
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Compares the magnitude array of this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger's. This is the version of compareTo ignoring sign.



public int compareTo(BigInteger val) {
  if (signum == val.signum) {
    switch (signum) {
    case 1:
      return compareMagnitude(val);
    case -1:
      return val.compareMagnitude(this);
      return 0;
  return signum > val.signum ? 1 : -1;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apidesign.bck2brwsr/emul

 * Compares this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger.  This
 * method is provided in preference to individual methods for each
 * of the six boolean comparison operators ({@literal <}, ==,
 * {@literal >}, {@literal >=}, !=, {@literal <=}).  The suggested
 * idiom for performing these comparisons is: {@code
 * (x.compareTo(y)} &lt;<i>op</i>&gt; {@code 0)}, where
 * &lt;<i>op</i>&gt; is one of the six comparison operators.
 * @param  val BigInteger to which this BigInteger is to be compared.
 * @return -1, 0 or 1 as this BigInteger is numerically less than, equal
 *         to, or greater than {@code val}.
public int compareTo(BigInteger val) {
  if (signum == val.signum) {
    switch (signum) {
    case 1:
      return compareMagnitude(val);
    case -1:
      return val.compareMagnitude(this);
      return 0;
  return signum > val.signum ? 1 : -1;

代码示例来源:origin: jtulach/bck2brwsr

 * Compares this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger.  This
 * method is provided in preference to individual methods for each
 * of the six boolean comparison operators ({@literal <}, ==,
 * {@literal >}, {@literal >=}, !=, {@literal <=}).  The suggested
 * idiom for performing these comparisons is: {@code
 * (x.compareTo(y)} &lt;<i>op</i>&gt; {@code 0)}, where
 * &lt;<i>op</i>&gt; is one of the six comparison operators.
 * @param  val BigInteger to which this BigInteger is to be compared.
 * @return -1, 0 or 1 as this BigInteger is numerically less than, equal
 *         to, or greater than {@code val}.
public int compareTo(BigInteger val) {
  if (signum == val.signum) {
    switch (signum) {
    case 1:
      return compareMagnitude(val);
    case -1:
      return val.compareMagnitude(this);
      return 0;
  return signum > val.signum ? 1 : -1;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apidesign.bck2brwsr/emul

 * Returns the length of the absolute value of a BigInteger, in
 * decimal digits.
 * @param b the BigInteger
 * @return the length of the unscaled value, in decimal digits
private static int bigDigitLength(BigInteger b) {
   * Same idea as the long version, but we need a better
   * approximation of log10(2). Using 646456993/2^31
   * is accurate up to max possible reported bitLength.
  if (b.signum == 0)
    return 1;
  int r = (int)((((long)b.bitLength() + 1) * 646456993) >>> 31);
  return b.compareMagnitude(bigTenToThe(r)) < 0? r : r+1;

代码示例来源:origin: jtulach/bck2brwsr

 * Returns the length of the absolute value of a BigInteger, in
 * decimal digits.
 * @param b the BigInteger
 * @return the length of the unscaled value, in decimal digits
private static int bigDigitLength(BigInteger b) {
   * Same idea as the long version, but we need a better
   * approximation of log10(2). Using 646456993/2^31
   * is accurate up to max possible reported bitLength.
  if (b.signum == 0)
    return 1;
  int r = (int)((((long)b.bitLength() + 1) * 646456993) >>> 31);
  return b.compareMagnitude(bigTenToThe(r)) < 0? r : r+1;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apidesign.bck2brwsr/emul

 * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this + val)}.
 * @param  val value to be added to this BigInteger.
 * @return {@code this + val}
public BigInteger add(BigInteger val) {
  if (val.signum == 0)
    return this;
  if (signum == 0)
    return val;
  if (val.signum == signum)
    return new BigInteger(add(mag, val.mag), signum);
  int cmp = compareMagnitude(val);
  if (cmp == 0)
    return ZERO;
  int[] resultMag = (cmp > 0 ? subtract(mag, val.mag)
            : subtract(val.mag, mag));
  resultMag = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(resultMag);
  return new BigInteger(resultMag, cmp == signum ? 1 : -1);

代码示例来源:origin: jtulach/bck2brwsr

 * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this - val)}.
 * @param  val value to be subtracted from this BigInteger.
 * @return {@code this - val}
public BigInteger subtract(BigInteger val) {
  if (val.signum == 0)
    return this;
  if (signum == 0)
    return val.negate();
  if (val.signum != signum)
    return new BigInteger(add(mag, val.mag), signum);
  int cmp = compareMagnitude(val);
  if (cmp == 0)
    return ZERO;
  int[] resultMag = (cmp > 0 ? subtract(mag, val.mag)
            : subtract(val.mag, mag));
  resultMag = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(resultMag);
  return new BigInteger(resultMag, cmp == signum ? 1 : -1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apidesign.bck2brwsr/emul

 * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this - val)}.
 * @param  val value to be subtracted from this BigInteger.
 * @return {@code this - val}
public BigInteger subtract(BigInteger val) {
  if (val.signum == 0)
    return this;
  if (signum == 0)
    return val.negate();
  if (val.signum != signum)
    return new BigInteger(add(mag, val.mag), signum);
  int cmp = compareMagnitude(val);
  if (cmp == 0)
    return ZERO;
  int[] resultMag = (cmp > 0 ? subtract(mag, val.mag)
            : subtract(val.mag, mag));
  resultMag = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(resultMag);
  return new BigInteger(resultMag, cmp == signum ? 1 : -1);

代码示例来源:origin: jtulach/bck2brwsr

 * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this + val)}.
 * @param  val value to be added to this BigInteger.
 * @return {@code this + val}
public BigInteger add(BigInteger val) {
  if (val.signum == 0)
    return this;
  if (signum == 0)
    return val;
  if (val.signum == signum)
    return new BigInteger(add(mag, val.mag), signum);
  int cmp = compareMagnitude(val);
  if (cmp == 0)
    return ZERO;
  int[] resultMag = (cmp > 0 ? subtract(mag, val.mag)
            : subtract(val.mag, mag));
  resultMag = trustedStripLeadingZeroInts(resultMag);
  return new BigInteger(resultMag, cmp == signum ? 1 : -1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apidesign.bck2brwsr/emul

 * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this}<sup>-1</sup> {@code mod m)}.
 * @param  m the modulus.
 * @return {@code this}<sup>-1</sup> {@code mod m}.
 * @throws ArithmeticException {@code  m} &le; 0, or this BigInteger
 *         has no multiplicative inverse mod m (that is, this BigInteger
 *         is not <i>relatively prime</i> to m).
public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m) {
  if (m.signum != 1)
    throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger: modulus not positive");
  if (m.equals(ONE))
    return ZERO;
  // Calculate (this mod m)
  BigInteger modVal = this;
  if (signum < 0 || (this.compareMagnitude(m) >= 0))
    modVal = this.mod(m);
  if (modVal.equals(ONE))
    return ONE;
  MutableBigInteger a = new MutableBigInteger(modVal);
  MutableBigInteger b = new MutableBigInteger(m);
  MutableBigInteger result = a.mutableModInverse(b);
  return result.toBigInteger(1);

代码示例来源:origin: jtulach/bck2brwsr

ys == INFLATED) {
      rb = bigMultiplyPowerTen(-sdiff);
      return rb.compareMagnitude(val.intVal);
       xs == INFLATED) {
      rb = val.bigMultiplyPowerTen(sdiff);
      return this.intVal.compareMagnitude(rb);
  return 1;
  return this.intVal.compareMagnitude(val.intVal);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apidesign.bck2brwsr/emul

ys == INFLATED) {
      rb = bigMultiplyPowerTen(-sdiff);
      return rb.compareMagnitude(val.intVal);
       xs == INFLATED) {
      rb = val.bigMultiplyPowerTen(sdiff);
      return this.intVal.compareMagnitude(rb);
  return 1;
  return this.intVal.compareMagnitude(val.intVal);

代码示例来源:origin: jtulach/bck2brwsr

 * Returns a BigInteger whose value is {@code (this}<sup>-1</sup> {@code mod m)}.
 * @param  m the modulus.
 * @return {@code this}<sup>-1</sup> {@code mod m}.
 * @throws ArithmeticException {@code  m} &le; 0, or this BigInteger
 *         has no multiplicative inverse mod m (that is, this BigInteger
 *         is not <i>relatively prime</i> to m).
public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m) {
  if (m.signum != 1)
    throw new ArithmeticException("BigInteger: modulus not positive");
  if (m.equals(ONE))
    return ZERO;
  // Calculate (this mod m)
  BigInteger modVal = this;
  if (signum < 0 || (this.compareMagnitude(m) >= 0))
    modVal = this.mod(m);
  if (modVal.equals(ONE))
    return ONE;
  MutableBigInteger a = new MutableBigInteger(modVal);
  MutableBigInteger b = new MutableBigInteger(m);
  MutableBigInteger result = a.mutableModInverse(b);
  return result.toBigInteger(1);

代码示例来源:origin: jtulach/bck2brwsr

while ( intVal.compareMagnitude(BigInteger.TEN) >= 0 &&
    scale > preferredScale) {
  if (intVal.testBit(0))

代码示例来源:origin: org.apidesign.bck2brwsr/emul

while ( intVal.compareMagnitude(BigInteger.TEN) >= 0 &&
    scale > preferredScale) {
  if (intVal.testBit(0))
