[英]Get the template pattern for a construct query
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
* The constructor
* @param query The query that this handler will be modifying.
public ConstructHandler(Query query) {
this.query = query;
constructs = new ArrayList<>();
if (query.getConstructTemplate() != null) {
for (Triple t : query.getConstructTemplate().getTriples()) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jena/jena-querybuilder
* The constructor
* @param query The query that this handler will be modifying.
public ConstructHandler(Query query) {
this.query = query;
constructs = new ArrayList<>();
if (query.getConstructTemplate() != null) {
for (Triple t : query.getConstructTemplate().getTriples()) {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public void visitConstructResultForm(Query query)
x ^= query.getConstructTemplate().hashCode() ;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public void visitConstructResultForm(Query query) {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public static Template parseTemplate(String string)
final Query query = new Query () ;
Action action = new Action() {
public void exec(SPARQLParser10 parser) throws Exception
Template t = parser.ConstructTemplate() ;
query.setConstructTemplate(t) ;
} ;
perform(query, string, action) ;
return query.getConstructTemplate() ;
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
public void visitConstructResultForm(Query query) {
newQuery.setQueryConstructType() ;
newQuery.setConstructTemplate(query.getConstructTemplate()) ;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public static Template parseTemplate(String string)
final Query query = new Query () ;
Action action = new Action() {
public void exec(SPARQLParser11 parser) throws Exception
Template t = parser.ConstructTemplate() ;
query.setConstructTemplate(t) ;
} ;
perform(query, string, action) ;
return query.getConstructTemplate() ;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public static Template parseTemplate(String string)
final Query query = new Query () ;
Action action = new Action() {
public void exec(ARQParser parser) throws Exception
Template t = parser.ConstructTemplate() ;
query.setConstructTemplate(t) ;
} ;
perform(query, string, action) ;
return query.getConstructTemplate() ;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public void visitConstructResultForm(Query query1)
check("Not both CONSTRUCT queries", query2.isConstructType()) ;
check("CONSTRUCT templates",
query1.getConstructTemplate().equalIso(query2.getConstructTemplate(), new NodeIsomorphismMap()) ) ;
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
private Iterator<Triple> executeConstructStreaming(Query query) {
if (!query.isConstructType()) {
throw new RuntimeException("CONSTRUCT query expected. Got: ["
+ query.toString() + "]");
Query clone = query.cloneQuery();
//Query selectQuery = QueryUtils.elementToQuery(query.getQueryPattern());
ResultSetCloseable rs = executeCoreSelect(clone);
System.out.println("Executing query as: " + clone);
// insertPrefixesInto(result) ;
Template template = query.getConstructTemplate();
Iterator<Triple> result = new ConstructIterator(template, rs);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
public static SparqlView create(String name, Query query) {
if(!query.isConstructType()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Query must be a construct query");
Op tmp = Algebra.compile(query.getQueryPattern());
Op op = Algebra.toQuadForm(tmp);
QuadPattern quadPattern = QuadPatternUtils.toQuadPattern(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, query.getConstructTemplate().getBGP());
// QuadPattern quadPattern = new QuadPattern();
// for(Triple triple : query.getConstructTemplate().getTriples()) {
// quadPattern.add(new Quad(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, triple));
// }
SparqlView result = create(name, quadPattern, op);
//SparqlView result = new SparqlView(name, quadPattern, new ExprList(), new VarDefinition(), op);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public void visitConstructResultForm(Query query)
out.print("CONSTRUCT ") ;
// if ( query.isQueryResultStar() )
// {
// out.print("*") ;
// out.newline() ;
// }
// else
out.incIndent(BLOCK_INDENT) ;
out.newline() ;
Template t = query.getConstructTemplate() ;
fmtTemplate.format(t) ;
out.decIndent(BLOCK_INDENT) ;
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
public static MappedConcept<Graph> query(Query query, Var partitionVar) {
Template template = query.getConstructTemplate();
BasicPattern bgp = template.getBGP();
BasicPattern newBgp = allocVarsForBlankNodes(bgp);
//Element e = new Element
Element newElement = new ElementTriplesBlock(newBgp);
Template newTemplate = new Template(newBgp);
Concept concept = new Concept(newElement, partitionVar);
Agg<Graph> agg = AggGraph.create(newTemplate);
MappedConcept<Graph> result = MappedConcept.create(concept, agg);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public Iterator<Quad> execConstructQuads() {
if ( ! query.isConstructType() )
throw new QueryExecException("Attempt to get a CONSTRUCT model from a "+labelForQuery(query)+" query") ;
// This causes there to be no PROJECT around the pattern.
// That in turn, exposes the initial bindings.
query.setQueryResultStar(true) ;
startQueryIterator() ;
Template template = query.getConstructTemplate() ;
return TemplateLib.calcQuads(template.getQuads(), queryIterator);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
public Iterator<Triple> execConstructTriples() {
if ( ! query.isConstructType() )
throw new QueryExecException("Attempt to get a CONSTRUCT model from a "+labelForQuery(query)+" query") ;
// This causes there to be no PROJECT around the pattern.
// That in turn, exposes the initial bindings.
query.setQueryResultStar(true) ;
startQueryIterator() ;
Template template = query.getConstructTemplate() ;
return TemplateLib.calcTriples(template.getTriples(), queryIterator);
代码示例来源:origin: tarql/tarql
private void processResults(TarqlQueryExecution ex) throws IOException {
if (testQuery && ex.getFirstQuery().getConstructTemplate() != null) {
IndentedWriter out = new IndentedWriter(System.out);
new FmtTemplate(out, new SerializationContext(ex.getFirstQuery())).format(ex.getFirstQuery().getConstructTemplate());
if (ex.getFirstQuery().isSelectType()) {
} else if (ex.getFirstQuery().isAskType()) {
} else if (ex.getFirstQuery().isConstructType()) {
resultTripleIterator = resultTripleIterator.andThen(ex.execTriples());
} else {
cmdError("Only query forms CONSTRUCT, SELECT and ASK are supported");
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
public static MappedConcept<DatasetGraph> query2(Query query, Var partitionVar) {
Template template = query.getConstructTemplate();
BasicPattern bgp = template.getBGP();
BasicPattern newBgp = allocVarsForBlankNodes(bgp);
// Allocate a fresh var for the graph
Var g = Var.alloc("_g_");
//Element e = new Element
Element tmp = new ElementTriplesBlock(newBgp);
Element newElement = new ElementNamedGraph(g, tmp);
OpQuadPattern tmpOp = new OpQuadPattern(g, newBgp);
QuadPattern quadPattern = tmpOp.getPattern();
Concept concept = new Concept(newElement, partitionVar);
Agg<DatasetGraph> agg = AggDatasetGraph.create(quadPattern);
MappedConcept<DatasetGraph> result = MappedConcept.create(concept, agg);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
Template template = query.getConstructTemplate();
QuadPattern qp = QuadPatternUtils.toQuadPattern(Quad.defaultGraphNodeGenerated, template.getBGP());
Agg<DatasetGraph> agg = AggDatasetGraph.create(qp);
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.galigator.openllet/openllet-jena
final Template template = _query.getConstructTemplate();
代码示例来源:origin: Galigator/openllet
final Template template = _query.getConstructTemplate();