代码示例来源:origin: AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2
* @param file requires fully qualified file in which the config is saved
public VersionCheckerConfig( @Nonnull final File file )
Preconditions.checkNotNull( file );
Preconditions.checkState( !file.isDirectory() );
this.config = new Configuration( file );
// initializes default values by caching
this.isEnabled = this.config.getBoolean( "enabled", "general", true, "If true, the version checker is enabled. Acts as a master switch." );
this.lastCheck = this.config.getString( "lastCheck", "cache", "0",
"The number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT of the last successful check." );
this.interval = this.config.getInt( "interval", "cache", DEFAULT_INTERVAL_HOURS, MIN_INTERVAL_HOURS, MAX_INTERVAL_HOURS,
"Waits as many hours, until it checks again." );
this.level = this.config.getString( "level", "channel", "Beta",
"Determines the channel level which should be checked for updates. Can be either Stable, Beta or Alpha." );
this.shouldNotifyPlayer = this.config.getBoolean( "notify", "client", true,
"If true, the player is getting a notification, that a new version is available." );
this.shouldPostChangelog = this.config.getBoolean( "changelog", "client", true,
"If true, the player is getting a notification including changelog. Only happens if notification are enabled." );
代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark
public void setupConfig(String category) {
rootChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Root Chance", category, 40, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less roots will spawn");
dirtChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Dirt Chance", category, 2, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less dirt will spawn");
代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark
public void setupConfig(String category) {
floorCobwebChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Floor Cobweb Chance", category, 30, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less floor cobwebs will spawn");
ceilingCobwebChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Ceiling Cobweb Chance", category, 10, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less ceiling cobwebs will spawn");
caveSpiderSpawnerChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Cave Spider Spawner Chance", category, 4, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The (1 in X) chance for a spider spawner to be a cave spider spawner instead");
nestCobwebChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Nest Cobweb Chance", category, 2, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less cobwebs will spawn in nests");
nestCobwebRange = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Nest Cobweb Range", category, 3, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The range for cobwebs to be spawned in spider nests");
代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark
TradeInfo(String category, Biome biome, boolean enabled, int level, int minPrice, int maxPrice, int color, String name) {
this.enabled = ModuleLoader.config.getBoolean("Enabled", category, enabled, "");
this.biome = biome;
this.level = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Required Villager Level", category, level, 0, 10, "");
this.minPrice = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Minimum Emerald Price", category, minPrice, 1, 64, "");
this.maxPrice = Math.max(minPrice, ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Maximum Emerald Price", category, maxPrice, 1, 64, ""));
this.color = color;
this.name = name;
代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark
public void setupConfig(String category) {
stalactiteChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Stalactite Chance", category, 10, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less stalactites will spawn");
chiseledSandstoneChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Chiseled Sandstone Chance", category, 10, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less chiseled sandstone will spawn");
deadBushChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Dead Bush Chance", category, 20, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less dead bushes will spawn");
enableSand = ModuleLoader.config.getBoolean("Enable Sand Floors", category, true, "");
allowGenInMesa = ModuleLoader.config.getBoolean("Allow in Mesa biomes", category, false, "");
代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark
private ButtonInfo loadButtonInfo(String name, String comment, int xShift, int yShift) {
ButtonInfo info = new ButtonInfo();
String category = configCategory + "." + name;
info.enabled = ModuleLoader.config.getBoolean("Enabled", category, true, comment);
info.xShift = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("X Position", category, xShift, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
info.yShift = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Y Position", category, yShift, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
return info;
代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark
private StoneInfo(String category, int clusterSize, int clusterRarity, int upperBound, int lowerBound, boolean enabled, String dimStr, BiomeDictionary.Type... biomes) {
this.enabled = ModuleLoader.config.getBoolean("Enabled", category, true, "") && enabled;
this.clusterSize = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Cluster Radius", category, clusterSize, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
this.clusterRarity = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Cluster Rarity", category, clusterRarity, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "Out of how many chunks would one of these clusters generate");
this.upperBound = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Y Level Max", category, upperBound, 0, 255, "");
this.lowerBound = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Y Level Min", category, lowerBound, 0, 255, "");
clustersRarityPerChunk = ModuleLoader.config.getBoolean("Invert Cluster Rarity", category, false, "Setting this to true will make the 'Cluster Rarity' feature be X per chunk rather than 1 per X chunks");
