
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to no namespace. If no elements exist for the specified name and namespace, null is returned.


代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

private List<File> parseFiles(Element filesElement, String fileType) {
  List files = filesElement.getChild(fileType).getChildren("file");
  List<File> modifiedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
  for (Iterator iterator = files.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
    Element node = (Element);
    modifiedFiles.add(new File(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(node.getText())));
  return modifiedFiles;

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

public HashMap<String, String> parseInfoToGetUUID(String output, String queryURL, SAXBuilder builder) {
  HashMap<String, String> uidToUrlMap = new HashMap<>();
  try {
    Document document = StringReader(output));
    Element root = document.getRootElement();
    List<Element> entries = root.getChildren("entry");
    for (Element entry : entries) {
      uidToUrlMap.put(queryURL, entry.getChild("repository").getChild("uuid").getValue());
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
  return uidToUrlMap;

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

private Modification parseLogEntry(Element logEntry, String path) throws ParseException {
  Element logEntryPaths = logEntry.getChild("paths");
  if (logEntryPaths == null) {
    /* Path-based access control forbids us from learning
     * details of this log entry, so skip it. */
    return null;
  Date modifiedTime = convertDate(logEntry.getChildText("date"));
  String author = logEntry.getChildText("author");
  String comment = logEntry.getChildText("msg");
  String revision = logEntry.getAttributeValue("revision");
  Modification modification = new Modification(author, comment, null, modifiedTime, revision);
  List paths = logEntryPaths.getChildren("path");
  for (Iterator iterator = paths.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
    Element node = (Element);
    if (underPath(path, node.getText())) {
      ModifiedAction action = convertAction(node.getAttributeValue("action"));
      modification.createModifiedFile(node.getText(), null, action);
  return modification;

代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

 * @param e element to parse
 * @param md metadata to fill in
private void parseResponses(final Element e, final Metadata md) {
  final Element responsesElement = e.getChild("responses", getNS());
  if (responsesElement != null) {
    final List<Element> responseElements = responsesElement.getChildren("response", getNS());
    final String[] responses = new String[responseElements.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < responseElements.size(); i++) {
      responses[i] = responseElements.get(i).getTextTrim();

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

public void shouldListAllArtifactsWhenArtifactsNotPurged() throws Exception {
  HtmlRenderer renderer = new HtmlRenderer("context");
  DirectoryEntries directoryEntries = new DirectoryEntries();
  directoryEntries.add(new FolderDirectoryEntry("cruise-output", "", new DirectoryEntries()));
  directoryEntries.add(new FolderDirectoryEntry("some-artifact", "", new DirectoryEntries()));
  Element document = getRenderedDocument(renderer);
  assertThat(document.getChildren().size(), is(2));
  Element cruiseOutputElement = (Element) document.getChildren().get(0);
  assertThat(cruiseOutputElement.getChild("div").getChild("span").getChild("a").getTextNormalize(), is("cruise-output"));
  Element artifactElement = (Element) document.getChildren().get(1);
  assertThat(artifactElement.getChild("div").getChild("span").getChild("a").getTextNormalize(), is("some-artifact"));

代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

 * @param e element to parse
 * @param md metadata to fill in
private void parseScenes(final Element e, final Metadata md) {
  final Element scenesElement = e.getChild("scenes", getNS());
  if (scenesElement != null) {
    final List<Element> sceneElements = scenesElement.getChildren("scene", getNS());
    final Scene[] scenes = new Scene[sceneElements.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < sceneElements.size(); i++) {
      scenes[i] = new Scene();
      scenes[i].setTitle(sceneElements.get(i).getChildText("sceneTitle", getNS()));
      scenes[i].setDescription(sceneElements.get(i).getChildText("sceneDescription", getNS()));
      final String sceneStartTime = sceneElements.get(i).getChildText("sceneStartTime", getNS());
      if (sceneStartTime != null) {
        scenes[i].setStartTime(new Time(sceneStartTime));
      final String sceneEndTime = sceneElements.get(i).getChildText("sceneEndTime", getNS());
      if (sceneEndTime != null) {
        scenes[i].setEndTime(new Time(sceneEndTime));

