
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the index of the largest element in list that is less than (or optionally equal to) a specified value.

The search is performed using a binary search algorithm, so the list must be sorted. If the list contains multiple elements equal to value and inclusive is true, the index of the first one will be returned.


代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Returns the index of the chunk that contains the specified time.
 * @param timeUs The time in microseconds.
 * @return The index of the corresponding chunk.
public int getChunkIndex(long timeUs) {
 return Util.binarySearchFloor(chunkStartTimesUs, timeUs, true, true);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Obtains the index of the chunk corresponding to a given time.
 * @param timeUs The time, in microseconds.
 * @return The index of the corresponding chunk.
public int getChunkIndex(long timeUs) {
 return Util.binarySearchFloor(timesUs, timeUs, true, true);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

protected int getChildIndexByPeriodIndex(int periodIndex) {
 return Util.binarySearchFloor(firstPeriodInChildIndices, periodIndex + 1, false, false);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public long getTimeUs(long position) {
 return timesUs[Util.binarySearchFloor(positions, position, true, true)];

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

protected int getChildIndexByWindowIndex(int windowIndex) {
 return Util.binarySearchFloor(firstWindowInChildIndices, windowIndex + 1, false, false);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Returns the sample index of the closest synchronization sample at or before the given
 * timestamp, if one is available.
 * @param timeUs Timestamp adjacent to which to find a synchronization sample.
 * @return Index of the synchronization sample, or {@link C#INDEX_UNSET} if none.
public int getIndexOfEarlierOrEqualSynchronizationSample(long timeUs) {
 // Video frame timestamps may not be sorted, so the behavior of this call can be undefined.
 // Frames are not reordered past synchronization samples so this works in practice.
 int startIndex = Util.binarySearchFloor(timestampsUs, timeUs, true, false);
 for (int i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
  if ((flags[i] & C.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME) != 0) {
   return i;
 return C.INDEX_UNSET;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public List<Cue> getCues(long timeUs) {
 int index = Util.binarySearchFloor(cueTimesUs, timeUs, true, false);
 if (index == -1 || cues[index] == null) {
  // timeUs is earlier than the start of the first cue, or we have an empty cue.
  return Collections.emptyList();
 } else {
  return Collections.singletonList(cues[index]);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public List<Cue> getCues(long timeUs) {
 int index = Util.binarySearchFloor(cueTimesUs, timeUs, true, false);
 if (index == -1 || cues[index] == null) {
  // timeUs is earlier than the start of the first cue, or we have an empty cue.
  return Collections.emptyList();
 } else {
  return Collections.singletonList(cues[index]);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public long startSeek(long timeUs) {
 long granule = convertTimeToGranule(timeUs);
 int index = Util.binarySearchFloor(seekPointGranules, granule, true, true);
 pendingSeekGranule = seekPointGranules[index];
 return granule;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public Period getPeriod(int periodIndex, Period period, boolean setIds) {
 int windowIndex = Util.binarySearchFloor(periodOffsets, periodIndex, true, false);
 int windowPeriodIndex = periodIndex - periodOffsets[windowIndex];
 TimelineWindowDefinition windowDefinition = windowDefinitions[windowIndex];
 Object id = setIds ? windowPeriodIndex : null;
 Object uid = setIds ? Pair.create(, windowPeriodIndex) : null;
 long periodDurationUs = windowDefinition.durationUs / windowDefinition.periodCount;
 long positionInWindowUs = periodDurationUs * windowPeriodIndex;
 return period.set(

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public Object getUidOfPeriod(int periodIndex) {
 Assertions.checkIndex(periodIndex, 0, getPeriodCount());
 int windowIndex =
     periodOffsets, periodIndex, /* inclusive= */ true, /* stayInBounds= */ false);
 int windowPeriodIndex = periodIndex - periodOffsets[windowIndex];
 TimelineWindowDefinition windowDefinition = windowDefinitions[windowIndex];
 return Pair.create(, windowPeriodIndex);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

