
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-19 转载在 其他  



[英]Normalize a path. Eliminates "/../" and "/./" in a string. Returns null if the ..'s went past the root. Eg:

/foo//               -->     /foo/ 
/foo/./              -->     /foo/ 
/foo/../bar          -->     /bar 
/foo/../bar/         -->     /bar/ 
/foo/../bar/../baz   -->     /baz 
//foo//./bar         -->     /foo/bar 
/../                 -->     null


/foo//               -->     /foo/ 
/foo/./              -->     /foo/ 
/foo/../bar          -->     /bar 
/foo/../bar/         -->     /bar/ 
/foo/../bar/../baz   -->     /baz 
//foo//./bar         -->     /foo/bar 
/../                 -->     null


代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

public String findTool( String toolName )
  File toRet = findTool( toolName, new File( FileUtils.normalize( getJavaHome() ) ) );
  if ( toRet != null )
    return toRet.getAbsolutePath();
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven

+ JavaToolchainImpl.KEY_JAVAHOME + " configuration element." );
File normal = new File( FileUtils.normalize( javahome.getValue() ) );
if ( normal.exists() )
  jtc.setJavaHome( FileUtils.normalize( javahome.getValue() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven-wagon

public TestSshFile( String fileName, File file, String userName )
    super( FileUtils.normalize( fileName ), file, userName );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven.wagon/wagon-ssh-common-test

public TestSshFile( String fileName, File file, String userName )
    super( FileUtils.normalize( fileName ), file, userName );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven.wagon/wagon-webdav

 * Determine which URI to use at the prompt.
 * @param uri the path to be set.
 * @return the absolute path.
private String checkUri( String uri )
  throws IOException
  if ( webdavResource == null )
    throw new IOException( "Not connected yet." );
  if ( uri == null )
    uri = webdavResource.getPath();
  return FileUtils.normalize( uri );

代码示例来源:origin: mojohaus/exec-maven-plugin

throw new MisconfiguredToolchainException( "path element is empty" );
final String normalizedPath = FileUtils.normalize( pathString );
final File file = new File( normalizedPath );
if ( !file.exists() )

代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.mojo/exec-maven-plugin

throw new MisconfiguredToolchainException( "path element is empty" );
final String normalizedPath = FileUtils.normalize( pathString );
final File file = new File( normalizedPath );
if ( !file.exists() )

代码示例来源:origin: org.carewebframework/org.carewebframework.mvn.plugin.helpconverter

String sourceFilename = FileUtils.normalize(baseDirectory + "/" + moduleSource);
HelpProcessor processor = new HelpProcessor(this, sourceFilename, loader);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven-wagon

String relpath = FileUtils.normalize( getPath( basedir, dir ) + "/" );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven.wagon/wagon-webdav-jackrabbit

String relpath = FileUtils.normalize( getPath( basedir, dir ) + "/" );