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

 * Read and return the list of track indices that define the filtered track
 * collection.
private Set< Integer > readFilteredTrackIDs()
  final Element filteredTracksElement = root.getChild( FILTERED_TRACK_ELEMENT_KEY_v12 );
  if ( null == filteredTracksElement ) { return null; }
  // Work because the track splitting from the graph is deterministic
  final List< Element > elements = filteredTracksElement.getChildren( TRACK_ID_ELEMENT_KEY_v12 );
  final HashSet< Integer > filteredTrackIndices = new HashSet< >( elements.size() );
  for ( final Element indexElement : elements )
    final int trackID = readIntAttribute( indexElement, TRACK_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_v12, logger );
    filteredTrackIndices.add( trackID );
  return filteredTrackIndices;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/bigdataviewer-core

public void restoreFromXml( final Element parent )
  final Element elem = parent.getChild( io.getTagName() );
  final List< TransformedSource< ? > > sources = getTransformedSources();
  final List< AffineTransform3D > transforms = io.fromXml( elem ).getTransforms();
  if ( sources.size() != transforms.size() )
    System.err.println( "failed to load <" + io.getTagName() + "> source and transform count mismatch" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < sources.size(); ++i )
      sources.get( i ).setFixedTransform( transforms.get( i ) );

代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

/** Deserialize a Atom workspace XML element into an object */
protected void parseWorkspaceElement(final Element element, final String baseURI) throws ProponoException {
  final Element titleElem = element.getChild("title", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT);
  if (titleElem.getAttribute("type", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT) != null) {
    setTitleType(titleElem.getAttribute("type", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT).getValue());
  final List<Element> collections = element.getChildren("collection", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL);
  for (final Element e : collections) {
    addCollection(new ClientCollection(e, this, baseURI));

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS

public void setConfiguration(Element e) throws ConfigurationException {
try {
    prepareMethod = BSHMethod.createBshMethod(e.getChild("prepare"));
    prepareForAbortMethod = BSHMethod.createBshMethod(e.getChild("prepare-for-abort"));
    commitMethod = BSHMethod.createBshMethod(e.getChild("commit"));
    abortMethod = BSHMethod.createBshMethod(e.getChild("abort"));
    trace = "yes".equals (e.getAttributeValue ("trace"));
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new ConfigurationException(ex.getMessage(), ex);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom

 * Returns the textual content of the named child element, or null if
 * there's no such child. This method is a convenience because calling
 * <code>getChild().getText()</code> can throw a NullPointerException.
 * @param  cname                the name of the child
 * @return                     text content for the named child, or null if
 *                             no such child
public String getChildText(final String cname) {
  final Element child = getChild(cname);
  if (child == null) {
    return null;
  return child.getText();

代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf

private JoinArray readJoinArray(NetcdfDataset ds, Element joinElement) {
 JoinArray.Type type = JoinArray.Type.valueOf(joinElement.getAttributeValue("type"));
 Element paramElem = joinElement.getChild("param");
 String paramS = paramElem.getText();
 Integer param = Integer.parseInt(paramS);
 Element varElem = joinElement.getChild("variable");
 String varName = varElem.getText();
 VariableDS v = (VariableDS) ds.findVariable(varName);
 return new JoinArray(v, type, param);

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

 * Returns the version string stored in the file.
public String getVersion()
  return root.getChild( "trackfile" ).getAttribute( "version" ).getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: geotools/geotools

public void assignTo(Element element) {
  if (!element.getName().equals(GeoTiffConstants.GEOTIFF_IIO_ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "root not found: " + GeoTiffConstants.GEOTIFF_IIO_ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME);
  final Element ifd1 = element.getChild(GeoTiffConstants.GEOTIFF_IFD_TAG);
  if (ifd1 == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Unable to find child " + GeoTiffConstants.GEOTIFF_IFD_TAG);
  final Element ifd2 = createIFD();
  final Element[] childElems = (Element[]) ifd2.getChildren().toArray(new Element[0]);
  for (int i = 0; i < childElems.length; i++) {
    final Element child = childElems[i];

