[英]Asserts that the given expression is true. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
public TrackingToken lowerBound(TrackingToken other) {
Assert.isTrue(other instanceof GlobalSequenceTrackingToken, () -> "Incompatible token type provided.");
GlobalSequenceTrackingToken otherToken = (GlobalSequenceTrackingToken) other;
if (otherToken.globalIndex < this.globalIndex) {
return otherToken;
} else {
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
public TrackingToken upperBound(TrackingToken other) {
Assert.isTrue(other instanceof GlobalSequenceTrackingToken, () -> "Incompatible token type provided.");
if (((GlobalSequenceTrackingToken) other).globalIndex > this.globalIndex) {
return other;
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Assert that the given {@code value} is not {@code null}. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is
* thrown.
* @param value the value not to be {@code null}
* @param messageSupplier Supplier of the exception message if the assertion fails
* @return the provided {@code value}
public static <T> T nonNull(T value, Supplier<String> messageSupplier) {
isTrue(value != null, messageSupplier);
return value;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* @param batchSize The maximum number of events to process in a single batch.
* @return {@code this} for method chaining
public TrackingEventProcessorConfiguration andBatchSize(int batchSize) {
Assert.isTrue(batchSize > 0, () -> "Batch size must be greater or equal to 1");
this.batchSize = batchSize;
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
public boolean covers(TrackingToken other) {
Assert.isTrue(other instanceof GlobalSequenceTrackingToken, () -> "Incompatible token type provided.");
GlobalSequenceTrackingToken otherToken = (GlobalSequenceTrackingToken) other;
return otherToken.globalIndex <= this.globalIndex;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Assert that the given {@code value} is not {@code null}. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is
* thrown.
* @param value the value not to be {@code null}
* @param messageSupplier Supplier of the exception message if the assertion fails
public static void notNull(Object value, Supplier<String> messageSupplier) {
isTrue(value != null, messageSupplier);
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Initializes a ThreadFactory instance that create each thread in the given {@code group} with given
* {@code priority}.
* @param priority The priority of the threads to create
* @param group The ThreadGroup to create each thread in
* @see Thread#setPriority(int)
public AxonThreadFactory(int priority, ThreadGroup group) {
Assert.isTrue(priority <= Thread.MAX_PRIORITY && priority >= Thread.MIN_PRIORITY,
() -> "Given priority is invalid");
this.priority = priority;
this.threadGroup = group;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* The duration of a single attempt to acquire the internal lock. In combination with the
* {@link #acquireAttempts(int)}, this defines the total timeout of an acquisition attempt.
* <p>
* Defaults to 600ms.
* @param lockAttemptTimeout The duration of a single aqcuisition attempt of the internal lock, in milliseconds
* @return this Builder, for further configuration
public Builder lockAttemptTimeout(int lockAttemptTimeout) {
lockAttemptTimeout >= 0,
() -> "lockAttemptTimeout needs to be a non negative integer, but was '" + lockAttemptTimeout + "'"
this.lockAttemptTimeout = lockAttemptTimeout;
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Defines the maximum number of queued threads to allow for this lock. If the given number of threads are
* waiting to acquire a lock, and another thread joins, that thread will immediately fail any attempt to acquire
* the lock, as if it had timed out.
* <p>
* Defaults to unbounded.
* @param maximumQueued The maximum number of threads to allow in the queue for this lock
* @return this Builder, for further configuration
public Builder queueLengthThreshold(int maximumQueued) {
maximumQueued > 0,
() -> "queueLengthThreshold needs to be a positive integer, but was '" + maximumQueued + "'"
this.maximumQueued = maximumQueued;
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Indicates howmany attempts should be done to acquire a lock. In combination with the
* {@link #lockAttemptTimeout(int)}, this defines the total timeout of a lock acquisition.
* <p>
* Defaults to 100.
* @param acquireAttempts The number of attempts to acquire the lock
* @return this Builder, for further configuration
public Builder acquireAttempts(int acquireAttempts) {
acquireAttempts > 0 || acquireAttempts == -1,
() -> "acquireAttempts needs to be a positive integer or -1, but was '" + acquireAttempts + "'"
this.acquireAttempts = acquireAttempts;
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
public boolean covers(TrackingToken other) {
Assert.isTrue(other instanceof GapAwareTrackingToken, () -> "Incompatible token type provided.");
GapAwareTrackingToken otherToken = (GapAwareTrackingToken) other;
return otherToken.index <= this.index
&& !this.gaps.contains(otherToken.index)
&& otherToken.gaps.containsAll(this.gaps.headSet(otherToken.index));
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
public TrackingToken upperBound(TrackingToken otherToken) {
Assert.isTrue(otherToken instanceof GapAwareTrackingToken, () -> "Incompatible token type provided.");
GapAwareTrackingToken other = (GapAwareTrackingToken) otherToken;
SortedSet<Long> newGaps = CollectionUtils.intersect(this.gaps, other.gaps, ConcurrentSkipListSet::new);
long min = Math.min(this.index, other.index) + 1;
SortedSet<Long> mergedGaps = CollectionUtils.merge(this.gaps.tailSet(min), other.gaps.tailSet(min), ConcurrentSkipListSet::new);
return new GapAwareTrackingToken(Math.max(this.index, other.index), newGaps);
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Returns the boxed wrapper type for the given {@code primitiveType}.