dims = new DimensionConfig(category, dimStr);
allowedBiomes = BiomeTypeConfigHandler.parseBiomeTypeArrayConfig("Allowed Biome Types", category, biomes);
代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark
public void setupConfig(String category) {
slimeBlockChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Slime Block Chance", category, 12, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less slime blocks will spawn");
waterFloor = ModuleLoader.config.getBoolean("Enable Water Floor", category, true, "");
代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark
public void setupConfig(String category) {
stalagmiteChance = ModuleLoader.config.getInt("Stalagmite Chance", category, 60, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The higher, the less stalagmites will spawn");
usePackedIce = ModuleLoader.config.getBoolean("Use Packed Ice", category, true, "");
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/ThermalExpansion
public static void config() {
String category = "Device.ItemCollector";
BlockDevice.enable[TYPE] = ThermalExpansion.CONFIG.get(category, "Enable", true);
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the capture radius for the Vacuumulator.";
radius = ThermalExpansion.CONFIG.getConfiguration().getInt("Radius", category, radius, 2, 16, comment);
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/CoFHCore
public static void config() {
String category = "Command." + INSTANCE.getCommandName();
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the " + INSTANCE.getCommandName() + " command.";
permissionLevel = CoFHCore.CONFIG_CORE.getConfiguration().getInt("PermissionLevel", category, permissionLevel, -1, 4, comment);
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/CoFHCore
public static void config() {
String category = "Command." + INSTANCE.getCommandName();
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the " + INSTANCE.getCommandName() + " command.";
permissionLevel = CoFHCore.CONFIG_CORE.getConfiguration().getInt("PermissionLevel", category, permissionLevel, -1, 4, comment);
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/CoFHCore
public static void config() {
String category = "Command." + INSTANCE.getCommandName();
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the " + INSTANCE.getCommandName() + " command.";
permissionLevel = CoFHCore.CONFIG_CORE.getConfiguration().getInt("PermissionLevel", category, permissionLevel, -1, 4, comment);
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/CoFHCore
public static void config() {
String category = "Command." + INSTANCE.getCommandName();
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the " + INSTANCE.getCommandName() + " command.";
permissionLevel = CoFHCore.CONFIG_CORE.getConfiguration().getInt("PermissionLevel", category, permissionLevel, -1, 4, comment);
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/ThermalExpansion
public static void config() {
String category = "Dynamo.Enervation";
enable = ThermalExpansion.CONFIG.get(category, "Enable", true);
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the Energy generation (in RF/t) for an Enervation Dynamo. This base value will scale with block level and Augments.";
basePower = ThermalExpansion.CONFIG.getConfiguration().getInt("BasePower", category, basePower, MIN_BASE_POWER, MAX_BASE_POWER, comment);
ENERGY_CONFIG.setDefaultParams(basePower, smallStorage);
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/ThermalExpansion
public static void config() {
String category = "Dynamo.Steam";
enable = ThermalExpansion.CONFIG.get(category, "Enable", true);
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the Energy generation (in RF/t) for a Steam Dynamo. This base value will scale with block level and Augments.";
basePower = ThermalExpansion.CONFIG.getConfiguration().getInt("BasePower", category, basePower, MIN_BASE_POWER, MAX_BASE_POWER, comment);
ENERGY_CONFIG.setDefaultParams(basePower, smallStorage);
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/CoFHCore
public static void config() {
String category = "Command." + INSTANCE.getCommandName();
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the " + INSTANCE.getCommandName() + " command.";
permissionLevel = CoFHCore.CONFIG_CORE.getConfiguration().getInt("PermissionLevel", category, permissionLevel, -1, 4, comment);
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/CoFHCore
public static void config() {
String category = "Command." + INSTANCE.getCommandName();
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the default permission level for the " + INSTANCE.getCommandName() + " command.";
permissionLevel = CoFHCore.CONFIG_CORE.getConfiguration().getInt("PermissionLevel", category, permissionLevel, -1, 4, comment);
代码示例来源:origin: MatrexsVigil/harvestcraft
private void initBeesSettings() {
enableBeehiveGeneration = config.getBoolean("enableBeehiveGeneration", CATEGORY_BEE, true, "Enable generation of beehives.");
beehiveRarity = config.getInt("beehiveRarity", CATEGORY_BEE, 10, 0, Short.MAX_VALUE, "The higher the value, the more beehives are generated.");
queenbeelastresultequalsQueen = config.getBoolean("apiarylastresultequalsQueen", CATEGORY_BEE, true, "If true, the last item produced by a queen bee will be another queen bee.");
enablebeegrubaslistAllmeat = config.getBoolean("enablebeegrubaslistAllmeat", CATEGORY_BEE, true, "Allows grubs and cooked grubs to be used in listAllrawmeat and listAllcookedmeat.");
代码示例来源:origin: CoFH/ThermalExpansion
public static void config() {
String category = "Machine.Furnace";
BlockMachine.enable[TYPE] = ThermalExpansion.CONFIG.get(category, "Enable", true);
String comment = "Adjust this value to change the Energy consumption (in RF/t) for a Redstone Furnace. This base value will scale with block level and Augments.";
basePower = ThermalExpansion.CONFIG.getConfiguration().getInt("BasePower", category, basePower, MIN_BASE_POWER, MAX_BASE_POWER, comment);
ENERGY_CONFIGS[TYPE] = new EnergyConfig();
ENERGY_CONFIGS[TYPE].setDefaultParams(basePower, smallStorage);