
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Constrains a value to the specified bounds.


代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

/** Returns whether it's possible to apply the specified edit using gapless playback info. */
private static boolean canApplyEditWithGaplessInfo(
  long[] timestamps, long duration, long editStartTime, long editEndTime) {
 int lastIndex = timestamps.length - 1;
 int latestDelayIndex = Util.constrainValue(MAX_GAPLESS_TRIM_SIZE_SAMPLES, 0, lastIndex);
 int earliestPaddingIndex =
   Util.constrainValue(timestamps.length - MAX_GAPLESS_TRIM_SIZE_SAMPLES, 0, lastIndex);
 return timestamps[0] <= editStartTime
   && editStartTime < timestamps[latestDelayIndex]
   && timestamps[earliestPaddingIndex] < editEndTime
   && editEndTime <= duration;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Returns the sample index for the sample at given position.
 * @param timeUs Time position in microseconds in the FLAC stream.
 * @return The sample index for the sample at given position.
public long getSampleIndex(long timeUs) {
 long sampleIndex = (timeUs * sampleRate) / C.MICROS_PER_SECOND;
 return Util.constrainValue(sampleIndex, 0, totalSamples - 1);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

private long getFramePositionForTimeUs(long timeUs) {
  long positionOffset = (timeUs * bitrate) / (C.MICROS_PER_SECOND * C.BITS_PER_BYTE);
  // Constrain to nearest preceding frame offset.
  positionOffset = (positionOffset / frameSize) * frameSize;
  positionOffset =
    Util.constrainValue(positionOffset, /* min= */ 0, /* max= */ dataSize - frameSize);
  return firstFrameBytePosition + positionOffset;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

private void positionScrubber(float xPosition) {
 scrubberBar.right = Util.constrainValue((int) xPosition, progressBar.left, progressBar.right);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Ensures {@code peekBuffer} is large enough to store at least {@code length} bytes from the
 * current peek position.
private void ensureSpaceForPeek(int length) {
 int requiredLength = peekBufferPosition + length;
 if (requiredLength > peekBuffer.length) {
  int newPeekCapacity = Util.constrainValue(peekBuffer.length * 2,
    requiredLength + PEEK_MIN_FREE_SPACE_AFTER_RESIZE, requiredLength + PEEK_MAX_FREE_SPACE);
  peekBuffer = Arrays.copyOf(peekBuffer, newPeekCapacity);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

private SeekParameters clipSeekParameters(long positionUs, SeekParameters seekParameters) {
 long toleranceBeforeUs =
     seekParameters.toleranceBeforeUs, /* min= */ 0, /* max= */ positionUs - startUs);
 long toleranceAfterUs =
     /* min= */ 0,
     /* max= */ endUs == C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE ? Long.MAX_VALUE : endUs - positionUs);
 if (toleranceBeforeUs == seekParameters.toleranceBeforeUs
   && toleranceAfterUs == seekParameters.toleranceAfterUs) {
  return seekParameters;
 } else {
  return new SeekParameters(toleranceBeforeUs, toleranceAfterUs);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Sets the playback speed. Calling this method will discard any data buffered within the
 * processor, and may update the value returned by {@link #isActive()}.
 * @param speed The requested new playback speed.
 * @return The actual new playback speed.
public float setSpeed(float speed) {
 speed = Util.constrainValue(speed, MINIMUM_SPEED, MAXIMUM_SPEED);
 if (this.speed != speed) {
  this.speed = speed;
  sonic = null;
 return speed;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Sets the playback pitch. Calling this method will discard any data buffered within the
 * processor, and may update the value returned by {@link #isActive()}.
 * @param pitch The requested new pitch.
 * @return The actual new pitch.
public float setPitch(float pitch) {
 pitch = Util.constrainValue(pitch, MINIMUM_PITCH, MAXIMUM_PITCH);
 if (this.pitch != pitch) {
  this.pitch = pitch;
  sonic = null;
 return pitch;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

