
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Gets a 24-bit medium integer at the specified absolute index in this buffer in the Little Endian Byte Order.


代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-vertx/vert.x

private void testGetSetMedium(boolean isLE) throws Exception {
 int numInts = 100;
 Buffer b = Buffer.buffer(numInts * 3);
 for (int i = 0; i < numInts; i++) {
  if (isLE) {
   b.setMediumLE(i * 3, MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE + i);
  } else {
   b.setMedium(i * 3, MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE + i);
 for (int i = 0; i < numInts; i++) {
  if (isLE) {
   assertEquals((MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE + i - MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE), b.getMediumLE(i * 3));
  } else {
   assertEquals((MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE + i - MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE), b.getMedium(i * 3));

代码示例来源:origin: io.vertx/vertx-rx-java

 * Gets a 24-bit medium integer at the specified absolute <code>index</code> in this buffer in the Little Endian Byte Order.
 * @param pos 
 * @return 
public int getMediumLE(int pos) { 
 int ret = delegate.getMediumLE(pos);
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: vert-x3/vertx-rx

 * Gets a 24-bit medium integer at the specified absolute <code>index</code> in this buffer in the Little Endian Byte Order.
 * @param pos 
 * @return 
public int getMediumLE(int pos) { 
 int ret = delegate.getMediumLE(pos);
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: io.vertx/vertx-core

private void testGetSetMedium(boolean isLE) throws Exception {
 int numInts = 100;
 Buffer b = Buffer.buffer(numInts * 3);
 for (int i = 0; i < numInts; i++) {
  if (isLE) {
   b.setMediumLE(i * 3, MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE + i);
  } else {
   b.setMedium(i * 3, MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE + i);
 for (int i = 0; i < numInts; i++) {
  if (isLE) {
   assertEquals((MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE + i - MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE), b.getMediumLE(i * 3));
  } else {
   assertEquals((MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE + i - MEDIUM_MAX_VALUE), b.getMedium(i * 3));