* @param primitiveType The primitive type to return boxed wrapper type for
* @return the boxed wrapper type for the given {@code primitiveType}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException will be thrown instead of returning null if no wrapper class was found.
public static Class<?> resolvePrimitiveWrapperType(Class<?> primitiveType) {
Assert.notNull(primitiveType, () -> "primitiveType may not be null");
Assert.isTrue(primitiveType.isPrimitive(), () -> "primitiveType is not actually primitive: " + primitiveType);
Class<?> primitiveWrapperType = primitiveWrapperTypeMap.get(primitiveType);
Assert.notNull(primitiveWrapperType, () -> "no wrapper found for primitiveType: " + primitiveType);
return primitiveWrapperType;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
private Route joinedWith(ContentTypeConverter newVertex) {
() -> "Cannot append a vertex if it does not start where the current Route ends");
return new Route(nodes, newVertex);
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Calculates the Segment that represents the merger of this segment with the given {@code other} segment.
* @param other the segment to merge this one with
* @return The Segment representing the merged segments
public Segment mergedWith(Segment other) {
Assert.isTrue(this.isMergeableWith(other), () -> "Given Segment cannot be merged with this segment.");
return new Segment(Math.min(this.segmentId, other.segmentId), this.mask >>> 1);
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Creates a new instance that uses the given {@code delegates} to form a chain of converters. Note that the
* {@code delegates} must for a Continuous chain, meaning that each item must produce an
* IntermediateRepresentation of a type that can be consumed by the next delegate.
* <p/>
* To automatically calculate a route between converters, see {@link #calculateChain(Class source, Class target,
* java.util.Collection candidates) calculateChain(source, target, candidates)}
* @param delegates the chain of delegates to perform the conversion
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "ConstantConditions"})
public ChainedConverter(List<ContentTypeConverter<?,?>> delegates) {
Assert.isTrue(delegates != null && !delegates.isEmpty(), () -> "The given delegates may not be null or empty");
Assert.isTrue(isContinuous(delegates), () -> "The given delegates must form a continuous chain");
this.delegates = new ArrayList<>(delegates);
target = (Class<T>) this.delegates.get(this.delegates.size() - 1).targetType();
source = (Class<S>) delegates.get(0).expectedSourceType();
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
public GapAwareTrackingToken lowerBound(TrackingToken other) {
Assert.isTrue(other instanceof GapAwareTrackingToken, () -> "Incompatible token type provided.");
GapAwareTrackingToken otherToken = (GapAwareTrackingToken) other;
SortedSet<Long> mergedGaps = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(this.gaps);
long mergedIndex = calculateIndex(otherToken, mergedGaps);
mergedGaps.removeIf(i -> i >= mergedIndex);
return new GapAwareTrackingToken(mergedIndex, mergedGaps);
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
* Returns a new {@link GapAwareTrackingToken} instance based on the given {@code index} and collection of {@code
* gaps}.
* @param index the highest global sequence number of events up until (and including) this tracking token
* @param gaps global sequence numbers of events that have not been seen yet even though these sequence numbers are
* smaller than the current index. These missing sequence numbers may be filled in later when those
* events get committed to the store or may never be filled in if those events never get committed.
* @return a new tracking token from given index and gaps
public static GapAwareTrackingToken newInstance(@JsonProperty("index") long index,
@JsonProperty("gaps") Collection<Long> gaps) {
if (gaps.isEmpty()) {
return new GapAwareTrackingToken(index, Collections.emptySortedSet());
SortedSet<Long> gapSet = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(gaps);
Assert.isTrue(gapSet.last() < index,
() -> String.format("Gap indices [%s] should all be smaller than head index [%d]", gaps, index));
return new GapAwareTrackingToken(index, gapSet);
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
public A newInstance(Callable<T> factoryMethod) throws Exception {
UnitOfWork<?> uow = CurrentUnitOfWork.get();
AtomicReference<A> aggregateReference = new AtomicReference<>();
// a constructor may apply events, and the persistence of an aggregate must take precedence over publishing its events.
uow.onPrepareCommit(x -> {
A aggregate = aggregateReference.get();
// aggregate construction may have failed with an exception. In that case, no action is required on commit
if (aggregate != null) {
A aggregate = doCreateNew(factoryMethod);
() -> "Unsuitable aggregate for this repository: wrong type");
Map<String, A> aggregates = managedAggregates(uow);
Assert.isTrue(aggregates.putIfAbsent(aggregate.identifierAsString(), aggregate) == null,
() -> "The Unit of Work already has an Aggregate with the same identifier");
uow.onRollback(u -> aggregates.remove(aggregate.identifierAsString()));
return aggregate;
代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework
public void handle(UpdateParagraphCommand cmd) {
Assert.isTrue(cmd.getParagraphId() == paragraphId, () -> "UpdatePageCommand reached the wrong paragraph");
apply(new ParagraphUpdatedEvent(cmd.getBookId(), cmd.getPageNumber(), paragraphId, cmd.getText()));