[英]Returns the textual content directly held under this element as a string. This includes all text within this single element, including whitespace and CDATA sections if they exist. It's essentially the concatenation of all Text and CDATA nodes returned by #getContent. The call does not recurse into child elements. If no textual value exists for the element, an empty string is returned.
代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd
private List<File> parseFiles(Element filesElement, String fileType) {
List files = filesElement.getChild(fileType).getChildren("file");
List<File> modifiedFiles = new ArrayList<>();
for (Iterator iterator = files.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Element node = (Element) iterator.next();
modifiedFiles.add(new File(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeXml(node.getText())));
return modifiedFiles;
代码示例来源:origin: gocd/gocd
private Modification parseLogEntry(Element logEntry, String path) throws ParseException {
Element logEntryPaths = logEntry.getChild("paths");
if (logEntryPaths == null) {
/* Path-based access control forbids us from learning
* details of this log entry, so skip it. */
return null;
Date modifiedTime = convertDate(logEntry.getChildText("date"));
String author = logEntry.getChildText("author");
String comment = logEntry.getChildText("msg");
String revision = logEntry.getAttributeValue("revision");
Modification modification = new Modification(author, comment, null, modifiedTime, revision);
List paths = logEntryPaths.getChildren("path");
for (Iterator iterator = paths.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Element node = (Element) iterator.next();
if (underPath(path, node.getText())) {
ModifiedAction action = convertAction(node.getAttributeValue("action"));
modification.createModifiedFile(node.getText(), null, action);
return modification;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom
* Returns the textual content of the named child element, or null if
* there's no such child. This method is a convenience because calling
* <code>getChild().getText()</code> can throw a NullPointerException.
* @param cname the name of the child
* @return text content for the named child, or null if
* no such child
public String getChildText(final String cname) {
final Element child = getChild(cname);
if (child == null) {
return null;
return child.getText();
代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm
public StringArrayValue fromXmlElement( final PwmSetting pwmSetting, final Element settingElement, final PwmSecurityKey key )
final List valueElements = settingElement.getChildren( "value" );
final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
for ( final Object loopValue : valueElements )
final Element loopValueElement = ( Element ) loopValue;
final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
values.add( value );
return new StringArrayValue( values );
代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome
protected void parseCollectionElement(final Element element) throws ProponoException {
final Element titleElem = element.getChild("title", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT);
if (titleElem != null) {
if (titleElem.getAttribute("type", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT) != null) {
setTitleType(titleElem.getAttribute("type", AtomService.ATOM_FORMAT).getValue());
final List<Element> acceptElems = element.getChildren("accept", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL);
if (acceptElems != null && !acceptElems.isEmpty()) {
for (final Element acceptElem : acceptElems) {
// Loop to parse <app:categories> element to Categories objects
final List<Element> catsElems = element.getChildren("categories", AtomService.ATOM_PROTOCOL);
for (final Element catsElem : catsElems) {
final Categories cats = new Categories(catsElem, baseURI);
代码示例来源:origin: org.openfuxml/ofx-util
private Element mergeRecursive(Element rootElement, XPath xpath) throws OfxInternalProcessingException
List<?> list = xpath.selectNodes(rootElement);
logger.debug(list.size()+" sections");
for (Iterator<?> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Element e = (Element) iter.next();
boolean noChilds = (e.getChildren().size()==0);
boolean noContent = (e.getText().length()==0);
logger.trace(e.getName()+" "+e.getChildren().size()+" "+e.getText().length());
if(noChilds && noContent){e.detach();}
catch (JDOMException e) {logger.error("",e);}
return rootElement;
代码示例来源:origin: jpos/jPOS-EE
* Parses a JDOM Element as defined in
* <a href="http://jpos.org/minigl.dtd">minigl.dtd</a>
public void fromXML (Element elem) throws ParseException {
setDetail (elem.getChildTextTrim ("detail"));
setTags (new Tags(elem.getChildTextTrim ("tags")));
setCredit ("credit".equals (elem.getAttributeValue("type")));
setAmount(new BigDecimal (elem.getChild ("amount").getText()));
代码示例来源:origin: org.jdom/jdom
* Returns the textual content of the named child element, or null if
* there's no such child.
* @param cname
* the name of the child
* @param ns
* the namespace of the child. A null implies Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE.
