[英]Checks if the method defined on the base type with the given arguments is overridden in the given derived type.
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
public void postCheckout(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (Util.isOverridden(SCM.class, getClass(), "postCheckout", Run.class, Launcher.class, FilePath.class, TaskListener.class)) {
postCheckout((Run) build, launcher, workspace, listener);
/* Default implementation is noop */
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
public void onLoad(AbstractBuild<?,?> build) {
if (Util.isOverridden(Cause.class, getClass(), "onLoad", Run.class)) {
onLoad((Run) build);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Can the {@link #restart()} method restart Hudson?
* @throws RestartNotSupportedException
* If the restart is not supported, throw this exception and explain the cause.
public void verifyRestartable() throws RestartNotSupportedException {
// the rewriteHudsonWar method isn't overridden.
if (!Util.isOverridden(Lifecycle.class,getClass(), "restart"))
throw new RestartNotSupportedException("Restart is not supported in this running mode (" +
getClass().getName() + ").");
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
public boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject project) {
if (Util.isOverridden(SCMDescriptor.class, getClass(), "isApplicable", Job.class)) {
return isApplicable((Job) project);
} else {
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* @deprecated since 1.382
* Use/override {@link #getModuleRoot(FilePath, AbstractBuild)} instead.
public FilePath getModuleRoot(FilePath workspace) {
if (Util.isOverridden(SCM.class,getClass(),"getModuleRoot", FilePath.class,AbstractBuild.class))
// if the subtype already implements newer getModuleRoot(FilePath,AbstractBuild), call that.
return getModuleRoot(workspace,null);
return workspace;
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
public void onAddedTo(AbstractBuild build) {
if (Util.isOverridden(Cause.class, getClass(), "onAddedTo", Run.class)) {
onAddedTo((Run) build);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
public boolean processWorkspaceBeforeDeletion(AbstractProject<?,?> project, FilePath workspace, Node node) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (Util.isOverridden(SCM.class, getClass(), "processWorkspaceBeforeDeletion", Job.class, FilePath.class, Node.class)) {
return processWorkspaceBeforeDeletion((Job) project, workspace, node);
} else {
return true;
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* @deprecated in favor of {@link #buildEnvironment(Run, Map)}.
public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Map<String, String> env) {
if (Util.isOverridden(SCM.class, getClass(), "buildEnvironment", Run.class, Map.class)) {
buildEnvironment(build, env);
// default implementation is noop.
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Called by {@link Run} to allow plugins to contribute environment variables.
* @param run
* The calling build. Never null.
* @param env
* Environment variables should be added to this map.
* @since 2.76
default void buildEnvironment(@Nonnull Run<?, ?> run, @Nonnull EnvVars env) {
if (run instanceof AbstractBuild
&& Util.isOverridden(EnvironmentContributingAction.class,
getClass(), "buildEnvVars", AbstractBuild.class, EnvVars.class)) {
buildEnvVars((AbstractBuild) run, env);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Called on the start of each build, giving extensions a chance to intercept
* the data that is written to the log.
* @deprecated as of 1.632. Use {@link #decorateLogger(Run, OutputStream)}
public OutputStream decorateLogger(AbstractBuild build, OutputStream logger) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (Util.isOverridden(ConsoleLogFilter.class, getClass(), "decorateLogger", Run.class, OutputStream.class)) {
// old client calling newer implementation. forward the call.
return decorateLogger((Run) build, logger);
} else {
// happens only if the subtype fails to override neither decorateLogger method
throw new AssertionError("The plugin '" + this.getClass().getName() + "' still uses " +
"deprecated decorateLogger(AbstractBuild,OutputStream) method. " +
"Update the plugin to use setUp(Run,OutputStream) instead.");
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
/** @deprecated Use {@link #buildEnvironment(Run, EnvVars)} instead. */
public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, EnvVars env) {
if (Util.isOverridden(ParameterValue.class, getClass(), "buildEnvironment", Run.class, EnvVars.class)) {
buildEnvironment(build, env);
} else {
// for backward compatibility
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* @deprecated as of 1.382.
