
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns common pool queue for a thread that has submitted at least one task.


代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks that have been
 * forked by the current worker thread but not yet executed. This
 * value may be useful for heuristic decisions about whether to
 * fork other tasks.
 * @return the number of tasks
public static int getQueuedTaskCount() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? 0 : q.queueSize();

代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Returns, but does not unschedule or execute, a task queued by
 * the current thread but not yet executed, if one is immediately
 * available. There is no guarantee that this task will actually
 * be polled or executed next. Conversely, this method may return
 * null even if a task exists but cannot be accessed without
 * contention with other threads.  This method is designed
 * primarily to support extensions, and is unlikely to be useful
 * otherwise.
 * @return the next task, or {@code null} if none are available
protected static ForkJoinTask<?> peekNextLocalTask() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? null : q.peek();

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

 * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks that have been
 * forked by the current worker thread but not yet executed. This
 * value may be useful for heuristic decisions about whether to
 * fork other tasks.
 * @return the number of tasks
public static int getQueuedTaskCount() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? 0 : q.queueSize();

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

 * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks that have been
 * forked by the current worker thread but not yet executed. This
 * value may be useful for heuristic decisions about whether to
 * fork other tasks.
 * @return the number of tasks
public static int getQueuedTaskCount() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? 0 : q.queueSize();

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

 * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks that have been
 * forked by the current worker thread but not yet executed. This
 * value may be useful for heuristic decisions about whether to
 * fork other tasks.
 * @return the number of tasks
public static int getQueuedTaskCount() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? 0 : q.queueSize();

代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt

 * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks that have been
 * forked by the current worker thread but not yet executed. This
 * value may be useful for heuristic decisions about whether to
 * fork other tasks.
 * @return the number of tasks
public static int getQueuedTaskCount() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? 0 : q.queueSize();

代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt

 * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks that have been
 * forked by the current worker thread but not yet executed. This
 * value may be useful for heuristic decisions about whether to
 * fork other tasks.
 * @return the number of tasks
public static int getQueuedTaskCount() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? 0 : q.queueSize();

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

 * Returns, but does not unschedule or execute, a task queued by
 * the current thread but not yet executed, if one is immediately
 * available. There is no guarantee that this task will actually
 * be polled or executed next. Conversely, this method may return
 * null even if a task exists but cannot be accessed without
 * contention with other threads.  This method is designed
 * primarily to support extensions, and is unlikely to be useful
 * otherwise.
 * @return the next task, or {@code null} if none are available
protected static ForkJoinTask<?> peekNextLocalTask() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? null : q.peek();

代码示例来源:origin: hm.binkley/binkley-util

 * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks that have been
 * forked by the current worker thread but not yet executed. This
 * value may be useful for heuristic decisions about whether to
 * fork other tasks.
 * @return the number of tasks
public static int getQueuedTaskCount() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? 0 : q.queueSize();

代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm

 * Returns an estimate of the number of tasks that have been
 * forked by the current worker thread but not yet executed. This
 * value may be useful for heuristic decisions about whether to
 * fork other tasks.
 * @return the number of tasks
public static int getQueuedTaskCount() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? 0 : q.queueSize();

代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt

 * Returns, but does not unschedule or execute, a task queued by
 * the current thread but not yet executed, if one is immediately
 * available. There is no guarantee that this task will actually
 * be polled or executed next. Conversely, this method may return
 * null even if a task exists but cannot be accessed without
 * contention with other threads.  This method is designed
 * primarily to support extensions, and is unlikely to be useful
 * otherwise.
 * @return the next task, or {@code null} if none are available
protected static ForkJoinTask<?> peekNextLocalTask() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? null : q.peek();

代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm

 * Returns, but does not unschedule or execute, a task queued by
 * the current thread but not yet executed, if one is immediately
 * available. There is no guarantee that this task will actually
 * be polled or executed next. Conversely, this method may return
 * null even if a task exists but cannot be accessed without
 * contention with other threads.  This method is designed
 * primarily to support extensions, and is unlikely to be useful
 * otherwise.
 * @return the next task, or {@code null} if none are available
protected static ForkJoinTask<?> peekNextLocalTask() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? null : q.peek();

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

 * Returns, but does not unschedule or execute, a task queued by
 * the current thread but not yet executed, if one is immediately
 * available. There is no guarantee that this task will actually
 * be polled or executed next. Conversely, this method may return
 * null even if a task exists but cannot be accessed without
 * contention with other threads.  This method is designed
 * primarily to support extensions, and is unlikely to be useful
 * otherwise.
 * @return the next task, or {@code null} if none are available
protected static ForkJoinTask<?> peekNextLocalTask() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? null : q.peek();

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

 * Returns, but does not unschedule or execute, a task queued by
 * the current thread but not yet executed, if one is immediately
 * available. There is no guarantee that this task will actually
 * be polled or executed next. Conversely, this method may return
 * null even if a task exists but cannot be accessed without
 * contention with other threads.  This method is designed
 * primarily to support extensions, and is unlikely to be useful
 * otherwise.
 * @return the next task, or {@code null} if none are available
protected static ForkJoinTask<?> peekNextLocalTask() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? null : q.peek();

代码示例来源:origin: hm.binkley/binkley-util

 * Returns, but does not unschedule or execute, a task queued by
 * the current thread but not yet executed, if one is immediately
 * available. There is no guarantee that this task will actually
 * be polled or executed next. Conversely, this method may return
 * null even if a task exists but cannot be accessed without
 * contention with other threads.  This method is designed
 * primarily to support extensions, and is unlikely to be useful
 * otherwise.
 * @return the next task, or {@code null} if none are available
protected static ForkJoinTask<?> peekNextLocalTask() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? null : q.peek();

代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt

 * Returns, but does not unschedule or execute, a task queued by
 * the current thread but not yet executed, if one is immediately
 * available. There is no guarantee that this task will actually
 * be polled or executed next. Conversely, this method may return
 * null even if a task exists but cannot be accessed without
 * contention with other threads.  This method is designed
 * primarily to support extensions, and is unlikely to be useful
 * otherwise.
 * @return the next task, or {@code null} if none are available
protected static ForkJoinTask<?> peekNextLocalTask() {
  Thread t; ForkJoinPool.WorkQueue q;
  if ((t = Thread.currentThread()) instanceof ForkJoinWorkerThread)
    q = ((ForkJoinWorkerThread)t).workQueue;
    q = ForkJoinPool.commonSubmitterQueue();
  return (q == null) ? null : q.peek();