* @return text content for the named child, or null if no such child
public String getChildText(final String cname, final Namespace ns) {
final Element child = getChild(cname, ns);
if (child == null) {
return null;
return child.getText();
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/cdm
private void addAttributeIfExists(Element elem, String name, Variable v, boolean isDoubleArray) {
Element child = elem.getChild(name);
if (child == null) return;
if (isDoubleArray) {
List<Element> vElems = child.getChildren();
List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (Element ve : vElems) {
String valueS = ve.getText().trim();
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
Attribute att = new Attribute(name, values);
} else {
String value = child.getText().trim();
Attribute att = new Attribute(name, value);
代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm
public NumericArrayValue fromXmlElement( final PwmSetting pwmSetting, final Element settingElement, final PwmSecurityKey input )
final List<Long> returnList = new ArrayList<>( );
final List<Element> valueElements = settingElement.getChildren( "value" );
for ( final Element element : valueElements )
final String strValue = element.getText();
final Long longValue = Long.parseLong( strValue );
returnList.add( longValue );
return new NumericArrayValue( returnList );
代码示例来源:origin: com.atlassian.maven.plugins/maven-jgitflow-plugin
public boolean apply(Element input)
Element child = input.getChild(name, ns);
return (child == null) ? value.equals("") : value.equals(child.getText());
代码示例来源:origin: edu.ucar/netcdf
private void addAttributeIfExists(Element elem, String name, Variable v, boolean isDoubleArray) {
Element child = elem.getChild(name);
if (child == null) return;
if (isDoubleArray) {
List<Element> vElems = child.getChildren();
List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (Element ve : vElems) {
String valueS = ve.getText();
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { }
Attribute att = new Attribute(name, values);
} else {
String value = child.getText();
Attribute att = new Attribute(name, value);
代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm
public OptionListValue fromXmlElement( final PwmSetting pwmSetting, final Element settingElement, final PwmSecurityKey key )
throws PwmOperationalException
final List valueElements = settingElement.getChildren( "value" );
final Set<String> values = new TreeSet<>();
for ( final Object loopValue : valueElements )
final Element loopValueElement = ( Element ) loopValue;
final String value = loopValueElement.getText();
if ( value != null && !value.trim().isEmpty() )
values.add( value );
return new OptionListValue( values );
代码示例来源:origin: com.xebialabs.cloud/overcast
public static String getElementText(Element parent, String localName, Namespace ns) {
if (parent == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parent element not found");
Element child = parent.getChild(localName, ns);
if (child == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("child element '%s' not found", localName));
return child.getText();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.marmotta/sesame-tools-rio-rss
protected WireFeed parseChannel(Element rssRoot) {
Channel channel = (Channel) super.parseChannel(rssRoot);
Element eChannel = rssRoot.getChild("channel",getRSSNamespace());
List eCats = eChannel.getChildren("category",getRSSNamespace());
Element eTtl = eChannel.getChild("ttl",getRSSNamespace());
if (eTtl!=null && eTtl.getText() != null ) {
Integer ttlValue = null;
ttlValue = new Integer(eTtl.getText());
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe ){
; //let it go by
if (ttlValue != null) {
return channel;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.cuf/cuf-swing
* Returns the text of last title child of the handed element in
* the current language or null, if no title child was found.
* @param pElement the element we start searching from
* @return null or the text of the title element
public String getTitle(final Element pElement)
String title= null;
for (final Object o : pElement.getChildren(TITLE_ELEMENT))
Element titleElement = (Element) o;
if (isSameLanguage(titleElement))
title = titleElement.getText();
return title;
代码示例来源:origin: Unidata/thredds
private String getParam( String name) {
Element elem = rootElem;
if (elem == null) return null;
StringTokenizer stoke = new StringTokenizer(name, ".");
while (stoke.hasMoreTokens()) {
String toke = stoke.nextToken();
elem = elem.getChild(toke);
if (null == elem)
return null;
String text = elem.getText();
return (text == null) ? null : text.trim();
代码示例来源:origin: rometools/rome
protected WireFeed parseChannel(final Element rssRoot, final Locale locale) {
final Channel channel = (Channel) super.parseChannel(rssRoot, locale);
final Element eChannel = rssRoot.getChild("channel", getRSSNamespace());
final List<Element> categories = eChannel.getChildren("category", getRSSNamespace());
final Element ttl = eChannel.getChild("ttl", getRSSNamespace());
if (ttl != null && ttl.getText() != null) {
final Integer ttlValue = NumberParser.parseInt(ttl.getText());
if (ttlValue != null) {
return channel;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.cuf/cuf-swing
* Returns the text of last title child of the handed element in
* the current language or null, if no title child was found.
* @param pElement the element we start searching from
* @return null or the text of the title element
public static String getTitleDefaultLocale(final Element pElement)
String title= null;
for (final Object o : pElement.getChildren(TITLE_ELEMENT))
Element titleElement = (Element) o;
if (isSameLanguage(titleElement, Locale.getDefault()))
title = titleElement.getText();
return title;
代码示例来源:origin: pwm-project/pwm
public StringValue fromXmlElement( final PwmSetting pwmSetting, final Element settingElement, final PwmSecurityKey key )
final Element valueElement = settingElement.getChild( "value" );
return new StringValue( valueElement == null ? "" : valueElement.getText() );