
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Copy file from source to destination. The directories up to destination will be created if they don't already exist. destination will be overwritten if it already exists.


代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils

 * <b>If wrappers is null or empty, the file will be copy only if {@code to.lastModified() < from.lastModified()}</b>
 * @param from the file to copy
 * @param to the destination file
 * @param encoding the file output encoding (only if wrappers is not empty)
 * @param wrappers array of {@link FilterWrapper}
 * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs during copying or filtering
public static void copyFile( File from, File to, String encoding, FilterWrapper[] wrappers )
  throws IOException
  copyFile( from, to, encoding, wrappers, false );

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils

 * Copy file from source to destination. If <code>destinationDirectory</code> does not exist, it (and any parent
 * directories) will be created. If a file <code>source</code> in <code>destinationDirectory</code> exists, it will
 * be overwritten.
 * @param source An existing <code>File</code> to copy.
 * @param destinationDirectory A directory to copy <code>source</code> into.
 * @throws if <code>source</code> isn't a normal file.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>destinationDirectory</code> isn't a directory.
 * @throws IOException if <code>source</code> does not exist, the file in <code>destinationDirectory</code> cannot
 *             be written to, or an IO error occurs during copying.
public static void copyFileToDirectory( final File source, final File destinationDirectory )
  throws IOException
  if ( destinationDirectory.exists() && !destinationDirectory.isDirectory() )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Destination is not a directory" );
  copyFile( source, new File( destinationDirectory, source.getName() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils

 * Copy file from source to destination only if source timestamp is later than the destination timestamp. The
 * directories up to <code>destination</code> will be created if they don't already exist. <code>destination</code>
 * will be overwritten if it already exists.
 * @param source An existing non-directory <code>File</code> to copy bytes from.
 * @param destination A non-directory <code>File</code> to write bytes to (possibly overwriting).
 * @return true if no problem occured
 * @throws IOException if <code>source</code> does not exist, <code>destination</code> cannot be written to, or an
 *             IO error occurs during copying.
public static boolean copyFileIfModified( final File source, final File destination )
  throws IOException
  if ( isSourceNewerThanDestination( source, destination ) )
    copyFile( source, destination );
    return true;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils

copyFile( from, to );
if ( !from.delete() )

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

public void merge( File current, File result )
  throws RepositoryException
    if ( current.exists() )
      FileUtils.copyFile( current, result );
    ArtifactRepository localRepo = new MetadataRepository( result );
    metadata.storeInLocalRepository( localRepo, localRepo );
    merged = true;
  catch ( Exception e )
    throw new RepositoryException( e.getMessage(), e );

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils

copyFile( from, to );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

FileUtils.copyFile( tempChecksumFile, checksumFile );
if ( !tempChecksumFile.delete() )

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

public void storeInLocalRepository( ArtifactRepository localRepository, ArtifactRepository remoteRepository )
  throws RepositoryMetadataStoreException
  File destination =
    new File( localRepository.getBasedir(), localRepository.pathOfLocalRepositoryMetadata( this,
                                                remoteRepository ) );
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // I'm fully aware that the file could just be moved using File.rename but
  // there are bugs in various JVM that have problems doing this across
  // different filesystem. So we'll incur the small hit to actually copy
  // here and be safe. jvz.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    FileUtils.copyFile( file, destination );
  catch ( IOException e )
    throw new RepositoryMetadataStoreException( "Error copying POM to the local repository.", e );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven/maven-project

public void storeInLocalRepository( ArtifactRepository localRepository,
                  ArtifactRepository remoteRepository )
  throws RepositoryMetadataStoreException
  File f = transformedFile == null ? originalFile : transformedFile;
  if ( f == null )
  File destination = new File( localRepository.getBasedir(),
                 localRepository.pathOfLocalRepositoryMetadata( this, remoteRepository ) );
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // I'm fully aware that the file could just be moved using File.rename but
  // there are bugs in various JVM that have problems doing this across
  // different filesystem. So we'll incur the small hit to actually copy
  // here and be safe. jvz.
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    FileUtils.copyFile( f, destination );
  catch ( IOException e )
    throw new RepositoryMetadataStoreException( "Error copying POM to the local repository.", e );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven.plugin-testing/maven-plugin-testing-harness

public static void cp( File basedir, String from, String to )
  throws IOException
  // TODO ensure destination lastModified timestamp changes
  FileUtils.copyFile( new File( basedir, from ), new File( basedir, to ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

FileUtils.copyFile( temp, destination );

