlEscape(value, true)).w(ATTRIBUTE_END);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/vespajlib
* Writes an attribute by XML.xmlEscape(value.toString(),false)
* @param name the name of the attribute. An exception is thrown if this is null
* @param value the value of the attribute. The empty string if the attribute is null or empty
public XMLWriter forceAttribute(Utf8String name, Object value) {
String stringValue = value!=null ? value.toString() : "";
return w(SPACE).w(name).w(ATTRIBUTE_START).wTranscode(XML.xmlEscape(stringValue,true)).w(ATTRIBUTE_END);
代码示例来源:origin: com.yahoo.vespa/container-search
void renderInspector(Inspector value, int nestingLevel) {
if (value.type() == Type.ARRAY) {
renderMapOrArray(value, nestingLevel);
} else if (value.type() == Type.OBJECT) {
renderStruct(value, nestingLevel);
} else if (value.type() == Type.STRING) {
renderTarget.append(XML.xmlEscape(value.asString(), false));
} else if (value.type() == Type.LONG) {
long l = value.asLong();
} else if (value.type() == Type.DOUBLE) {
double d = value.asDouble();
} else if (value.type() == Type.BOOL) {
boolean b = value.asBool();
renderTarget.append(b ? "true" : "false");
} else if (value.type() == Type.DATA) {
byte[] data = value.asData();
renderTarget.append("<data length=\"").append(data.length);
renderTarget.append("\" encoding=\"hex\">");
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
for (int sh = 4; sh >= 0; sh -= 4) {
int val = (data[i] >> sh) & 0xF;
char hexdigit = (val < 10) ? ((char)('0' + val)) : ((char)('A' + val - 10));