
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns true if the edges in this network are directed. Directed edges connect a EndpointPair#source() to a EndpointPair#target(), while undirected edges connect a pair of nodes to each other.


代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

public boolean isDirected() {
 return network.isDirected();

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

public boolean isDirected() {
 return delegate().isDirected();

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

 * Returns a view of {@code network} with the direction (if any) of every edge reversed. All other
 * properties remain intact, and further updates to {@code network} will be reflected in the view.
public static <N, E> Network<N, E> transpose(Network<N, E> network) {
 if (!network.isDirected()) {
  return network; // the transpose of an undirected network is an identical network
 if (network instanceof TransposedNetwork) {
  return ((TransposedNetwork<N, E>) network).network;
 return new TransposedNetwork<>(network);

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

 * Returns a view of {@code network} with the direction (if any) of every edge reversed. All other
 * properties remain intact, and further updates to {@code network} will be reflected in the view.
public static <N, E> Network<N, E> transpose(Network<N, E> network) {
 if (!network.isDirected()) {
  return network; // the transpose of an undirected network is an identical network
 if (network instanceof TransposedNetwork) {
  return ((TransposedNetwork<N, E>) network).network;
 return new TransposedNetwork<>(network);

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

public boolean isDirected() {
 return delegate().isDirected();

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

/** Returns an {@link EndpointPair} representing the endpoints of an edge in {@code network}. */
static <N> EndpointPair<N> of(Network<?, ?> network, N nodeU, N nodeV) {
 return network.isDirected() ? ordered(nodeU, nodeV) : unordered(nodeU, nodeV);

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

 * Returns a view of {@code network} with the direction (if any) of every edge reversed. All other
 * properties remain intact, and further updates to {@code network} will be reflected in the view.
public static <N, E> Network<N, E> transpose(Network<N, E> network) {
 if (!network.isDirected()) {
  return network; // the transpose of an undirected network is an identical network
 if (network instanceof TransposedNetwork) {
  return ((TransposedNetwork<N, E>) network).network;
 return new TransposedNetwork<>(network);

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

public boolean isDirected() {
 return delegate().isDirected();

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

/** Returns an {@link EndpointPair} representing the endpoints of an edge in {@code network}. */
static <N> EndpointPair<N> of(Network<?, ?> network, N nodeU, N nodeV) {
 return network.isDirected() ? ordered(nodeU, nodeV) : unordered(nodeU, nodeV);

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

public final boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
 if (obj == this) {
  return true;
 if (!(obj instanceof Network)) {
  return false;
 Network<?, ?> other = (Network<?, ?>) obj;
 return isDirected() == other.isDirected()
   && nodes().equals(other.nodes())
   && edgeIncidentNodesMap(this).equals(edgeIncidentNodesMap(other));

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

/** Returns an {@link EndpointPair} representing the endpoints of an edge in {@code network}. */
static <N> EndpointPair<N> of(Network<?, ?> network, N nodeU, N nodeV) {
 return network.isDirected() ? ordered(nodeU, nodeV) : unordered(nodeU, nodeV);

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

 * Returns true if {@code network} has at least one cycle. A cycle is defined as a non-empty
 * subset of edges in a graph arranged to form a path (a sequence of adjacent outgoing edges)
 * starting and ending with the same node.
 * <p>This method will detect any non-empty cycle, including self-loops (a cycle of length 1).
public static boolean hasCycle(Network<?, ?> network) {
 // In a directed graph, parallel edges cannot introduce a cycle in an acyclic graph.
 // However, in an undirected graph, any parallel edge induces a cycle in the graph.
 if (!network.isDirected()
   && network.allowsParallelEdges()
   && network.edges().size() > network.asGraph().edges().size()) {
  return true;
 return hasCycle(network.asGraph());

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

public final boolean equals(@NullableDecl Object obj) {
 if (obj == this) {
  return true;
 if (!(obj instanceof Network)) {
  return false;
 Network<?, ?> other = (Network<?, ?>) obj;
 return isDirected() == other.isDirected()
   && nodes().equals(other.nodes())
   && edgeIncidentNodesMap(this).equals(edgeIncidentNodesMap(other));

