[英]Return a command object to come up with a short name that describes a commit in terms of the nearest git tag.
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.com.palantir.gradle.gitversion/gradle-git-version
private boolean isRepoEmpty() {
// back-compat: the JGit "describe" command throws an exception in repositories with no commits, so call it
// first to preserve this behavior in cases where this call would fail but native "git" call does not.
try {
return false;
} catch (Exception ignored) {
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.com.xenoterracide.gradle/pluginbundle
public void apply( Project project ) {
try {
Repository repo = new FileRepositoryBuilder()
.findGitDir( project.getProjectDir() )
Git git = new Git( repo );
Optional.ofNullable( git.describe().setMatch( "v[0-9].[0-9]*.[0-9]*" ).call() )
.map( v -> v.substring( 1 ) )
.ifPresent( project::setVersion );
catch ( IOException | InvalidPatternException | GitAPIException e ) {
log.error( "", e );
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.com.xenoterracide.gradle/gradle-plugin-bundle
public String describe() throws InvalidPatternException, GitAPIException,
IOException {
String version = git.describe().setMatch( VERSION_GLOB ).call();
if ( version == null ) {
Ref mostRecentTag = findMostRecentTag();
if ( mostRecentTag != null ) {
String vtag = StringUtils.removeStart( mostRecentTag.getName(), TAG_PREFIX );
ObjectId head = getRepo().resolve( "HEAD" );
long commitCount = countCommits( mostRecentTag.getPeeledObjectId(), head.toObjectId() );
version = String.join( "-", vtag, String.valueOf( commitCount ),
'g' + head.name().substring( 0, 7 ), "SNAPSHOT"
return version;
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.com.xenoterracide/gradle-plugin-semver
public String describe() throws InvalidPatternException, GitAPIException,
IOException {
String version = git.describe().setMatch( VERSION_GLOB ).call();
if ( version == null ) {
Ref mostRecentTag = findMostRecentTag();
if ( mostRecentTag != null ) {
String vtag = StringUtils.removeStart( mostRecentTag.getName(), TAG_PREFIX );
ObjectId head = getRepo().resolve( "HEAD" );
long commitCount = countCommits( mostRecentTag.getPeeledObjectId(), head.toObjectId() );
version = String.join( "-", vtag, String.valueOf( commitCount ),
'g' + head.name().substring( 0, 7 ), "SNAPSHOT"
return version;
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.com.xenoterracide/gradle-semver
String describe() throws InvalidPatternException, GitAPIException,
IOException {
String version = git.describe().setMatch( VERSION_GLOB ).call();
if ( version == null ) {
Ref mostRecentTag = findMostRecentTag();
if ( mostRecentTag != null ) {
String vtag = StringUtils.removeStart( mostRecentTag.getName(), TAG_PREFIX );
ObjectId head = getRepo().resolve( "HEAD" );
long commitCount = countCommits( mostRecentTag.getPeeledObjectId(), head.toObjectId() );
version = String.join( "-", vtag, String.valueOf( commitCount ),
'g' + head.name().substring( 0, 7 ), "SNAPSHOT"
return version;
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.br.com.sabium/gradle-bump
String getLatestReleaseTag(final String releaseTagPattern) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
final Pattern tagPattern = Pattern.compile(releaseTagPattern);
final FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder();
final Repository repository = builder.setWorkTree(new File(gitDir)).findGitDir().build();
final RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository);
final String tag = new Git(repository).describe().call();
final Matcher releaseTagMatcher = tagPattern.matcher(tag);
return releaseTagMatcher.matches() ? tag : null;
代码示例来源:origin: com.dell.doradus/doradus-server
instance().m_logger.info("Remote.origin.url: {}", url);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(url) && url.contains("dell-oss/Doradus.git")) {
DescribeCommand cmd = git.describe();
version = cmd.call();
instance().m_logger.info("Doradus version found from git repo: {}", version);
代码示例来源:origin: QSFT/Doradus
instance().m_logger.info("Remote.origin.url: {}", url);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(url) && url.contains("dell-oss/Doradus.git")) {
DescribeCommand cmd = git.describe();
version = cmd.call();
instance().m_logger.info("Doradus version found from git repo: {}", version);
代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm
protected void run() throws Exception {
DescribeCommand cmd = new Git(db).describe();
if (tree != null)
String result = null;
try {
result = cmd.call();
} catch (RefNotFoundException e) {
throw die(CLIText.get().noNamesFound, e);
if (result == null)
throw die(CLIText.get().noNamesFound);
代码示例来源:origin: bsorrentino/maven-confluence-plugin
final String lastTagName = git.describe().call();
from = repository.resolve("refs/tags/" + lastTagName);