* Use/derive from {@link #getModuleRoots(FilePath, AbstractBuild)} instead.
public FilePath[] getModuleRoots(FilePath workspace) {
if (Util.isOverridden(SCM.class,getClass(),"getModuleRoots", FilePath.class, AbstractBuild.class))
// if the subtype already derives newer getModuleRoots(FilePath,AbstractBuild), delegate to it
return getModuleRoots(workspace,null);
// otherwise the default implementation
return new FilePath[] { getModuleRoot(workspace), };
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* @deprecated
* Use {@link #perform(AbstractBuild, Launcher, BuildListener)} instead.
public boolean perform(Build<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener)
throws InterruptedException, IOException {
if (build instanceof AbstractBuild && Util.isOverridden(BuildStepCompatibilityLayer.class, this.getClass(),
"perform", AbstractBuild.class, Launcher.class, BuildListener.class)) {
return perform((AbstractBuild<?, ?>) build, launcher, listener);
throw new AbstractMethodError();
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* @since 1.568
public ChangeLogSet<? extends Entry> parse(Run build, RepositoryBrowser<?> browser, File changelogFile) throws IOException, SAXException {
if (build instanceof AbstractBuild && Util.isOverridden(ChangeLogParser.class, getClass(), "parse", AbstractBuild.class, File.class)) {
return parse((AbstractBuild) build, changelogFile);
} else {
throw new AbstractMethodError("You must override the newer overload of parse");
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
public void onChangeLogParsed(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, BuildListener listener, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog) throws Exception {
if (Util.isOverridden(SCMListener.class, getClass(), "onChangeLogParsed", Run.class, SCM.class, TaskListener.class, ChangeLogSet.class)) {
onChangeLogParsed((Run) build, build.getProject().getScm(), listener, changelog);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Called by {@link AbstractBuild} to allow plugins to contribute environment variables.
* @deprecated Use {@link #buildEnvironment} instead
* @param build
* The calling build. Never null.
* @param env
* Environment variables should be added to this map.
default void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, EnvVars env) {
if (Util.isOverridden(EnvironmentContributingAction.class,
getClass(), "buildEnvironment", Run.class, EnvVars.class)) {
buildEnvironment(build, env);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Determines the identity in which the {@link hudson.model.Queue.Executable} will run as.
* The default implementation delegates to {@link #authenticate(hudson.model.Queue.Task)}.
* @param item
* The contextual information to assist the authentication.
* The primary interest is likely {@link hudson.model.Queue.Item#task}, which is often {@link AbstractProject}.
* {@link Action}s associated with the item is also likely of interest, such as {@link CauseAction}.
* @return
* returning non-null will determine the identity. If null is returned, the next
* configured {@link QueueItemAuthenticator} will be given a chance to authenticate
* the executor. If everything fails, fall back to {@link Task#getDefaultAuthentication()}.
public @CheckForNull Authentication authenticate(Queue.Item item) {
if (Util.isOverridden(QueueItemAuthenticator.class, getClass(), "authenticate", Queue.Task.class)) {
return authenticate(item.task);
} else {
throw new AbstractMethodError("you must override at least one of the QueueItemAuthenticator.authenticate methods");
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Determines the identity in which the {@link hudson.model.Queue.Executable} will run as.
* The default implementation delegates to {@link #authenticate(hudson.model.Queue.Item)} (there will be no associated actions).
* @param task
* Often {@link AbstractProject}.
* @return
* returning non-null will determine the identity. If null is returned, the next
* configured {@link QueueItemAuthenticator} will be given a chance to authenticate
* the executor. If everything fails, fall back to {@link Task#getDefaultAuthentication()}.
* @since 1.560
public @CheckForNull Authentication authenticate(Queue.Task task) {
if (Util.isOverridden(QueueItemAuthenticator.class, getClass(), "authenticate", Queue.Item.class)) {
// Need a fake (unscheduled) item. All the other calls assume a BuildableItem but probably it does not matter.
return authenticate(new Queue.WaitingItem(Calendar.getInstance(), task, Collections.<Action>emptyList()));
} else {
throw new AbstractMethodError("you must override at least one of the QueueItemAuthenticator.authenticate methods");
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Equivalent to {@code disconnect(null)}
* @deprecated as of 1.320.
* Use {@link #disconnect(OfflineCause)} and specify the cause.
public Future<?> disconnect() {
if (Util.isOverridden(Computer.class,getClass(),"disconnect",OfflineCause.class))
// if the subtype already derives disconnect(OfflineCause), delegate to it
return disconnect(null);
return Futures.precomputed(null);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Disconnect this computer.
* If this is the master, no-op. This method may return immediately
* while the launch operation happens asynchronously.
* @param cause
* Object that identifies the reason the node was disconnected.
* @return
* {@link Future} to track the asynchronous disconnect operation.
* @see #connect(boolean)
* @since 1.320
public Future<?> disconnect(OfflineCause cause) {
offlineCause = cause;
if (Util.isOverridden(Computer.class,getClass(),"disconnect"))
return disconnect(); // legacy subtypes that extend disconnect().
return Futures.precomputed(null);