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

 * Returns true if {@code network} has at least one cycle. A cycle is defined as a non-empty
 * subset of edges in a graph arranged to form a path (a sequence of adjacent outgoing edges)
 * starting and ending with the same node.
 * <p>This method will detect any non-empty cycle, including self-loops (a cycle of length 1).
public static boolean hasCycle(Network<?, ?> network) {
 // In a directed graph, parallel edges cannot introduce a cycle in an acyclic graph.
 // However, in an undirected graph, any parallel edge induces a cycle in the graph.
 if (!network.isDirected()
   && network.allowsParallelEdges()
   && network.edges().size() > network.asGraph().edges().size()) {
  return true;
 return hasCycle(network.asGraph());

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

public final boolean equals(@NullableDecl Object obj) {
 if (obj == this) {
  return true;
 if (!(obj instanceof Network)) {
  return false;
 Network<?, ?> other = (Network<?, ?>) obj;
 return isDirected() == other.isDirected()
   && nodes().equals(other.nodes())
   && edgeIncidentNodesMap(this).equals(edgeIncidentNodesMap(other));

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

 * Returns a {@link NetworkBuilder} initialized with all properties queryable from {@code
 * network}.
 * <p>The "queryable" properties are those that are exposed through the {@link Network} interface,
 * such as {@link Network#isDirected()}. Other properties, such as {@link
 * #expectedNodeCount(int)}, are not set in the new builder.
public static <N, E> NetworkBuilder<N, E> from(Network<N, E> network) {
 return new NetworkBuilder<N, E>(network.isDirected())

代码示例来源:origin: google/guava

private static <N, E> NetworkConnections<N, E> connectionsOf(Network<N, E> network, N node) {
 if (network.isDirected()) {
  Map<E, N> inEdgeMap = Maps.asMap(network.inEdges(node), sourceNodeFn(network));
  Map<E, N> outEdgeMap = Maps.asMap(network.outEdges(node), targetNodeFn(network));
  int selfLoopCount = network.edgesConnecting(node, node).size();
  return network.allowsParallelEdges()
    ? DirectedMultiNetworkConnections.ofImmutable(inEdgeMap, outEdgeMap, selfLoopCount)
    : DirectedNetworkConnections.ofImmutable(inEdgeMap, outEdgeMap, selfLoopCount);
 } else {
  Map<E, N> incidentEdgeMap =
    Maps.asMap(network.incidentEdges(node), adjacentNodeFn(network, node));
  return network.allowsParallelEdges()
    ? UndirectedMultiNetworkConnections.ofImmutable(incidentEdgeMap)
    : UndirectedNetworkConnections.ofImmutable(incidentEdgeMap);

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

 * Returns a {@link NetworkBuilder} initialized with all properties queryable from {@code
 * network}.
 * <p>The "queryable" properties are those that are exposed through the {@link Network} interface,
 * such as {@link Network#isDirected()}. Other properties, such as {@link
 * #expectedNodeCount(int)}, are not set in the new builder.
public static <N, E> NetworkBuilder<N, E> from(Network<N, E> network) {
 return new NetworkBuilder<N, E>(network.isDirected())

代码示例来源:origin: wildfly/wildfly

 * Returns a {@link NetworkBuilder} initialized with all properties queryable from {@code
 * network}.
 * <p>The "queryable" properties are those that are exposed through the {@link Network} interface,
 * such as {@link Network#isDirected()}. Other properties, such as {@link
 * #expectedNodeCount(int)}, are not set in the new builder.
public static <N, E> NetworkBuilder<N, E> from(Network<N, E> network) {
 return new NetworkBuilder<N, E>(network.isDirected())

代码示例来源:origin: google/j2objc

private static <N, E> NetworkConnections<N, E> connectionsOf(Network<N, E> network, N node) {
 if (network.isDirected()) {
  Map<E, N> inEdgeMap = Maps.asMap(network.inEdges(node), sourceNodeFn(network));
  Map<E, N> outEdgeMap = Maps.asMap(network.outEdges(node), targetNodeFn(network));
  int selfLoopCount = network.edgesConnecting(node, node).size();
  return network.allowsParallelEdges()
    ? DirectedMultiNetworkConnections.ofImmutable(inEdgeMap, outEdgeMap, selfLoopCount)
    : DirectedNetworkConnections.ofImmutable(inEdgeMap, outEdgeMap, selfLoopCount);
 } else {
  Map<E, N> incidentEdgeMap =
    Maps.asMap(network.incidentEdges(node), adjacentNodeFn(network, node));
  return network.allowsParallelEdges()
    ? UndirectedMultiNetworkConnections.ofImmutable(incidentEdgeMap)
    : UndirectedNetworkConnections.ofImmutable(incidentEdgeMap);
