代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
public static Query fromIdentifier( Object id ) {
if (id == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null identifier passed in");
Identifier objectIdentifier = Identifier.from(id);
if (objectIdentifier == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied id results in null Identifier");
Query q = new Query();
q.addIdentifier( Identifier.from(id) );
return q;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
public static Query fromUUID( UUID uuid ) {
Query q = new Query();
q.addIdentifier( Identifier.fromUUID( uuid ) );
return q;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
public void nameIdentifierTest() throws Exception {
logger.debug( "nameIdentifierTest" );
EntityManager em = app.getEntityManager();
assertNotNull( em );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "keywords", "blah,test,game" );
properties.put( "title", "Solitaire" );
properties.put( "name", "test" );
Entity game1 = em.create( "games", properties );
assertNotNull( game1 );
//we create 2 entities, otherwise this test will pass when it shouldn't
properties.put( "name", "test2" );
Entity game2 = em.create( "game", properties );
assertNotNull( game2 );
// overlap
Query query = new Query();
query.addIdentifier( Identifier.fromName( "test" ) );
Results r = em.searchCollection( em.getApplicationRef(), "games", query );
assertEquals( "We should only get 1 result", 1, r.size() );
assertNull( "No cursor should be present", r.getCursor() );
assertEquals( "Saved entity returned", game1, r.getEntity() );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
query.setQl("select * where username ='"+pathToken.getIdentifier().getName()+"'");
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
query.setEntityType( eType );
if ( id != null ) {
query.addIdentifier( Identifier.fromUUID( id ) );
query.addIdentifier( Identifier.from( name ) );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
public void uuidIdentifierTest() throws Exception {
logger.debug( "uuidIdentifierTest" );
EntityManager em = app.getEntityManager();
assertNotNull( em );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "keywords", "blah,test,game" );
properties.put( "title", "Solitaire" );
Entity game1 = em.create( "game", properties );
assertNotNull( game1 );
//we create 2 entities, otherwise this test will pass when it shouldn't
Entity game2 = em.create( "game", properties );
assertNotNull( game2 );
// overlap
Query query = new Query();
query.addIdentifier( Identifier.fromUUID( game1.getUuid() ) );
Results r = em.searchCollection( em.getApplicationRef(), "games", query );
assertEquals( "We should only get 1 result", 1, r.size() );
assertNull( "No cursor should be present", r.getCursor() );
assertEquals( "Saved entity returned", game1, r.getEntity() );
代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid
public void emailIdentifierTest() throws Exception {
logger.debug( "emailIdentifierTest" );
EntityManager em = app.getEntityManager();
assertNotNull( em );
User user = new User();
user.setUsername( "foobar" );
user.setEmail( "foobar@usergrid.org" );
Entity createUser = em.create( user );
assertNotNull( createUser );
//we create 2 entities, otherwise this test will pass when it shouldn't
User user2 = new User();
user2.setUsername( "foobar2" );
user2.setEmail( "foobar2@usergrid.org" );
Entity createUser2 = em.create( user2 );
assertNotNull( createUser2 );
// overlap
Query query = new Query();
query.addIdentifier( Identifier.fromEmail( "foobar@usergrid.org" ) );
Results r = em.searchCollection( em.getApplicationRef(), "users", query );
assertEquals( "We should only get 1 result", 1, r.size() );
assertNull( "No cursor should be present", r.getCursor() );
assertEquals( "Saved entity returned", createUser, r.getEntity() );