| (initializationBytes[11] & 0xFF);
 defaultVerticalPlacement = (float) requestedVerticalPlacement / calculatedVideoTrackHeight;
 defaultVerticalPlacement = Util.constrainValue(defaultVerticalPlacement, 0.0f, 0.95f);
} else {
 defaultVerticalPlacement = DEFAULT_VERTICAL_PLACEMENT;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

private long getSegmentNum(
  RepresentationHolder representationHolder,
  @Nullable MediaChunk previousChunk,
  long loadPositionUs,
  long firstAvailableSegmentNum,
  long lastAvailableSegmentNum) {
 return previousChunk != null
   ? previousChunk.getNextChunkIndex()
   : Util.constrainValue(

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public final int getBufferedPercentage() {
 long position = getBufferedPosition();
 long duration = getDuration();
 return position == C.TIME_UNSET || duration == C.TIME_UNSET
   ? 0
   : duration == 0 ? 100 : Util.constrainValue((int) ((position * 100) / duration), 0, 100);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

private void drawPlayhead(Canvas canvas) {
 if (duration <= 0) {
 int playheadX = Util.constrainValue(scrubberBar.right, scrubberBar.left, progressBar.right);
 int playheadY = scrubberBar.centerY();
 if (scrubberDrawable == null) {
  int scrubberSize = (scrubbing || isFocused()) ? scrubberDraggedSize
    : (isEnabled() ? scrubberEnabledSize : scrubberDisabledSize);
  int playheadRadius = scrubberSize / 2;
  canvas.drawCircle(playheadX, playheadY, playheadRadius, scrubberPaint);
 } else {
  int scrubberDrawableWidth = scrubberDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth();
  int scrubberDrawableHeight = scrubberDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight();
    playheadX - scrubberDrawableWidth / 2,
    playheadY - scrubberDrawableHeight / 2,
    playheadX + scrubberDrawableWidth / 2,
    playheadY + scrubberDrawableHeight / 2);

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

private void parsePaletteSection(ParsableByteArray buffer, int sectionLength) {
 if ((sectionLength % 5) != 2) {
  // Section must be two bytes followed by a whole number of (index, y, cb, cr, a) entries.
 Arrays.fill(colors, 0);
 int entryCount = sectionLength / 5;
 for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
  int index = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
  int y = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
  int cr = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
  int cb = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
  int a = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
  int r = (int) (y + (1.40200 * (cr - 128)));
  int g = (int) (y - (0.34414 * (cb - 128)) - (0.71414 * (cr - 128)));
  int b = (int) (y + (1.77200 * (cb - 128)));
  colors[index] =
    (a << 24)
      | (Util.constrainValue(r, 0, 255) << 16)
      | (Util.constrainValue(g, 0, 255) << 8)
      | Util.constrainValue(b, 0, 255);
 colorsSet = true;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public void setVolume(float audioVolume) {
 audioVolume = Util.constrainValue(audioVolume, /* min= */ 0, /* max= */ 1);
 if (this.audioVolume == audioVolume) {
 this.audioVolume = audioVolume;
 for (AudioListener audioListener : audioListeners) {

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

private int getDefaultBufferSize() {
 if (isInputPcm) {
  int minBufferSize =
    AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(outputSampleRate, outputChannelConfig, outputEncoding);
  Assertions.checkState(minBufferSize != ERROR_BAD_VALUE);
  int multipliedBufferSize = minBufferSize * BUFFER_MULTIPLICATION_FACTOR;
  int minAppBufferSize = (int) durationUsToFrames(MIN_BUFFER_DURATION_US) * outputPcmFrameSize;
  int maxAppBufferSize = (int) Math.max(minBufferSize,
    durationUsToFrames(MAX_BUFFER_DURATION_US) * outputPcmFrameSize);
  return Util.constrainValue(multipliedBufferSize, minAppBufferSize, maxAppBufferSize);
 } else {
  int rate = getMaximumEncodedRateBytesPerSecond(outputEncoding);
  if (outputEncoding == C.ENCODING_AC3) {

