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for (NodeEnvironment.NodePath nodePath : env.nodePaths()) {
totFreeSpace = totFreeSpace.add(BigInteger.valueOf(nodePath.fileStore.getUsableSpace()));
// TODO: this is a hack!! We should instead keep track of incoming (relocated) shards since we know
// how large they will be once they're done copying, instead of a silly guess for such cases:
// Very rough heuristic of how much disk space we expect the shard will use over its lifetime, the max of current average
// shard size across the cluster and 5% of the total available free space on this node:
BigInteger estShardSizeInBytes = BigInteger.valueOf(avgShardSizeInBytes).max(totFreeSpace.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(20)));
// TODO - do we need something more extensible? Yet, this does the job for now...
final NodeEnvironment.NodePath[] paths = env.nodePaths();
// If no better path is chosen, use the one with the most space by default
NodeEnvironment.NodePath bestPath = getPathWithMostFreeSpace(env);
if (paths.length != 1) {
Map<NodeEnvironment.NodePath, Long> pathToShardCount = env.shardCountPerPath(shardId.getIndex());
// Compute how much space there is on each path
final Map<NodeEnvironment.NodePath, BigInteger> pathsToSpace = new HashMap<>(paths.length);
for (NodeEnvironment.NodePath nodePath : paths) {
FileStore fileStore = nodePath.fileStore;
BigInteger usableBytes = BigInteger.valueOf(fileStore.getUsableSpace());
pathsToSpace.put(nodePath, usableBytes);
bestPath = Arrays.stream(paths)
// Filter out paths that have enough space
.filter((path) -> pathsToSpace.get(path).subtract(estShardSizeInBytes).compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0)
// Sort by the number of shards for this index
.sorted((p1, p2) -> {
int cmp = Long.compare(pathToShardCount.getOrDefault(p1, 0L),
pathToShardCount.getOrDefault(p2, 0L));
if (cmp == 0) {
// if the number of shards is equal, tie-break with the number of total shards
cmp = Integer.compare(dataPathToShardCount.getOrDefault(p1.path, 0),
dataPathToShardCount.getOrDefault(p2.path, 0));
if (cmp == 0) {
// if the number of shards is equal, tie-break with the usable bytes
cmp = pathsToSpace.get(p2).compareTo(pathsToSpace.get(p1));
return cmp;
// Return the first result
// Or the existing best path if there aren't any that fit the criteria
statePath = bestPath.resolve(shardId);
dataPath = statePath;
,没有自定义就在默认路径下创建版权说明 : 本文为转载文章, 版权归原作者所有 版权申明
原文链接 : https://blog.csdn.net/ywl470812087/article/details/104874698