代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
* Add and expression aggregator and variable to the mapping.
* if the expr parameter is not an instance of ExprAggregator then no action is taken.
* @param expr The expression to add.
* @param var The variable that it is bound to.
public void add(Expr expr, Var var) {
if (expr instanceof ExprAggregator)
ExprAggregator eAgg = (ExprAggregator)expr;
Expr expr2 = query.allocAggregate( eAgg.getAggregator() );
aggMap.put(var, (ExprAggregator)expr2);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jena/jena-querybuilder
* Add and expression aggregator and variable to the mapping.
* if the expr parameter is not an instance of ExprAggregator then no action is taken.
* @param expr The expression to add.
* @param var The variable that it is bound to.
public void add(Expr expr, Var var) {
if (expr instanceof ExprAggregator)
ExprAggregator eAgg = (ExprAggregator)expr;
Expr expr2 = query.allocAggregate( eAgg.getAggregator() );
aggMap.put(var, (ExprAggregator)expr2);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
* Add all the aggregations from the other handler.
* @param handler The other handler.
* @return This handler for chaining.
public AggregationHandler addAll(AggregationHandler handler)
for (ExprAggregator agg : handler.query.getAggregators())
for (Map.Entry<Var, ExprAggregator> entry : handler.aggMap.entrySet())
aggMap.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jena/jena-querybuilder
* Add all the aggregations from the other handler.
* @param handler The other handler.
* @return This handler for chaining.
public AggregationHandler addAll(AggregationHandler handler)
for (ExprAggregator agg : handler.query.getAggregators())
for (Map.Entry<Var, ExprAggregator> entry : handler.aggMap.entrySet())
aggMap.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
final public Expr FunctionCall() throws ParseException {
String fname ; Args a ;
fname = iri();
a = ArgList();
if ( AggregateRegistry.isRegistered(fname) ) {
if ( ! getAllowAggregatesInExpressions() )
throwParseException("Aggregate expression not legal at this point : "+fname, -1, -1) ;
Aggregator agg = AggregatorFactory.createCustom(fname, a) ;
Expr exprAgg = getQuery().allocAggregate(agg) ;
{if (true) return exprAgg ;}
{if (true) return new E_Function(fname, a) ;}
throw new Error("Missing return statement in function");
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
final public Expr FunctionCall() throws ParseException {
String fname ; Args a ;
fname = iri();
a = ArgList();
if ( AggregateRegistry.isRegistered(fname) ) {
if ( ! getAllowAggregatesInExpressions() )
throwParseException("Aggregate expression not legal at this point : "+fname, -1, -1) ;
Aggregator agg = AggregatorFactory.createCustom(fname, a) ;
Expr exprAgg = getQuery().allocAggregate(agg) ;
{if (true) return exprAgg ;}
{if (true) return new E_Function(fname, a) ;}
throw new Error("Missing return statement in function");
代码示例来源:origin: org.aksw.jena-sparql-api/jena-sparql-api-mapper
expr = query.allocAggregate(agg);
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
expr = query.allocAggregate(agg);
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
public void visit(OpGroup opGroup) {
List<ExprAggregator> a = opGroup.getAggregators();
// Aggregators are broken up in the algebra, split between a
// group and an assignment (extend or assign) using a generated var.
// We record them here and insert later.
for (ExprAggregator ea : a) {
// Substitute generated var for actual
Var givenVar = ea.getAggVar().asVar();
// Copy aggregator across (?)
Expr myAggr = query.allocAggregate(ea.getAggregator());
varExpression.put(givenVar, myAggr);
VarExprList b = opGroup.getGroupVars();
for (Var v : b.getVars()) {
Expr e = b.getExpr(v);
if (e != null) {
query.addGroupBy(v, e);
} else {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
final public Expr iriOrFunction() throws ParseException {
String iri ; Args a = null ;
iri = iri();
switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) {
case LPAREN:
case NIL:
a = ArgList();
jj_la1[153] = jj_gen;
if ( a == null )
{if (true) return asExpr(createNode(iri)) ;}
if ( AggregateRegistry.isRegistered(iri) ) {
if ( ! getAllowAggregatesInExpressions() )
throwParseException("Aggregate expression not legal at this point : "+iri, -1, -1) ;
Aggregator agg = AggregatorFactory.createCustom(iri, a) ;
Expr exprAgg = getQuery().allocAggregate(agg) ;
{if (true) return exprAgg ;}
{if (true) return new E_Function(iri, a) ;}
throw new Error("Missing return statement in function");
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
final public Expr iriOrFunction() throws ParseException {
String iri ; Args a = null ;
iri = iri();
switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) {
case LPAREN:
case NIL:
a = ArgList();
jj_la1[173] = jj_gen;
if ( a == null )
{if (true) return asExpr(createNode(iri)) ;}
if ( AggregateRegistry.isRegistered(iri) ) {
if ( ! getAllowAggregatesInExpressions() )
throwParseException("Aggregate expression not legal at this point : "+iri, -1, -1) ;
Aggregator agg = AggregatorFactory.createCustom(iri, a) ;
Expr exprAgg = getQuery().allocAggregate(agg) ;
{if (true) return exprAgg ;}
{if (true) return new E_Function(iri, a) ;}
throw new Error("Missing return statement in function");
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
public static Query createQueryCount(Query query, Var outputVar, Long itemLimit, Long rowLimit) {
Query subQuery = query.cloneQuery();
if(rowLimit != null) {
subQuery = QueryGenerationUtils.wrapAsSubQuery(subQuery);
if(itemLimit != null) {
Element esq = new ElementSubQuery(subQuery);
Query result = new Query();
Expr aggCount = result.allocAggregate(new AggCount());
result.getProject().add(outputVar, aggCount);
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/jena-sparql-api
public static Query spoCountTemplate(Node s, Node p, Node o)
Query query = QueryFactory.create();
Triple triple = new Triple(s, p, o);
ElementGroup group = new ElementGroup();
if(s.isVariable()) {
if(p.isVariable()) {
if(o.isVariable()) {
query.allocAggregate(new AggCount());
return query;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
throwParseException("Aggregate expression not legal at this point",
t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ;
Expr exprAgg = getQuery().allocAggregate(agg) ;
{if (true) return exprAgg ;}
throw new Error("Missing return statement in function");
代码示例来源:origin: apache/jena
throwParseException("Aggregate expression not legal at this point",
t.beginLine, t.beginColumn) ;
Expr exprAgg = getQuery().allocAggregate(agg) ;
{if (true) return exprAgg ;}
throw new Error("Missing return statement in function");