代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Returns the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}. The precision is the
* number of decimal digits used to represent this decimal. It is equivalent
* to the number of digits of the unscaled value. The precision of {@code 0}
* is {@code 1} (independent of the scale).
* @return the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}.
public int precision() {
// Return the cached value if we have one.
if (precision != 0) {
return precision;
if (bitLength == 0) {
precision = 1;
} else if (bitLength < 64) {
precision = decimalDigitsInLong(smallValue);
} else {
int decimalDigits = 1 + (int) ((bitLength - 1) * LOG10_2);
// If after division the number isn't zero, there exists an additional digit
if (getUnscaledValue().divide(Multiplication.powerOf10(decimalDigits)).signum() != 0) {
precision = decimalDigits;
return precision;
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Returns the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}. The precision is the
* number of decimal digits used to represent this decimal. It is equivalent
* to the number of digits of the unscaled value. The precision of {@code 0}
* is {@code 1} (independent of the scale).
* @return the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}.
public int precision() {
// Return the cached value if we have one.
if (precision != 0) {
return precision;
if (bitLength == 0) {
precision = 1;
} else if (bitLength < 64) {
precision = decimalDigitsInLong(smallValue);
} else {
int decimalDigits = 1 + (int) ((bitLength - 1) * LOG10_2);
// If after division the number isn't zero, there exists an additional digit
if (getUnscaledValue().divide(Multiplication.powerOf10(decimalDigits)).signum() != 0) {
precision = decimalDigits;
return precision;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Returns the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}. The precision is the
* number of decimal digits used to represent this decimal. It is equivalent
* to the number of digits of the unscaled value. The precision of {@code 0}
* is {@code 1} (independent of the scale).
* @return the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}.
public int precision() {
// Return the cached value if we have one.
if (precision != 0) {
return precision;
if (bitLength == 0) {
precision = 1;
} else if (bitLength < 64) {
precision = decimalDigitsInLong(smallValue);
} else {
int decimalDigits = 1 + (int) ((bitLength - 1) * LOG10_2);
// If after division the number isn't zero, there exists an additional digit
if (getUnscaledValue().divide(Multiplication.powerOf10(decimalDigits)).signum() != 0) {
precision = decimalDigits;
return precision;
代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt
* Returns the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}. The precision is the
* number of decimal digits used to represent this decimal. It is equivalent
* to the number of digits of the unscaled value. The precision of {@code 0}
* is {@code 1} (independent of the scale).
* @return the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}.
public int precision() {
// Return the cached value if we have one.
if (precision != 0) {
return precision;
if (bitLength == 0) {
precision = 1;
} else if (bitLength < 64) {
precision = decimalDigitsInLong(smallValue);
} else {
int decimalDigits = 1 + (int) ((bitLength - 1) * LOG10_2);
// If after division the number isn't zero, there exists an additional digit
if (getUnscaledValue().divide(Multiplication.powerOf10(decimalDigits)).signum() != 0) {
precision = decimalDigits;
return precision;
代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt
* Returns the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}. The precision is the
* number of decimal digits used to represent this decimal. It is equivalent
* to the number of digits of the unscaled value. The precision of {@code 0}
* is {@code 1} (independent of the scale).
* @return the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}.
public int precision() {
// Return the cached value if we have one.
if (precision != 0) {
return precision;
if (bitLength == 0) {
precision = 1;
} else if (bitLength < 64) {
precision = decimalDigitsInLong(smallValue);
} else {
int decimalDigits = 1 + (int) ((bitLength - 1) * LOG10_2);
// If after division the number isn't zero, there exists an additional digit
if (getUnscaledValue().divide(Multiplication.powerOf10(decimalDigits)).signum() != 0) {
precision = decimalDigits;
return precision;
代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt
* Returns the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}. The precision is the
* number of decimal digits used to represent this decimal. It is equivalent
* to the number of digits of the unscaled value. The precision of {@code 0}
* is {@code 1} (independent of the scale).
* @return the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}.
public int precision() {
// Return the cached value if we have one.
if (precision != 0) {
return precision;
if (bitLength == 0) {
precision = 1;
} else if (bitLength < 64) {
precision = decimalDigitsInLong(smallValue);
} else {
int decimalDigits = 1 + (int) ((bitLength - 1) * LOG10_2);
// If after division the number isn't zero, there exists an additional digit
if (getUnscaledValue().divide(Multiplication.powerOf10(decimalDigits)).signum() != 0) {
precision = decimalDigits;
return precision;
代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm
* Returns the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}. The precision is the
* number of decimal digits used to represent this decimal. It is equivalent
* to the number of digits of the unscaled value. The precision of {@code 0}
* is {@code 1} (independent of the scale).
* @return the precision of this {@code BigDecimal}.
public int precision() {
// Return the cached value if we have one.
if (precision != 0) {
return precision;
if (bitLength == 0) {
precision = 1;
} else if (bitLength < 64) {
precision = decimalDigitsInLong(smallValue);
} else {
int decimalDigits = 1 + (int) ((bitLength - 1) * LOG10_2);
// If after division the number isn't zero, there exists an additional digit
if (getUnscaledValue().divide(Multiplication.powerOf10(decimalDigits)).signum() != 0) {
precision = decimalDigits;
return precision;