
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]This returns the attribute for this element with the given name and within no namespace, or null if no such attribute exists.


代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

public String getAttribute(Element e, String attribute) {
  Attribute attr = e.getAttribute(attribute);
  if(attr == null) {
    throw bomb("Error finding attribute '" + attribute + "' in config: " + configFile + elementOutput(e));
  return attr.getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: simpligility/android-maven-plugin

@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
private void appendElement( Element source, Element target )
  for ( Iterator<Attribute> itr = source.getAttributes().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
    Attribute a =;
    Attribute mergedAtt = target.getAttribute( a.getName(), a.getNamespace() );
    if ( mergedAtt == null )
      target.setAttribute( a );
  for ( Iterator<Element> itr = source.getChildren().iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
    Content n =;
    target.addContent( n );

代码示例来源:origin: jwpttcg66/NettyGameServer

public FieldObject(Element element){
  this.type = element.getAttributeValue("type"); = element.getAttributeValue("name");
  this.comment =element.getAttributeValue("comment");
  Attribute genericAttr = element.getAttribute("generic");
  if(genericAttr != null){
    this.generic = genericAttr.getValue();
  MacroObject macroObj = MacroObject.getAllMacros().get(this.type);
  if(macroObj != null){
    this.selfObj = macroObj;
  macroObj = MacroObject.getAllMacros().get(this.generic);
  if(macroObj != null){
    this.genericObj = macroObj;

代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

protected void parseCategoriesElement(final Element catsElem) {
  if (catsElem.getAttribute("href", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL) != null) {
    setHref(catsElem.getAttribute("href", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL).getValue());
  if (catsElem.getAttribute("fixed", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL) != null) {
    if ("yes".equals(catsElem.getAttribute("fixed", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL).getValue())) {
  if (catsElem.getAttribute("scheme", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL) != null) {
    setScheme(catsElem.getAttribute("scheme", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL).getValue());
  // Loop to parse <atom:category> elemenents to Category objects
  final List<Element> catElems = catsElem.getChildren("category", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT);
  for (final Element catElem : catElems) {
    final Category cat = new Category();
    cat.setTerm(catElem.getAttributeValue("term", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT));
    cat.setLabel(catElem.getAttributeValue("label", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT));
    cat.setScheme(catElem.getAttributeValue("scheme", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT));

代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

/** Use feed links and/or xml:base attribute to determine baseURI of feed */
  private static URL findBaseURI(final Element root) {
    URL baseURI = null;
    final List<Element> linksList = root.getChildren("link", OS_NS);
    if (linksList != null) {
      for (final Element element : linksList) {
        final Element link = element;
        if (!root.equals(link.getParent())) {
        String href = link.getAttribute("href").getValue();
        if (link.getAttribute("rel", OS_NS) == null || link.getAttribute("rel", OS_NS).getValue().equals("alternate")) {
          href = resolveURI(null, link, href);
          try {
            baseURI = new URL(href);
          } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
            System.err.println("Base URI is malformed: " + href);
    return baseURI;

代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

if (element.getChild("treatAs", NS) == null) {
  return null;
sle.setTreatAs(element.getChildText("treatAs", NS));
final Element listInfo = element.getChild("listinfo", NS);
ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (final Element ge : listInfo.getChildren("group", NS)) {
  final Namespace ns = ge.getAttribute("ns") == null ? element.getNamespace() : Namespace.getNamespace(ge.getAttributeValue("ns"));
  final String elementName = ge.getAttributeValue("element");
  final String label = ge.getAttributeValue("label");
values = values.size() == 0 ? values : new ArrayList<Object>();
for (final Element se : listInfo.getChildren("sort", NS)) {
  LOG.debug("Parse cf:sort {}{}", se.getAttributeValue("element"), se.getAttributeValue("data-type"));
  final Namespace ns = se.getAttributeValue("ns") == null ? element.getNamespace() : Namespace.getNamespace(se.getAttributeValue("ns"));
insertValues(sle, element.getChildren());

