[英]Returns the extension portion of a file specification string. This everything after the last dot '.' in the filename (NOT including the dot).
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils
* Get extension from filename. ie
* <pre>
* foo.txt --> "txt"
* a\b\c.jpg --> "jpg"
* a\b\c --> ""
* </pre>
* @param filename the path of the file
* @return the extension of filename or "" if none
public static String getExtension( final String filename )
return extension( filename );
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils
* Checks to see if a file is of a particular type(s). Note that if the file does not have an extension, an empty
* string ("") is matched for.
private static boolean isValidFile( String file, String[] extensions )
String extension = extension( file );
if ( extension == null )
extension = "";
// ok.. now that we have the "extension" go through the current know
// excepted extensions and determine if this one is OK.
for ( String extension1 : extensions )
if ( extension1.equals( extension ) )
return true;
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils
* Returns the filename portion of a file specification string. Matches the equally named unix command.
* @param filename the file path
* @return The filename string without extension.
public static String basename( String filename )
return basename( filename, extension( filename ) );
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils
* Remove extension from filename. ie
* <pre>
* foo.txt --> foo
* a\b\c.jpg --> a\b\c
* a\b\c --> a\b\c
* </pre>
* @param filename the path of the file
* @return the filename minus extension
public static String removeExtension( final String filename )
String ext = extension( filename );
if ( "".equals( ext ) )
return filename;
final int index = filename.lastIndexOf( ext ) - 1;
return filename.substring( 0, index );
代码示例来源:origin: diffplug/spotless
private static String tmpOutputFileName(String path) {
String extension = FileUtils.extension(path);
return TMP_RESOURCE_FILE_PREFIX + UUID.randomUUID() + '.' + extension;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell/org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.core
* Get extension from filename.
* ie
* <pre>
* foo.txt --> "txt"
* a\b\c.jpg --> "jpg"
* a\b\c --> ""
* </pre>
* @param filename the filename
* @return the extension of filename or "" if none
public static String getExtension( final String filename )
return extension(filename);
代码示例来源:origin: org.sonatype.maven.archetype/archetype-common
private Set<String> getExtensions(List<String> files) {
Set<String> extensions = new HashSet<String>();
for (String file : files) {
return extensions;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/maven-archetype
private Set<String> getExtensions( List<String> files )
Set<String> extensions = new HashSet<String>();
for ( String file : files )
extensions.add( FileUtils.extension( file ) );
return extensions;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell/org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.core
* Checks to see if a file is of a particular type(s).
* Note that if the file does not have an extension, an empty string
* ("") is matched for.
private static boolean isValidFile( String file, String[] extensions )
String extension = extension( file );
if ( extension == null )
extension = "";
//ok.. now that we have the "extension" go through the current know
//excepted extensions and determine if this one is OK.
for ( int i = 0; i < extensions.length; ++i )
if ( extensions[i].equals( extension ) )
return true;
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell/org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.core
* Returns the filename portion of a file specification string.
* Matches the equally named unix command.
* @return The filename string without extension.