代码示例来源:origin: TeamNewPipe/NewPipe

private void publishFloatingQueueWindow() {
  if (callback.getQueueSize() == 0) {
    activeQueueItemId = MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem.UNKNOWN_ID;
  // Yes this is almost a copypasta, got a problem with that? =\
  int windowCount = callback.getQueueSize();
  int currentWindowIndex = callback.getCurrentPlayingIndex();
  int queueSize = Math.min(maxQueueSize, windowCount);
  int startIndex = Util.constrainValue(currentWindowIndex - ((queueSize - 1) / 2), 0,
      windowCount - queueSize);
  List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> queue = new ArrayList<>();
  for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + queueSize; i++) {
    queue.add(new MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem(callback.getQueueMetadata(i), i));
  activeQueueItemId = currentWindowIndex;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

private void publishFloatingQueueWindow(Player player) {
 if (player.getCurrentTimeline().isEmpty()) {
  activeQueueItemId = MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem.UNKNOWN_ID;
 int windowCount = player.getCurrentTimeline().getWindowCount();
 int currentWindowIndex = player.getCurrentWindowIndex();
 int queueSize = Math.min(maxQueueSize, windowCount);
 int startIndex = Util.constrainValue(currentWindowIndex - ((queueSize - 1) / 2), 0,
   windowCount - queueSize);
 List<MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem> queue = new ArrayList<>();
 for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + queueSize; i++) {
  queue.add(new MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem(getMediaDescription(player, i), i));
 activeQueueItemId = currentWindowIndex;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

 * Incrementally scrubs the position by {@code positionChange}.
 * @param positionChange The change in the scrubber position, in milliseconds. May be negative.
 * @return Returns whether the scrubber position changed.
private boolean scrubIncrementally(long positionChange) {
 if (duration <= 0) {
  return false;
 long scrubberPosition = getScrubberPosition();
 scrubPosition = Util.constrainValue(scrubberPosition + positionChange, 0, duration);
 if (scrubPosition == scrubberPosition) {
  return false;
 if (!scrubbing) {
 for (OnScrubListener listener : listeners) {
  listener.onScrubMove(this, scrubPosition);
 return true;

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public SeekPoints getSeekPoints(long timeUs) {
 timeUs = Util.constrainValue(timeUs, 0, durationUs);
 Pair<Long, Long> timeMsAndPosition =
   linearlyInterpolate(C.usToMs(timeUs), referenceTimesMs, referencePositions);
 timeUs = C.msToUs(timeMsAndPosition.first);
 long position = timeMsAndPosition.second;
 return new SeekPoints(new SeekPoint(timeUs, position));

代码示例来源:origin: google/ExoPlayer

public SeekPoints getSeekPoints(long timeUs) {
 long positionOffset = (timeUs * averageBytesPerSecond) / C.MICROS_PER_SECOND;
 // Constrain to nearest preceding frame offset.
 positionOffset = (positionOffset / blockAlignment) * blockAlignment;
 positionOffset = Util.constrainValue(positionOffset, 0, dataSize - blockAlignment);
 long seekPosition = dataStartPosition + positionOffset;
 long seekTimeUs = getTimeUs(seekPosition);
 SeekPoint seekPoint = new SeekPoint(seekTimeUs, seekPosition);
 if (seekTimeUs >= timeUs || positionOffset == dataSize - blockAlignment) {
  return new SeekPoints(seekPoint);
 } else {
  long secondSeekPosition = seekPosition + blockAlignment;
  long secondSeekTimeUs = getTimeUs(secondSeekPosition);
  SeekPoint secondSeekPoint = new SeekPoint(secondSeekTimeUs, secondSeekPosition);
  return new SeekPoints(seekPoint, secondSeekPoint);