return Util.binarySearchFloor(

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Given a set of reference points as coordinates in {@code xReferences} and {@code yReferences}
 * and an x-axis value, linearly interpolates between corresponding reference points to give a
 * y-axis value.
 * @param x The x-axis value for which a y-axis value is needed.
 * @param xReferences x coordinates of reference points.
 * @param yReferences y coordinates of reference points.
 * @return The linearly interpolated y-axis value.
private static Pair<Long, Long> linearlyInterpolate(
  long x, long[] xReferences, long[] yReferences) {
 int previousReferenceIndex =
   Util.binarySearchFloor(xReferences, x, /* inclusive= */ true, /* stayInBounds= */ true);
 long xPreviousReference = xReferences[previousReferenceIndex];
 long yPreviousReference = yReferences[previousReferenceIndex];
 int nextReferenceIndex = previousReferenceIndex + 1;
 if (nextReferenceIndex == xReferences.length) {
  return Pair.create(xPreviousReference, yPreviousReference);
 } else {
  long xNextReference = xReferences[nextReferenceIndex];
  long yNextReference = yReferences[nextReferenceIndex];
  double proportion =
    xNextReference == xPreviousReference
      ? 0.0
      : ((double) x - xPreviousReference) / (xNextReference - xPreviousReference);
  long y = (long) (proportion * (yNextReference - yPreviousReference)) + yPreviousReference;
  return Pair.create(x, y);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public long getTimeUs(long position) {
 long positionOffset = position - dataStartPosition;
 if (!isSeekable() || positionOffset <= xingFrameSize) {
  return 0L;
 long[] tableOfContents = Assertions.checkNotNull(this.tableOfContents);
 double scaledPosition = (positionOffset * 256d) / dataSize;
 int prevTableIndex = Util.binarySearchFloor(tableOfContents, (long) scaledPosition, true, true);
 long prevTimeUs = getTimeUsForTableIndex(prevTableIndex);
 long prevScaledPosition = tableOfContents[prevTableIndex];
 long nextTimeUs = getTimeUsForTableIndex(prevTableIndex + 1);
 long nextScaledPosition = prevTableIndex == 99 ? 256 : tableOfContents[prevTableIndex + 1];
 // Linearly interpolate between the two table entries.
 double interpolateFraction = prevScaledPosition == nextScaledPosition ? 0
   : ((scaledPosition - prevScaledPosition) / (nextScaledPosition - prevScaledPosition));
 return prevTimeUs + Math.round(interpolateFraction * (nextTimeUs - prevTimeUs));

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public SeekPoints getSeekPoints(long timeUs) {
 int tableIndex = Util.binarySearchFloor(timesUs, timeUs, true, true);
 SeekPoint seekPoint = new SeekPoint(timesUs[tableIndex], positions[tableIndex]);
 if (seekPoint.timeUs >= timeUs || tableIndex == timesUs.length - 1) {
  return new SeekPoints(seekPoint);
 } else {
  SeekPoint nextSeekPoint = new SeekPoint(timesUs[tableIndex + 1], positions[tableIndex + 1]);
  return new SeekPoints(seekPoint, nextSeekPoint);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public void testArrayBinarySearchFloor() {
 long[] values = new long[0];
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, false, false)).isEqualTo(-1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, false, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 values = new long[] {1, 3, 5};
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, false, false)).isEqualTo(-1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, true, false)).isEqualTo(-1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, false, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, true, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 1, false, false)).isEqualTo(-1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 1, true, false)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 1, false, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 1, true, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 4, false, false)).isEqualTo(1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 4, true, false)).isEqualTo(1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 5, false, false)).isEqualTo(1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 5, true, false)).isEqualTo(2);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 6, false, false)).isEqualTo(2);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 6, true, false)).isEqualTo(2);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public void testListBinarySearchFloor() {
 List<Integer> values = new ArrayList<>();
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, false, false)).isEqualTo(-1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, false, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, false, false)).isEqualTo(-1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, true, false)).isEqualTo(-1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, false, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 0, true, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 1, false, false)).isEqualTo(-1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 1, true, false)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 1, false, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 1, true, true)).isEqualTo(0);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 4, false, false)).isEqualTo(1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 4, true, false)).isEqualTo(1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 5, false, false)).isEqualTo(1);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 5, true, false)).isEqualTo(2);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 6, false, false)).isEqualTo(2);
 assertThat(binarySearchFloor(values, 6, true, false)).isEqualTo(2);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public Period getPeriod(int periodIndex, Period period, boolean setIds) {
 int windowIndex = Util.binarySearchFloor(periodOffsets, periodIndex, true, false);
 int windowPeriodIndex = periodIndex - periodOffsets[windowIndex];
 TimelineWindowDefinition windowDefinition = windowDefinitions[windowIndex];
 Object id = setIds ? windowPeriodIndex : null;
 Object uid = setIds ? Pair.create(, windowPeriodIndex) : null;
 long periodDurationUs = windowDefinition.durationUs / windowDefinition.periodCount;
 long positionInWindowUs = periodDurationUs * windowPeriodIndex;
 return period.set(

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public Object getUidOfPeriod(int periodIndex) {
 Assertions.checkIndex(periodIndex, 0, getPeriodCount());
 int windowIndex =
     periodOffsets, periodIndex, /* inclusive= */ true, /* stayInBounds= */ false);
 int windowPeriodIndex = periodIndex - periodOffsets[windowIndex];
 TimelineWindowDefinition windowDefinition = windowDefinitions[windowIndex];
 return Pair.create(, windowPeriodIndex);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public SeekPoints getSeekPoints(long timeUs) {
 long granule = convertTimeToGranule(timeUs);
 int index = Util.binarySearchFloor(seekPointGranules, granule, true, true);
 long seekTimeUs = convertGranuleToTime(seekPointGranules[index]);
 long seekPosition = firstFrameOffset + seekPointOffsets[index];
 SeekPoint seekPoint = new SeekPoint(seekTimeUs, seekPosition);
 if (seekTimeUs >= timeUs || index == seekPointGranules.length - 1) {
  return new SeekPoints(seekPoint);
 } else {
  long secondSeekTimeUs = convertGranuleToTime(seekPointGranules[index + 1]);
  long secondSeekPosition = firstFrameOffset + seekPointOffsets[index + 1];
  SeekPoint secondSeekPoint = new SeekPoint(secondSeekTimeUs, secondSeekPosition);
  return new SeekPoints(seekPoint, secondSeekPoint);