public static String basename( String filename )
return basename( filename, extension( filename ) );
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.groovy.maven.runtime/gmaven-runtime-support
public String getScriptName() {
try {
// TODO: Use URL.toURI() once Java 5 is the base platform
File file = new File(new URI(url.toString()).getPath());
return FileUtils.basename(file.getName(), "." + FileUtils.extension(file.getName()));
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to determine script class name from: " + url, e);
代码示例来源:origin: io.ultreia.java4all.eugene/eugene-core
protected File getAssociatedResource(File file) throws IOException {
String extension = "." + FileUtils.extension(file.getName());
String path = file.getAbsolutePath();
String filename = StringUtils.substring(path, 0, -extension.length()).concat(".properties");
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.info("path of file : " + path);
log.info("path of resource : " + filename);
File propertiesFile = new File(filename);
if (!propertiesFile.exists()) {
propertiesFile = null;
return propertiesFile;
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.nl.javadude.gradle.plugins/license-gradle-plugin
private Document getWrapper(File file, String encoding) {
String headerType = mapping.get(extension(file.getName()).toLowerCase());
if (headerType == null) {
headerType = mapping.get("");
} else {
headerType = headerType.toLowerCase();
return new Document(file, definitions.get(headerType), encoding, keywords, documentPropertiesLoader);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.gmaven.runtime/gmaven-runtime-support
public String getScriptName() {
try {
// TODO: Use URL.toURI() once Java 5 is the base platform
File file = new File(new URI(url.toString()).getPath());
return FileUtils.basename(file.getName(), "." + FileUtils.extension(file.getName()));
catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to determine script class name from: " + url, e);
代码示例来源:origin: gradle.plugin.com.hierynomus.gradle.plugins/license-gradle-plugin
private Document getWrapper(File file, String encoding) {
String headerType = mapping.get(extension(file.getName()).toLowerCase());
if (headerType == null) {
headerType = mapping.get("");
} else {
headerType = headerType.toLowerCase();
return new Document(file, definitions.get(headerType), encoding, keywords, documentPropertiesLoader);
代码示例来源:origin: com.mycila.maven-license-plugin/maven-license-plugin
private Document getWrapper(String file, String encoding) {
String headerType = mapping.get(extension(file).toLowerCase());
if (headerType == null) {
headerType = mapping.get("");
} else {
headerType = headerType.toLowerCase();
return new Document(new File(basedir, file), definitions.get(headerType), encoding, keywords);
代码示例来源:origin: trautonen/coveralls-maven-plugin
protected String getFileName(final String sourceFile) {
String extension = FileUtils.extension(sourceFile);
String[] matchingExtensionFiles = scanFor(extension);
for (String matchingExtensionFile : matchingExtensionFiles) {
if (SelectorUtils.matchPath("**/" + sourceFile, matchingExtensionFile, true)) {
return matchingExtensionFile;
return sourceFile;
代码示例来源:origin: org.eluder.coveralls/coveralls-maven-plugin
protected String getFileName(final String sourceFile) {
String extension = FileUtils.extension(sourceFile);
String[] matchingExtensionFiles = scanFor(extension);
for (String matchingExtensionFile : matchingExtensionFiles) {
if (SelectorUtils.matchPath("**/" + sourceFile, matchingExtensionFile, true)) {
return matchingExtensionFile;
return sourceFile;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.maven.doxia/doxia-module-docbook-simple
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void figureGraphics( String name )
String format = FileUtils.extension( name ).toUpperCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
writeStartTag( SimplifiedDocbookMarkup.IMAGEOBJECT_TAG );
MutableAttributeSet att = new SimpleAttributeSet();
att.addAttribute( SimplifiedDocbookMarkup.FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE, format );
att.addAttribute( SimplifiedDocbookMarkup.FILEREF_ATTRIBUTE, HtmlTools.escapeHTML( name, true ) );
writeSimpleTag( SimplifiedDocbookMarkup.IMAGEDATA_TAG, att );
writeEndTag( SimplifiedDocbookMarkup.IMAGEOBJECT_TAG );
代码示例来源:origin: net.jangaroo/ext-xml
private void scan(final File dir) throws IOException {
FileSet srcFiles = new FileSet();
srcFiles.addInclude("**/*." + ComponentType.JavaScript.getExtension());
srcFiles.addExclude("**/*-more." + ComponentType.JavaScript.getExtension()); // exclude special Ext JS files
srcFiles.addInclude("**/*." + ComponentType.ActionScript.getExtension());
srcFiles.addInclude("**/*." + ComponentType.EXML.getExtension());
for (String srcFileRelativePath : new FileSetManager().getIncludedFiles(srcFiles)) {
File srcFile = new File(dir, srcFileRelativePath);
ComponentType type = ComponentType.from(FileUtils.extension(srcFile.getName()));
if (ComponentType.EXML.equals(type)) {
ExmlComponentSrcFileScanner.scan(componentSuite, srcFile, type);
} else {
//parse AS3 or JS files
ExtComponentSrcFileScanner.scan(componentSuite, srcFile, type);