[英]Returns all nodes in this network, in the order specified by #nodeOrder().
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
private static <N, E> Map<N, NetworkConnections<N, E>> getNodeConnections(Network<N, E> network) {
// ImmutableMap.Builder maintains the order of the elements as inserted, so the map will have
// whatever ordering the network's nodes do, so ImmutableSortedMap is unnecessary even if the
// input nodes are sorted.
ImmutableMap.Builder<N, NetworkConnections<N, E>> nodeConnections = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (N node : network.nodes()) {
nodeConnections.put(node, connectionsOf(network, node));
return nodeConnections.build();
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
public Set<N> nodes() {
return delegate().nodes();
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
public Set<N> nodes() {
return network.nodes();
代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc
private static <N, E> Map<N, NetworkConnections<N, E>> getNodeConnections(Network<N, E> network) {
// ImmutableMap.Builder maintains the order of the elements as inserted, so the map will have
// whatever ordering the network's nodes do, so ImmutableSortedMap is unnecessary even if the
// input nodes are sorted.
ImmutableMap.Builder<N, NetworkConnections<N, E>> nodeConnections = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (N node : network.nodes()) {
nodeConnections.put(node, connectionsOf(network, node));
return nodeConnections.build();
代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc
public Set<N> nodes() {
return delegate().nodes();
代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly
private static <N, E> Map<N, NetworkConnections<N, E>> getNodeConnections(Network<N, E> network) {
// ImmutableMap.Builder maintains the order of the elements as inserted, so the map will have
// whatever ordering the network's nodes do, so ImmutableSortedMap is unnecessary even if the
// input nodes are sorted.
ImmutableMap.Builder<N, NetworkConnections<N, E>> nodeConnections = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (N node : network.nodes()) {
nodeConnections.put(node, connectionsOf(network, node));
return nodeConnections.build();
代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly
public Set<N> nodes() {
return delegate().nodes();
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
public final boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Network)) {
return false;
Network<?, ?> other = (Network<?, ?>) obj;
return isDirected() == other.isDirected()
&& nodes().equals(other.nodes())
&& edgeIncidentNodesMap(this).equals(edgeIncidentNodesMap(other));
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
/** Creates a mutable copy of {@code network} with the same nodes and edges. */
public static <N, E> MutableNetwork<N, E> copyOf(Network<N, E> network) {
MutableNetwork<N, E> copy =
for (N node : network.nodes()) {
for (E edge : network.edges()) {
EndpointPair<N> endpointPair = network.incidentNodes(edge);
copy.addEdge(endpointPair.nodeU(), endpointPair.nodeV(), edge);
return copy;
代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc
public final boolean equals(@NullableDecl Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Network)) {
return false;
Network<?, ?> other = (Network<?, ?>) obj;
return isDirected() == other.isDirected()
&& nodes().equals(other.nodes())
&& edgeIncidentNodesMap(this).equals(edgeIncidentNodesMap(other));
代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly
public final boolean equals(@NullableDecl Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Network)) {
return false;
Network<?, ?> other = (Network<?, ?>) obj;
return isDirected() == other.isDirected()
&& nodes().equals(other.nodes())
&& edgeIncidentNodesMap(this).equals(edgeIncidentNodesMap(other));
代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc
/** Creates a mutable copy of {@code network} with the same nodes and edges. */
public static <N, E> MutableNetwork<N, E> copyOf(Network<N, E> network) {
MutableNetwork<N, E> copy =
for (N node : network.nodes()) {
for (E edge : network.edges()) {
EndpointPair<N> endpointPair = network.incidentNodes(edge);
copy.addEdge(endpointPair.nodeU(), endpointPair.nodeV(), edge);
return copy;
代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly
/** Creates a mutable copy of {@code network} with the same nodes and edges. */
public static <N, E> MutableNetwork<N, E> copyOf(Network<N, E> network) {
MutableNetwork<N, E> copy =
for (N node : network.nodes()) {
for (E edge : network.edges()) {
EndpointPair<N> endpointPair = network.incidentNodes(edge);
copy.addEdge(endpointPair.nodeU(), endpointPair.nodeV(), edge);
return copy;
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
for (E adjacentEdge : network.incidentEdges(incidentNode)) {
for (N node : sanityCheckSet(network.nodes())) {
for (N otherNode : network.nodes()) {
Set<E> edgesConnecting = sanityCheckSet(network.edgesConnecting(node, otherNode));
switch (edgesConnecting.size()) {
代码示例来源:origin: jrtom/jung
public boolean contains(Network inGraph, Object inNode) {
boolean contained = false;
if (inGraph.nodes().contains(inNode)) {
// inNode is one of the nodes in inGraph
return true;
for (Object node : inGraph.nodes()) {
contained |= (node instanceof Network) && contains((Network) node, inNode);
return contained;
代码示例来源:origin: jrtom/jung
* Creates an instance for the specified graph and alpha (random jump probability) parameter. The
* edge weights are all set to 1.
* @param g the input graph
* @param alpha the probability of a hub giving some authority to all nodes, and of an authority
* increasing the score of all hubs (not just those connected via links)
public HITS(Network<N, E> g, double alpha) {
super(g, ScoringUtils.getHITSUniformRootPrior(g.nodes()), alpha);
代码示例来源:origin: batfish/batfish
* Initialize incoming EIGRP message queues for each adjacency
* @param eigrpTopology The topology representing EIGRP adjacencies
void initQueues(Network<EigrpInterface, EigrpEdge> eigrpTopology) {
_incomingRoutes =
.flatMap(n -> eigrpTopology.inEdges(n).stream())
.collect(toImmutableSortedMap(Function.identity(), e -> new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>()));
代码示例来源:origin: jrtom/jung
* A graph is "forest-shaped" if it is directed, acyclic, and each node has at most one
* predecessor.
public static <N> boolean isForestShaped(Network<N, ?> graph) {
checkNotNull(graph, "graph");
return graph.isDirected()
&& !Graphs.hasCycle(graph)
&& graph.nodes().stream().allMatch(node -> graph.predecessors(node).size() <= 1);
代码示例来源:origin: jrtom/jung
public void setNetwork(Network<N, E> network, boolean forceUpdate) {
log.trace("setNetwork to n:{} e:{}", network.nodes(), network.edges());
this.network = network;
if (forceUpdate && this.layoutAlgorithm != null) {
log.trace("will accept {}", layoutAlgorithm);
log.trace("will fire stateChanged");
log.trace("fired stateChanged");
代码示例来源:origin: jrtom/jung
protected Collection<N> getFilteredNodes() {
Set<N> nodes = vv.getModel().getNetwork().nodes();
return nodesAreFiltered()
? Sets.filter(nodes, vv.getRenderContext().getNodeIncludePredicate()::test)
: nodes;