[英]Returns a (probably) non-empty steal queue, if one is found during a random, then cyclic scan, else null. This method must be retried by caller if, by the time it tries to use the queue, it is empty.
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Restricted version of helpQuiescePool for external callers
static void externalHelpQuiescePool() {
ForkJoinPool p; ForkJoinTask<?> t; WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((p = commonPool) != null &&
(q = p.findNonEmptyStealQueue(1)) != null &&
(b = q.base) - q.top < 0 &&
(t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Gets and removes a local or stolen task for the given worker.
* @return a task, if available
final ForkJoinTask<?> nextTaskFor(WorkQueue w) {
for (ForkJoinTask<?> t;;) {
WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((t = w.nextLocalTask()) != null)
return t;
if ((q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed())) == null)
return null;
if ((b = q.base) - q.top < 0 && (t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
WorkQueue q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed());
if (q != null) {
ForkJoinTask<?> t; int b;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Restricted version of helpQuiescePool for external callers
static void externalHelpQuiescePool() {
ForkJoinPool p; ForkJoinTask<?> t; WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((p = commonPool) != null &&
(q = p.findNonEmptyStealQueue(1)) != null &&
(b = q.base) - q.top < 0 &&
(t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Restricted version of helpQuiescePool for external callers
static void externalHelpQuiescePool() {
ForkJoinPool p; ForkJoinTask<?> t; WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((p = commonPool) != null &&
(q = p.findNonEmptyStealQueue(1)) != null &&
(b = q.base) - q.top < 0 &&
(t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt
* Restricted version of helpQuiescePool for external callers
static void externalHelpQuiescePool() {
ForkJoinPool p; ForkJoinTask<?> t; WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((p = commonPool) != null &&
(q = p.findNonEmptyStealQueue(1)) != null &&
(b = q.base) - q.top < 0 &&
(t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt
* Restricted version of helpQuiescePool for external callers
static void externalHelpQuiescePool() {
ForkJoinPool p; ForkJoinTask<?> t; WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((p = commonPool) != null &&
(q = p.findNonEmptyStealQueue(1)) != null &&
(b = q.base) - q.top < 0 &&
(t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt
* Restricted version of helpQuiescePool for external callers
static void externalHelpQuiescePool() {
ForkJoinPool p; ForkJoinTask<?> t; WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((p = commonPool) != null &&
(q = p.findNonEmptyStealQueue(1)) != null &&
(b = q.base) - q.top < 0 &&
(t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm
* Restricted version of helpQuiescePool for external callers
static void externalHelpQuiescePool() {
ForkJoinPool p; ForkJoinTask<?> t; WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((p = commonPool) != null &&
(q = p.findNonEmptyStealQueue(1)) != null &&
(b = q.base) - q.top < 0 &&
(t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt
* Gets and removes a local or stolen task for the given worker.
* @return a task, if available
final ForkJoinTask<?> nextTaskFor(WorkQueue w) {
for (ForkJoinTask<?> t;;) {
WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((t = w.nextLocalTask()) != null)
return t;
if ((q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed())) == null)
return null;
if ((b = q.base) - q.top < 0 && (t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt
* Gets and removes a local or stolen task for the given worker.
* @return a task, if available
final ForkJoinTask<?> nextTaskFor(WorkQueue w) {
for (ForkJoinTask<?> t;;) {
WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((t = w.nextLocalTask()) != null)
return t;
if ((q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed())) == null)
return null;
if ((b = q.base) - q.top < 0 && (t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Gets and removes a local or stolen task for the given worker.
* @return a task, if available
final ForkJoinTask<?> nextTaskFor(WorkQueue w) {
for (ForkJoinTask<?> t;;) {
WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((t = w.nextLocalTask()) != null)
return t;
if ((q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed())) == null)
return null;
if ((b = q.base) - q.top < 0 && (t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Gets and removes a local or stolen task for the given worker.
* @return a task, if available
final ForkJoinTask<?> nextTaskFor(WorkQueue w) {
for (ForkJoinTask<?> t;;) {
WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((t = w.nextLocalTask()) != null)
return t;
if ((q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed())) == null)
return null;
if ((b = q.base) - q.top < 0 && (t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm
* Gets and removes a local or stolen task for the given worker.
* @return a task, if available
final ForkJoinTask<?> nextTaskFor(WorkQueue w) {
for (ForkJoinTask<?> t;;) {
WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((t = w.nextLocalTask()) != null)
return t;
if ((q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed())) == null)
return null;
if ((b = q.base) - q.top < 0 && (t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt
* Gets and removes a local or stolen task for the given worker.
* @return a task, if available
final ForkJoinTask<?> nextTaskFor(WorkQueue w) {
for (ForkJoinTask<?> t;;) {
WorkQueue q; int b;
if ((t = w.nextLocalTask()) != null)
return t;
if ((q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed())) == null)
return null;
if ((b = q.base) - q.top < 0 && (t = q.pollAt(b)) != null)
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
WorkQueue q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed());
if (q != null) {
ForkJoinTask<?> t; int b;
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
WorkQueue q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed());
if (q != null) {
ForkJoinTask<?> t; int b;
代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt
WorkQueue q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed());
if (q != null) {
ForkJoinTask<?> t; int b;
代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt
WorkQueue q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed());
if (q != null) {
ForkJoinTask<?> t; int b;
代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt
WorkQueue q = findNonEmptyStealQueue(w.nextSeed());
if (q != null) {
ForkJoinTask<?> t; int b;