[英]Create a zip file.
代码示例来源:origin: org.fcrepo/fcrepo-common
* Create a zip file.
* @param destination
* The zip file to create.
* @param source
* The file or directory to be zipped.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public static void zip(File destination, File source)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
zip(destination, new File[] {source});
代码示例来源:origin: fcrepo3/fcrepo
* Create a zip file.
* @param destination
* The zip file to create.
* @param source
* The file or directory to be zipped.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public static void zip(File destination, File source)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
zip(destination, new File[] {source});
代码示例来源:origin: org.fcrepo/fcrepo-common
public static void zip(String destination, String source)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
zip(new File(destination), new File(source));
代码示例来源:origin: fcrepo3/fcrepo
public static void zip(String destination, String source)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
zip(new File(destination), new File(source));
代码示例来源:origin: fcrepo3/fcrepo
private File repackage(File stagingDir, File outputFile) throws IOException {
Zip.zip(outputFile, stagingDir.listFiles());
return outputFile;
private void addLibrary(File stagingDir, String libraryPath,
代码示例来源:origin: fcrepo3/fcrepo
* Create a zip file.
* @param destination
* The zip file to create.
* @param source
* The File array to be zipped.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public static void zip(File destination, File[] source)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream(destination);
ZipOutputStream zout =
new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(dest));
for (File element : source) {
zip(null, element, zout);
代码示例来源:origin: org.fcrepo/fcrepo-common
* Create a zip file.
* @param destination
* The zip file to create.
* @param source
* The File array to be zipped.
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws IOException
public static void zip(File destination, File[] source)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
FileOutputStream dest = new FileOutputStream(destination);
ZipOutputStream zout =
new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(dest));
for (File element : source) {
zip(null, element, zout);
代码示例来源:origin: fcrepo3/fcrepo
File files[] = source.listFiles();
for (File element : files) {
zip(entry.getName(), element, zout);
代码示例来源:origin: org.fcrepo/fcrepo-common
File files[] = source.listFiles();
for (File element : files) {
zip(entry.getName(), element, zout);
代码示例来源:origin: fcrepo3/fcrepo
public void testZip() throws Exception {
Zip.zip(ZIP_FILE, SRC_DIR.listFiles());
ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(ZIP_FILE);
try {
assertEquals(5, zf.size());
} finally {