[英]Wraps with the error icon and the CSS class to render error message.
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml() {
String humanReadableSpace = Functions.humanReadableByteSize(size);
if(triggered) {
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(humanReadableSpace);
return humanReadableSpace;
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml(MemoryUsage usage) {
return "N/A";
String humanReadableSpace = Functions.humanReadableByteSize(usage.availableSwapSpace);
long free = usage.availableSwapSpace;
free/=1024L; // convert to KB
free/=1024L; // convert to MB
if(free>256 || usage.totalSwapSpace<usage.availableSwapSpace*5)
return humanReadableSpace; // if we have more than 256MB free or less than 80% filled up, it's OK
// Otherwise considered dangerously low.
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(humanReadableSpace);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins
public String toHtml() {
String s = toString();
s = Util.wrapToErrorSpan(s);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml(MemoryUsage usage) {
return "N/A";
long free = usage.availableSwapSpace;
free/=1024L; // convert to KB
free/=1024L; // convert to MB
if(free>256 || usage.totalSwapSpace<usage.availableSwapSpace*5)
return free+"MB"; // if we have more than 256MB free or less than 80% filled up, it's OK
// Otherwise considered dangerously low.
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(free+"MB");
代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml(MemoryUsage usage) {
return "N/A";
long free = usage.availableSwapSpace;
free/=1024L; // convert to KB
free/=1024L; // convert to MB
if(free>256 || usage.totalSwapSpace<usage.availableSwapSpace*5)
return free+"MB"; // if we have more than 256MB free or less than 80% filled up, it's OK
// Otherwise considered dangerously low.
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(free+"MB");
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml() {
String humanReadableSpace = Functions.humanReadableByteSize(size);
if(triggered) {
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(humanReadableSpace);
return humanReadableSpace;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml() {
long space = size;
space/=1024L; // convert to KB
space/=1024L; // convert to MB
if(triggered) {
// less than a GB
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(new BigDecimal(space).scaleByPowerOfTen(-3).toPlainString()+"GB");
return space/1024+"GB";
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml() {
long space = size;
space /= 1024L; // convert to KB
space /= 1024L; // convert to MB
if (triggered) {
// less than a GB
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(new BigDecimal(space).scaleByPowerOfTen(-3).toPlainString() + "GB");
return space / 1024 + "GB";
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml() {
long space = size;
space/=1024L; // convert to KB
space/=1024L; // convert to MB
if(triggered) {
// less than a GB
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(new BigDecimal(space).scaleByPowerOfTen(-3).toPlainString()+"GB");
return space/1024+"GB";
代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml() {
long space = size;
space/=1024L; // convert to KB
space/=1024L; // convert to MB
if(triggered) {
// less than a GB
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(new BigDecimal(space).scaleByPowerOfTen(-3).toPlainString()+"GB");
return space/1024+"GB";
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml(MemoryUsage usage) {
return "N/A";
String humanReadableSpace = Functions.humanReadableByteSize(usage.availableSwapSpace);
long free = usage.availableSwapSpace;
free/=1024L; // convert to KB
free/=1024L; // convert to MB
if(free>256 || usage.totalSwapSpace<usage.availableSwapSpace*5)
return humanReadableSpace; // if we have more than 256MB free or less than 80% filled up, it's OK
// Otherwise considered dangerously low.
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(humanReadableSpace);
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core
public String toHtml() {
String s = toString();
s = Util.wrapToErrorSpan(s);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: hudson/hudson-2.x
public String toHtml() {
String s = toString();
s = Util.wrapToErrorSpan(s);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core
public String toHtml() {
String s = toString();
s = Util.wrapToErrorSpan(s);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core
public String toHtml() {
String s = toString();
if (isDangerous()) {
s = Util.wrapToErrorSpan(s);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core
public String toHtml() {
String s = toString();
s = Util.wrapToErrorSpan(s);
return s;
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core
* HTML rendering of the data
public String toString() {
// StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// for (long l : past5) {
// if(buf.length()>0) buf.append(',');
// buf.append(l);
// }
// return buf.toString();
int fc = failureCount();
if (fc > 0) {
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(Messages.ResponseTimeMonitor_TimeOut(fc));
return getAverage() + "ms";
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.main/hudson-core
* HTML rendering of the data
public String toString() {
// StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
// for (long l : past5) {
// if(buf.length()>0) buf.append(',');
// buf.append(l);
// }
// return buf.toString();
int fc = failureCount();
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(Messages.ResponseTimeMonitor_TimeOut(fc));
return getAverage()+"ms";
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-core
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml(NativeSystemMemory usage) {
if(usage.getAvailableSwapSpace() == -1)
return "N/A";
long free = usage.getAvailableSwapSpace();
free/=1024L; // convert to KB
free/=1024L; // convert to MB
if(free>256 || usage.getTotalSwapSpace() < usage.getAvailableSwapSpace() * 5)
return free+"MB"; // if we have more than 256MB free or less than 80% filled up, it's OK
// Otherwise considered dangerously low.
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(free+"MB");
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson/hudson-core
* Returns the HTML representation of the space.
public String toHtml(NativeSystemMemory usage) {
if (usage.getAvailableSwapSpace() == -1) {
return "N/A";
long free = usage.getAvailableSwapSpace();
free /= 1024L; // convert to KB
free /= 1024L; // convert to MB
if (free > 256 || usage.getTotalSwapSpace() < usage.getAvailableSwapSpace() * 5) {
return free + "MB"; // if we have more than 256MB free or less than 80% filled up, it's OK
// Otherwise considered dangerously low.
return Util.wrapToErrorSpan(free + "MB");