代码示例来源:origin: KylinOLAP/Kylin

private void deployJobConfToEtc() throws IOException {
  File src = new File(SANDBOX_TEST_DATA, JobEngineConfig.HADOOP_JOB_CONF_FILENAME + ".xml");
  File dst = new File("/etc/kylin", src.getName());
  FileUtils.copyFile(src, dst);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven.plugin-testing/maven-plugin-testing-harness

FileUtils.copyFile( srcFile, theFile );

代码示例来源:origin: KylinOLAP/Kylin

public static void deployJobJars() throws IOException {
  Pair<File, File> files = getJobJarFiles();
  File originalJobJar = files.getFirst();
  File originalCoprocessorJar = files.getSecond();
  String jobJarPath = config().getKylinJobJarPath();
  if (StringUtils.isEmpty(jobJarPath)) {
    throw new RuntimeException("deployJobJars cannot find job jar");
  File targetJobJar = new File(jobJarPath);
  File jobJarRenamedAsTarget = new File(originalJobJar.getParentFile(), targetJobJar.getName());
  if (originalJobJar.equals(jobJarRenamedAsTarget) == false) {
    FileUtils.copyFile(originalJobJar, jobJarRenamedAsTarget);
  File targetCoprocessorJar = new File(config().getCoprocessorLocalJar());
  File coprocessorJarRenamedAsTarget = new File(originalCoprocessorJar.getParentFile(), targetCoprocessorJar.getName());
  if (originalCoprocessorJar.equals(coprocessorJarRenamedAsTarget) == false) {
    FileUtils.copyFile(originalCoprocessorJar, coprocessorJarRenamedAsTarget);
  CliCommandExecutor cmdExec = config().getCliCommandExecutor();
  cmdExec.copyFile(jobJarRenamedAsTarget.getAbsolutePath(), targetJobJar.getParent());
  cmdExec.copyFile(coprocessorJarRenamedAsTarget.getAbsolutePath(), targetCoprocessorJar.getParent());

代码示例来源:origin: KylinOLAP/Kylin

public void downloadToLocal() throws IOException {
  String localArchive = "../examples/test_case_data/minicluster/hbase-export.tar.gz";
  if (kylinConfig.getRunAsRemoteCommand()) {
    SSHClient ssh = new SSHClient(kylinConfig.getRemoteHadoopCliHostname(), kylinConfig.getRemoteHadoopCliUsername(), kylinConfig.getRemoteHadoopCliPassword());
    try {
      ssh.scpFileToLocal(backupArchive, localArchive);
    } catch (Exception e) {
  } else {
    FileUtils.copyFile(new File(backupArchive), new File(localArchive));


public void retrieve( String name, File targetFile )
  throws IOException, FileNotFoundException
  FileUtils.copyFile( getFile( name ), targetFile );

代码示例来源:origin: de.saumya.mojo/jruby9-common

public void copy(File output, String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String exclusion)
    throws MojoExecutionException {
  for(Artifact artifact: resolve(groupId, artifactId, version, exclusion)) {
    try {
      FileUtils.copyFile(artifact.getFile(), new File(output, artifact.getFile().getName()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new MojoExecutionException("could not copy: " + artifact, e);


public void backupConfiguration()
  throws IOException
  File file = getConfigurationFile();
  File backup = new File( file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".bak" );
  FileUtils.copyFile( file, backup );

代码示例来源:origin: reficio/p2-maven-plugin

private void configureLauncher(String categoryFileLocation, String metadataRepositoryLocation) throws AbstractMojoExecutionException, IOException {
  File metadataRepositoryDir = new File(metadataRepositoryLocation).getCanonicalFile();
  File categoryDefinitionFileSource = new File(categoryFileLocation);
  File categoryDefinitionFileTarget = new File(metadataRepositoryDir, "category.xml");
  FileUtils.copyFile(categoryDefinitionFileSource, categoryDefinitionFileTarget);
  launcher.addArguments("-categoryDefinition", "file:/" + new File(categoryDefinitionFileTarget.toURI()).getAbsolutePath());
  launcher.addArguments("-metadataRepository", "file:/" + new File(metadataRepositoryDir.toURI()).getAbsolutePath());

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.mojo/rpm-maven-plugin

private void makeSecondCopy() throws MojoFailureException {
  try {
    this.getLog().info( "Copy " + this.getRPMFile() + " to " + copyTo );
    FileUtils.copyFile( this.getRPMFile(), copyTo );
  catch ( IOException e ) {
    throw new MojoFailureException( "Unable to copy file" );
