[英]Converts DOS time to Java time (number of milliseconds since epoch).
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-compress
* Convert a DOS date/time field to a Date object.
* @param zipDosTime contains the stored DOS time.
* @return a Date instance corresponding to the given time.
public static Date fromDosTime(final ZipLong zipDosTime) {
final long dosTime = zipDosTime.getValue();
return new Date(dosToJavaTime(dosTime));
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-compress
* The last modified date of the entry.
* <p>Note the interpretation of time is different depending on
* the HostOS that has created the archive. While an OS that is
* {@link #isHostOsUnix considered to be Unix} stores time in a
* timezone independent manner, other platforms only use the local
* time. I.e. if an archive has been created at midnight UTC on a
* machine in timezone UTC this method will return midnight
* regardless of timezone if the archive has been created on a
* non-Unix system and a time taking the current timezone into
* account if the archive has beeen created on Unix.</p>
* @return the last modified date
public Date getLastModifiedDate() {
final long ts = isHostOsUnix() ? localFileHeader.dateTimeModified * 1000L
: ZipUtil.dosToJavaTime(0xFFFFFFFFL & localFileHeader.dateTimeModified);
return new Date(ts);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-compress
off += SHORT;
final long time = ZipUtil.dosToJavaTime(ZipLong.getValue(cfhBuf, off));
off += WORD;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-compress
off += SHORT;
final long time = ZipUtil.dosToJavaTime(ZipLong.getValue(lfhBuf, off));
off += WORD;
代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded
* Convert a DOS date/time field to a Date object.
* @param zipDosTime contains the stored DOS time.
* @return a Date instance corresponding to the given time.
public static Date fromDosTime(final ZipLong zipDosTime) {
final long dosTime = zipDosTime.getValue();
return new Date(dosToJavaTime(dosTime));
代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded
* The last modified date of the entry.
* <p>Note the interpretation of time is different depending on
* the HostOS that has created the archive. While an OS that is
* {@link #isHostOsUnix considered to be Unix} stores time in a
* timezone independent manner, other platforms only use the local
* time. I.e. if an archive has been created at midnight UTC on a
* machine in timezone UTC this method will return midnight
* regardless of timezone if the archive has been created on a
* non-Unix system and a time taking the current timezone into
* account if the archive has beeen created on Unix.</p>
* @return the last modified date
public Date getLastModifiedDate() {
final long ts = isHostOsUnix() ? localFileHeader.dateTimeModified * 1000L
: ZipUtil.dosToJavaTime(0xFFFFFFFFL & localFileHeader.dateTimeModified);
return new Date(ts);
代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded
off += SHORT;
final long time = ZipUtil.dosToJavaTime(ZipLong.getValue(cfhBuf, off));
off += WORD;
代码示例来源:origin: com.impetus.fabric/fabric-jdbc-driver-shaded
off += SHORT;
final long time = ZipUtil.dosToJavaTime(ZipLong.getValue(lfhBuf, off));
off += WORD;