
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: androidannotations/androidannotations

public I arg(String key, byte value) {
  args.putByte(key, value);
  return (I) this;

代码示例来源:origin: facebook/facebook-android-sdk

bundle.putByte(key, (byte)json.getInt(JSON_VALUE));
} else if (valueType.equals(TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY)) {
  JSONArray jsonArray = json.getJSONArray(JSON_VALUE);

代码示例来源:origin: ogaclejapan/SmartTabLayout

 * Inserts a byte value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing
 * any existing value for the given key.
 * @param key   a String, or null
 * @param value a byte
public Bundler putByte(String key, byte value) {
 bundle.putByte(key, value);
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: konmik/nucleus

when(bundle.getBoolean(anyString(), anyBoolean())).thenAnswer(getOrDefault);
doAnswer(put).when(bundle).putByte(anyString(), anyByte());
when(bundle.getByte(anyString(), anyByte())).thenAnswer(getOrDefault);

代码示例来源:origin: ogaclejapan/SmartTabLayout

 * Inserts a byte value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing
 * any existing value for the given key.
 * @param key   a String, or null
 * @param value a byte
public Bundler putByte(String key, byte value) {
 bundle.putByte(key, value);
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: f2prateek/dart

 * Inserts a byte value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing value
 * for the given key.
 * @param key a String, or null
 * @param value a byte
 * @return this bundler instance to chain method calls
public Bundler put(String key, byte value) {
 delegate.putByte(key, value);
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: bluelinelabs/Conductor

public BundleBuilder putByte(String key, byte value) {
  bundle.putByte(key, value);
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: facebook/facebook-android-sdk

private static void putByte(String key, Bundle bundle) {
  bundle.putByte(key, (byte)random.nextInt());

代码示例来源:origin: jberkel/sms-backup-plus

public BundleBuilder putByte(String key, byte value) {
  bundle.putByte(key, value);
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: meituan/WMRouter

 * 附加到Intent的Extra
public DefaultUriRequest putExtra(String name, byte value) {
  extra().putByte(name, value);
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: limedroid/XDroidMvp

public Router putByte(@Nullable String key, byte value) {
  getBundleData().putByte(key, value);
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: 80945540/FreeBook

 * Inserts a byte value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing
 * any existing value for the given key.
 * @param key   a String, or null
 * @param value a byte
public Bundler putByte(String key, byte value) {
 bundle.putByte(key, value);
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: evernote/android-state

public void putBoxedByte(Bundle state, String key, Byte x) {
  if (x != null) {
    state.putByte(key + mBaseKey, x);

代码示例来源:origin: 80945540/LCRapidDevelop

 * Inserts a byte value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing
 * any existing value for the given key.
 * @param key   a String, or null
 * @param value a byte
public Bundler putByte(String key, byte value) {
 bundle.putByte(key, value);
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: org.androidannotations/androidannotations-api

public I arg(String key, byte value) {
  args.putByte(key, value);
  return (I) this;

代码示例来源:origin: xiaoxiaogogo/Qiaoba

public Builder withByte(String key, byte val){
  if(mArgBundle == null){
    mArgBundle = new Bundle();
  mArgBundle.putByte(key, val);
  return this;


imgview.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View arg0) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

Intent myIntent=new Intent(ThisView.this,NextView.class);
       Bundle i = new Bundle();
      i.putByte("Image", yourImage);


代码示例来源:origin: drakeet/Floo

@NonNull @Override @CheckResult
public Navigation putExtra(@NonNull String key, byte value) {
  bundle.putByte(key, value);
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: 121880399/QuickMvp

public Router putByte(@Nullable String key, byte value) {
  getBundleData().putByte(key, value);
  return this;


Bundle b = intent.mExtras;
if      (uri.startsWith("S.", i)) b.putString(key, value);
else if (uri.startsWith("B.", i)) b.putBoolean(key, Boolean.parseBoolean(value));
else if (uri.startsWith("b.", i)) b.putByte(key, Byte.parseByte(value));
else if (uri.startsWith("c.", i)) b.putChar(key, value.charAt(0));
else if (uri.startsWith("d.", i)) b.putDouble(key, Double.parseDouble(value));
else if (uri.startsWith("f.", i)) b.putFloat(key, Float.parseFloat(value));
else if (uri.startsWith("i.", i)) b.putInt(key, Integer.parseInt(value));
else if (uri.startsWith("l.", i)) b.putLong(key, Long.parseLong(value));
else if (uri.startsWith("s.", i)) b.putShort(key, Short.parseShort(value));
else throw new URISyntaxException(uri, "unknown EXTRA type", i);