代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm

public Map<String, String> getOptions( )
  if ( options == null )
    final Map<String, String> returnList = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    final Element settingElement = PwmSettingXml.readSettingXml( this );
    final Element optionsElement = settingElement.getChild( "options" );
    if ( optionsElement != null )
      final List<Element> optionElements = optionsElement.getChildren( "option" );
      if ( optionElements != null )
        for ( final Element optionElement : optionElements )
          if ( optionElement.getAttribute( "value" ) == null )
            throw new IllegalStateException( "option element is missing 'value' attribute for key " + this.getKey() );
          returnList.put( optionElement.getAttribute( "value" ).getValue(), optionElement.getValue() );
    final Map<String, String> finalList = Collections.unmodifiableMap( returnList );
    options = ( ) -> Collections.unmodifiableMap( finalList );
  return options.get( );

代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS-EE

 * Parses a JDOM Element as defined in
 * <a href="">minigl.dtd</a>
public void fromXML (Element elem) throws ParseException {
  setDetail (elem.getChildTextTrim ("detail"));
  setTags   (new Tags(elem.getChildTextTrim ("tags")));
  setCredit ("credit".equals (elem.getAttributeValue("type")));
  setAmount(new BigDecimal (elem.getChild ("amount").getText()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.marmotta/ldclient-provider-mediawiki

protected List<String> parseRevision(URI resource, String requestUrl, Model model, ValueFactory valueFactory,
                   Element revisions, Context context) throws RepositoryException {
  List<String> followUp = Collections.emptyList();
  if (revisions == null) return followUp;
  final Element rev = revisions.getChild("rev");
  if (rev == null) return followUp;
  final Resource subject = resource;
  if (context == Context.META && "0".equals(rev.getAttributeValue("parentid"))) {
    // This is the first revision, so we use the creation date
    addLiteralTriple(subject, Namespaces.NS_DC_TERMS + "created", rev.getAttributeValue("timestamp"), Namespaces.NS_XSD + "dateTime", model,
  if (context == Context.CONTENT && rev.getValue() != null && rev.getValue().trim().length() > 0) {
    final String content = rev.getValue().trim();
    final Matcher m = REDIRECT_PATTERN.matcher(content);
    if (((Element) revisions.getParent()).getAttribute("redirect") != null && m.find()) {
      followUp = Collections.singletonList(buildApiPropQueryUrl(requestUrl,, "info", getDefaultParams("info", null),
    } else {
      addLiteralTriple(subject, Namespaces.NS_RSS_CONTENT + "encoded", content, Namespaces.NS_XSD + "string", model, valueFactory);
  return followUp;

代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds

public List<String> getElementList(String elementName, String subElementName) {
 List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
 Element elem = rootElem.getChild( elementName );
 if (elem == null) return result;
 List<Element> rootList = elem.getChildren(subElementName);
 for (Element elem2 : rootList) {
  String location = StringUtils.cleanPath(elem2.getTextNormalize());
  if (location.length() > 0)
 return result;

代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

 * @param e element to parse
 * @param md metadata to fill in
private void parseComments(final Element e, final Metadata md) {
  final Element commentsElement = e.getChild("comments", getNS());
  if (commentsElement != null) {
    final List<Element> commentElements = commentsElement.getChildren("comment", getNS());
    final String[] comments = new String[commentElements.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < commentElements.size(); i++) {
      comments[i] = commentElements.get(i).getTextTrim();

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

public void shouldReturnAMessageWhenThereAreNoArtifacts() throws Exception {
  HtmlRenderer renderer = new HtmlRenderer("context");
  DirectoryEntries directoryEntries = new DirectoryEntries();
  directoryEntries.add(new FolderDirectoryEntry("cruise-output", "", new DirectoryEntries()));
  Element document = getRenderedDocument(renderer);
  assertThat(document.getChildren().size(), is(2));
      Matchers.containsString("Artifacts for this job instance are unavailable as they may have been or deleted externally. Re-run the stage or job to generate them again."));
  assertThat(document.getChild("ul").getChild("div").getChild("span").getChild("a").getTextNormalize(), is("cruise-output"));