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

 * Returns the version string stored in the file.
public String getVersion()
  return root.getChild( "trackfile" ).getAttribute( "version" ).getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: vasl-developers/vasl

for(Element e: element.getChildren()) {

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

private static final double readDistanceCutoffAttribute( final Element element )
  double val = 0;
        .getAttribute( TRACKER_SETTINGS_DISTANCE_CUTOFF_ATTNAME_v12 ).getDoubleValue();
  catch ( final DataConversionException e )
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.marmotta/ldclient-provider-mediawiki

protected List<String> parseRevision(URI resource, String requestUrl, Model model, ValueFactory valueFactory,
                   Element revisions, Context context) throws RepositoryException {
  List<String> followUp = Collections.emptyList();
  if (revisions == null) return followUp;
  final Element rev = revisions.getChild("rev");
  if (rev == null) return followUp;
  final Resource subject = resource;
  if (context == Context.META && "0".equals(rev.getAttributeValue("parentid"))) {
    // This is the first revision, so we use the creation date
    addLiteralTriple(subject, Namespaces.NS_DC_TERMS + "created", rev.getAttributeValue("timestamp"), Namespaces.NS_XSD + "dateTime", model,
  if (context == Context.CONTENT && rev.getValue() != null && rev.getValue().trim().length() > 0) {
    final String content = rev.getValue().trim();
    final Matcher m = REDIRECT_PATTERN.matcher(content);
    if (((Element) revisions.getParent()).getAttribute("redirect") != null && m.find()) {
      followUp = Collections.singletonList(buildApiPropQueryUrl(requestUrl,, "info", getDefaultParams("info", null),
    } else {
      addLiteralTriple(subject, Namespaces.NS_RSS_CONTENT + "encoded", content, Namespaces.NS_XSD + "string", model, valueFactory);
  return followUp;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

final Element allTracksElement = root.getChild( TRACK_COLLECTION_ELEMENT_KEY_v12 );
if ( null == allTracksElement ) { return null; }
final List< Element > trackElements = allTracksElement.getChildren( TRACK_ELEMENT_KEY_v12 );
for ( final Element trackElement : trackElements )
    trackID = trackElement.getAttribute( TRACK_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_v12 ).getIntValue();

代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm

public CustomLinkValue fromXmlElement( final PwmSetting pwmSetting, final Element settingElement, final PwmSecurityKey key )
      throws PwmOperationalException
    final List valueElements = settingElement.getChildren( "value" );
    final List<CustomLinkConfiguration> values = new ArrayList<>();
    for ( final Object loopValue : valueElements )
      final Element loopValueElement = ( Element ) loopValue;
      final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
      if ( value != null && value.length() > 0 && loopValueElement.getAttribute( "locale" ) == null )
        values.add( JsonUtil.deserialize( value, CustomLinkConfiguration.class ) );
    return new CustomLinkValue( values );

代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome

/** Deserialize a Atom workspace XML element into an object */
protected void parseWorkspaceElement(final Element element, final String baseURI) throws ProponoException {
  final Element titleElem = element.getChild("title", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT);
  if (titleElem.getAttribute("type", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT) != null) {
    setTitleType(titleElem.getAttribute("type", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT).getValue());
  final List<Element> collections = element.getChildren("collection", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL);
  for (final Element e : collections) {
    addCollection(new ClientCollection(e, this, baseURI));

代码示例来源:origin: com.rometools/rome-modules

/** Use feed links and/or xml:base attribute to determine baseURI of feed */
  private static URL findBaseURI(final Element root) {
    URL baseURI = null;
    final List<Element> linksList = root.getChildren("link", OS_NS);
    if (linksList != null) {
      for (final Element element : linksList) {
        final Element link = element;
        if (!root.equals(link.getParent())) {
        String href = link.getAttribute("href").getValue();
        if (link.getAttribute("rel", OS_NS) == null || link.getAttribute("rel", OS_NS).getValue().equals("alternate")) {
          href = resolveURI(null, link, href);
          try {
            baseURI = new URL(href);
          } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
            System.err.println("Base URI is malformed: " + href);
    return baseURI;

