[英]Return a command to list remote branches/tags without a local repository.
代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook
public static void main(String[] args) throws GitAPIException {
Collection<Ref> refs = Git.lsRemoteRepository()
final Map<String, Ref> map = Git.lsRemoteRepository()
refs = Git.lsRemoteRepository()
代码示例来源:origin: centic9/jgit-cookbook
public static void main(String[] args) throws GitAPIException {
Collection<Ref> refs = Git.lsRemoteRepository()
final Map<String, Ref> map = Git.lsRemoteRepository()
refs = Git.lsRemoteRepository()
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit
public ObjectId sha1(String uri, String ref) throws GitAPIException {
Map<String, Ref> map = Git
Ref r = RefDatabase.findRef(map, ref);
return r != null ? r.getObjectId() : null;
代码示例来源:origin: FlowCI/flow-platform
public List<String> tags() throws GitException {
try {
Collection<Ref> refs = buildCommand(Git.lsRemoteRepository()
List<Ref> listRefs = Lists.newArrayList(refs);
return JGitUtil.simpleRef(refs);
} catch (GitAPIException e) {
throw new GitException("Fail to list tags from remote repo", ExceptionUtil.findRootCause(e));
代码示例来源:origin: FlowCI/flow-platform
public List<String> branches() throws GitException {
try {
Collection<Ref> refs = buildCommand(Git.lsRemoteRepository()
return JGitUtil.simpleRef(refs);
} catch (GitAPIException e) {
throw new GitException("Fail to list branches from remote repo", e);
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.org.echocat.gradle.plugins/gradle-golang-plugin
protected String refFor(@Nonnull Matcher matcher, @Nonnull RawVcsReference rawReference) throws VcsException {
final String root = rootFor(matcher, rawReference);
final String remoteUri = buildUriFor(root, rawReference);
LOGGER.debug("Fetch remote refs for {} from {}...", rawReference.getId(), remoteUri);
final Collection<Ref> refs;
try {
refs = Git.lsRemoteRepository()
} catch (final GitAPIException e) {
throw new VcsException(e);
LOGGER.debug("Fetch remote refs for {} from {}... DONE!", rawReference.getId(), remoteUri);
return selectBestFitRefFor(matcher, rawReference, refs);
代码示例来源:origin: sonia.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit
public ObjectId sha1(String uri, String ref) throws GitAPIException {
Map<String, Ref> map = Git
Ref r = RefDatabase.findRef(map, ref);
return r != null ? r.getObjectId() : null;
代码示例来源:origin: berlam/github-bucket
public ObjectId sha1(String uri, String ref) throws GitAPIException {
Map<String, Ref> map = Git
Ref r = RefDatabase.findRef(map, ref);
return r != null ? r.getObjectId() : null;
代码示例来源:origin: echocat/gradle-golang-plugin
protected Ref resolveRemoteRef() throws VcsException, GitAPIException {
LOGGER.debug("Fetch remote refs from {}...", getReference().getUri());
final Iterable<Ref> refs = RefComparator.sort(Git.lsRemoteRepository()
LOGGER.debug("Fetch remote refs from {}... DONE!", getReference().getUri());
return selectFirstMatching(refs);
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.org.echocat.gradle.plugins/gradle-golang-plugin
protected Ref resolveRemoteRef() throws VcsException, GitAPIException {
LOGGER.debug("Fetch remote refs from {}...", getReference().getUri());
final Iterable<Ref> refs = RefComparator.sort(Git.lsRemoteRepository()
LOGGER.debug("Fetch remote refs from {}... DONE!", getReference().getUri());
return selectFirstMatching(refs);
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/droolsjbpm-tools
refs = Git.lsRemoteRepository()
代码示例来源:origin: Calsign/APDE
Collection<Ref> refs = Git.lsRemoteRepository().setHeads(true).setTags(true).setRemote(remoteURI).call();