代码示例来源:origin: com.rometools/rome-modules

if (element.getChild("treatAs", NS) == null) {
  return null;
sle.setTreatAs(element.getChildText("treatAs", NS));
final Element listInfo = element.getChild("listinfo", NS);
ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (final Element ge : listInfo.getChildren("group", NS)) {
  final Namespace ns = ge.getAttribute("ns") == null ? element.getNamespace() : Namespace.getNamespace(ge.getAttributeValue("ns"));
  final String elementName = ge.getAttributeValue("element");
  final String label = ge.getAttributeValue("label");
values = values.size() == 0 ? values : new ArrayList<Object>();
for (final Element se : listInfo.getChildren("sort", NS)) {
  LOG.debug("Parse cf:sort {}{}", se.getAttributeValue("element"), se.getAttributeValue("data-type"));
  final Namespace ns = se.getAttributeValue("ns") == null ? element.getNamespace() : Namespace.getNamespace(se.getAttributeValue("ns"));
insertValues(sle, element.getChildren());

代码示例来源:origin: fiji/TrackMate

 * Returns the version string stored in the file.
public String getVersion()
  return root.getChild( "trackfile" ).getAttribute( "version" ).getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd

List<Element> encryptedPasswordElements = xpathExpression.evaluate(document);
for (Element element : encryptedPasswordElements) {
  Attribute encryptedPassword = element.getAttribute(attributeName);
  encryptedPassword.setValue(reEncryptUsingNewKey(decodeHex(oldCipher), decodeHex(newCipher), encryptedPassword.getValue()));
  LOGGER.debug("Replaced encrypted value at {}", element.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm

public FormValue fromXmlElement( final PwmSetting pwmSetting, final Element settingElement, final PwmSecurityKey key )
      throws PwmOperationalException
    final boolean oldType = PwmSettingSyntax.LOCALIZED_STRING_ARRAY.toString().equals(
        settingElement.getAttributeValue( "syntax" ) );
    final List valueElements = settingElement.getChildren( "value" );
    final List<FormConfiguration> values = new ArrayList<>();
    for ( final Object loopValue : valueElements )
      final Element loopValueElement = ( Element ) loopValue;
      final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
      if ( value != null && value.length() > 0 && loopValueElement.getAttribute( "locale" ) == null )
        if ( oldType )
          values.add( FormConfiguration.parseOldConfigString( value ) );
          values.add( JsonUtil.deserialize( value, FormConfiguration.class ) );
    final FormValue formValue = new FormValue( values );
    formValue.needsXmlUpdate = oldType;
    return formValue;

代码示例来源:origin: sc.fiji/TrackMate_

private static final double readTimeCutoffAttribute( final Element element )
  double val = 0;
    val = element.getChild( TRACKER_SETTINGS_TIME_CUTOFF_ELEMENT )
        .getAttribute( TRACKER_SETTINGS_TIME_CUTOFF_ATTNAME_v12 ).getDoubleValue();
  catch ( final DataConversionException e )
  return val;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/marmotta

protected List<String> parseRevision(URI resource, String requestUrl, Model model, ValueFactory valueFactory,
                   Element revisions, Context context) throws RepositoryException {
  List<String> followUp = Collections.emptyList();
  if (revisions == null) return followUp;
  final Element rev = revisions.getChild("rev");
  if (rev == null) return followUp;
  final Resource subject = resource;
  if (context == Context.META && "0".equals(rev.getAttributeValue("parentid"))) {
    // This is the first revision, so we use the creation date
    addLiteralTriple(subject, Namespaces.NS_DC_TERMS + "created", rev.getAttributeValue("timestamp"), Namespaces.NS_XSD + "dateTime", model,
  if (context == Context.CONTENT && rev.getValue() != null && rev.getValue().trim().length() > 0) {
    final String content = rev.getValue().trim();
    final Matcher m = REDIRECT_PATTERN.matcher(content);
    if (((Element) revisions.getParent()).getAttribute("redirect") != null && m.find()) {
      followUp = Collections.singletonList(buildApiPropQueryUrl(requestUrl,, "info", getDefaultParams("info", null),
    } else {
      addLiteralTriple(subject, Namespaces.NS_RSS_CONTENT + "encoded", content, Namespaces.NS_XSD + "string", model, valueFactory);
  return followUp;
